The Therapy

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Bridgette shuts her door roughly and falls against it. She whimpers and tries to hold in her tears as she whispers to herself, "Idiotic.... idiotic... s-stop being idiotic... is that w-why no one's likes me...? I-im idiotic..." She grabs her head and yanks down sharply, shaking her head and pressing her back against the door "I'm idiotic and oblivious and not pretty and.... I shouldn't b-be like that..." She cries, hating everything about herself.

Alek knocks on her door. "B-Bri-" he sneezes. "Bridgette I need to tell you s-s-s-" another sneeze. "Something about that guard!"

"GO AWAY! GO AWAY I DON'T W-WANT TO LISTEN TO YOU!" She trembles at the sound of his voice and can only hear it saying that word.

"Please!" He knocks harder. "You have to trust me before you get hurt!"

"I AM HURT! AND I-ITS BECAUSE OF YOU! NOT THE G-GUARD! JUST-" she trembles and whimpers, "Leave me a-alone..." Her voice is aching and she cries.

"Bridgette!" Alek calls. 

Anna puts her hands on her hips. "Prince Alek! You leave that poor girl alone! Just because you are going to be king doesn't give you the right to force others to do what you want!"

 Alek steps back. "Miss Anna, I'm not trying to force her I promise I-" he sneezes and Anna shakes her head. 

"I don't care what your reason is, she doesn't want to see you. Go."

Bridgette hears Anna and she whimpers more "A-anna?" She sniffs and wipes her nose, trembling.

Anna hears her and points a finger to the stairs. Alek shakes his head. "I don't believe this..." he mutters,  his hands shaking as he walked away. Anna take a deep breath and opens the door. "Yes dear?"

Bridgette looks up at her, shaking terribly. "A-anna!" She burst into tears and hugs Anna's legs as tightly as she can (which is actually quite weak in her state).

Anna shakes her head. "My dear child..." Anna sits down, putting an arm around Bridgette. "What's wrong?"

"I-im not pretty- a-and I'm i-idiotic and-and i-i h-hate myself," she hiccups and cries "A-anna I d-dont wanna s-stay here... I-i want my Papa..."

Anna rubs her back. "Who would say such things?"

"A-alek a-and the guard... l-lots of people..." She trembles.

"And were they angry when they said that? People often say things they dont mean."

"B-but it still hurts! A-alek would never say anything he doesn't mean! H-hes always honest with me!"

"Hmm.." Anna looks at Bridgette. "And that guard? What's his name?"

"J-james... why...?"

"Huh? I just wanted to see if I knew him." She let her hair. "I've never met him but he's dead wrong. You're one of the most smart and pretty girls in this kingdom."

Bridgette looks down and shakes her head. "N-no... I'm not. I look nothing like other girls... he's the only person I've caught the attention of..." She blinks a few times "And... for some reason... he... h-he catches my attention..."

"Do you like him?" Anna asks.

"... Yes? I have a feeling I should... but... I... don't?" She shakes her head, as if suddenly confused.

"You can't tell then? Well that's normal."

"Well... no..." She blinks "It's more like.... he... I feel like I know him somehow. He doesn't act like anyone I know, yet he... seems familiar."

Anna purses her lips. "Well, I'm not sure I can relate to that... The Prince seemed to bother you the most. What did he do?"

"H-he..." Bridgette tells Anna what happened and whimpers, sniffling and shaking.

"He beat up a guard?!" Anna is shocked. "That's risky... but you won't talk to either of them?"

"I... I don't know..." She looks down. "I... dont know anything anymore... I'll figure it out in the morning..."

Anna nods. "It's always best to sleep on problems. You never really know how you feel until the shock has passed."

She nods and crawls into her bed, empty. "Thank you Anna..."

Anna stands opening the door. "You're welcome. And Bridgette, sleep well."

She nods and shuts her eyes, pretending to sleep.

Anna smiles lightly, closing the door. She turns to walk down the hall but yelps with surprise seeing Alek sleeping on the staircase. She shakes her head. She goes to her room grabbing an extra blanket and pillow, laying Alek back and putting the blanket over him.

Bridgette soon falls asleep.


A/N: *SPOILERS* He sticks out one of his arms. "No snakes for you!"


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