The Convincing

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Alek was reading a book on his bed on fantasy creatures.

"Alek!" Bridgette runs in, forgetting to knock, her bones trembling with fear "Someone is speaking against me! Saying terrible terrible things! They found out about Rose and think I hurt Kogan and-"

Alek puts down is book and moving by her. "Slow down. Explain."

Bridgette takes a deep breath "O-okay.... I sent the princess home last night, so she's gone. The King knows, and so does someone else, and now that someone is speaking against me!"

"The princess left?" Alek places his hands on her shoulders. "What have they been saying?"

"T-they have  been saying things about my anger, about hurting you and Kogan, about-"

"Prince Alek!" A servant opens the door. Alek turns. The servant glances between them. "The king wants to speak to you."

Bridgette turns pale and looks at Alek. Alek frowns at the servant. "Knock before entry next time!" He turns back to Bridgette. "I'll be back. It will be fine,  I promise." He smiles lightly.

Bridgette nods and whispers "M-meet me in the sanctuary... please..." She takes off towards the garden.

Alek opens the door to the king's office. "Father what's all this nonsense about?"

The King looks up. "Alek have a seat."

Alek doesn't sit, instead he stands by the desk. "Father I want to know what you've been accusing Bridgette of!"


The king stays seated. "She has been accused with physically assaulting you and causing Kogan to cry."

Timber quietly listens by the door, ready to disappear if needed.

"Well sure but-" the king folds his hands. "So you admit it's true?"

Timbers lips curl into a smirk.

Alek narrows his eyes. "It's the truth but twisted. She slapped me because I had deeply offended Princess Rose. I deserved that! And she never made Kogan cry, that was Tobias' doing and she was the one to comfort him!"

Timber frowns.

A: (Hehehehe)

The king looks him in the eyes. "That's not all she was accused of."

Timber smirks again and relaxes.

Alek leans over the desk. "Whatever it is I'm sure there is a perfectly good explanation for it!"


"Alek have you ever considered that she may be taking advantage of you?"

Alek shakes his head. "No, because I know her and she would never even think about that!"

"Alek." The king speaks slowly so Alek would listen. "Think about it.  What do you think of her?"

"Personally?" Alek asks. "She's...well she's my friend. She's kind and brilliant. I don't see what this is proving."

"Has she ever asked you to do something for her that changed how you viewed her?" The king continues.

Alek hesitated, thinking back.

"Alek has she?"


"W-well I suppose.. but it didn't mean anything!"

"Alek what happened."

"It was only a dance! It meant nothing to her I'm sure." Alek says, annoyed.


The king stands. "But it meant something to you."

Timber shuts his eyes and smirks more.

Alek steps back. "N-no! She's only a friend!"

The king stares at him. "Alek I think I know what happened. You were in distress, she came to you right?"

Alek looks to the floor.

"She comforted you.. asked you to dance.."

Alek sits down. "She wouldn't..."


The king places a hand on his shoulder. "Alek, it's alright."

Alek brushes him away. "No it's not." Alek stands.

"You are dismissed." The king bows and Alek leaves.

Alek stands outside of the office for a moment sorting through his thoughts. "The sanctuary.." he mutters, and starts for the garden, his head aching.


Timber disappears just in time and appears in the garden at night. He stands in the hedge maze, listening to the silence for a moment before chuckling low. His chuckle turns into laughter and he puts his hands in his pockets as he begins walking.




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