The Insult

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Bridgette wakes up feeling slightly depressed. She goes to do her job with an empty look.

The garden was soaked, morning rainfall having drenched the earth. Alek was asleep, papers scattered, each one soaked yet meaningless.

Bridgette tends the orchards and stays silent, her ears still lowered.

Alek felt the patter of a liquid on his head, water dripping from an overhead branch. He opened his eyes slowly, feeling unmotivated to get up. He sneezed and sat up, running his hand though his hair. He sneezed again.

A: (... he sick...? MY BABY NU)

Bridgette for a moment wishes for Alek to visit her, but she shakes her head, remembering what the guard said. She finishes her job quickly and realizes she has time to talk with the guard. She runs into the castle.

Alek sneezes. He sighs, feeling his coat cling to his skin and his hair stick to his head. He shakes his hair, most of the excess water coming out. He frowns as he gathers together the papers, some falling apart as he grabbed them.


Bridgette decides that she should actually go to the king. She knocks on the door.

Alek made his way inside, his shoes squishing with each step. He removes his gloves, stepping into the main hall.

A servant opens the door. The king hunches over his desk.

"... Sir? Are you alright?" Bridgette walks in slowly.

He looks up and quickly folds up a paper he had in his hands and tucks it into his jacket. "Yes, yes. What is it?"

"I... was wondering if Timber bothered you again and- wait- what was that paper?"

"It was a letter, an old one." The King sat upright in his chair. "And no, oddly enough I have not spoken to him since the last time."

"He must know we told you..." She looks away and sighs. "He won't bother you again..."

The king nods. "Fair enough. Was that all?"

She nods "Yes. That's all." She leaves.

Alek held the soggy papers, standing in the hall, not wanting to soak the floor. He sneezed and started walking towards his room.

A few guards pass him and the head guard chuckles "I see you have the sniffles Prince Alek."

Alek sneezes. "Like you care about anything but yourself." Alek scowls at the guard.

"Woah ho.... lots of tension... I'm guessing there is a reason but I kinda don't care." The other two chuckle. 

One guard says, "Yeah. Tell us more about the weird girl." 

He laughs and nods "Gladly!"

Alek pauses. "What weird girl?"

"That green one ya brought in. A little weirdo that one." They all laugh and the head guard continues "First time I met her she was pretty proud of herself... now she's just foolish." They chuckle.

Alek feels something snap. "I'm sorry, did you just call her... foolish and weird?"

He smirks and chuckles "Uup. Just being honest, I mean, she gets so excitable over nothing. It's pathetic really."

"Pathetic huh?" Alek tucks his papers into his suit coat, "And how exactly did you find out this much?"

His lips twitch. "I've been spending a lot of time with the weirdo. She can't keep away from me. Has to be my charm." He winks and elbows one of the men.

A: (There is something u don't know about this idiot. Could Bridgette really fall for this fool....? Could she....?)

Alek fakes a laugh, "Haha very funny..." Alek grabs the guard by his collar and slams him against the wall. "Look, that 'green one' is someone I care about, so I will NOT stand for you saying anything against her! She is not weird, she is not pathetic, she is NOT a fool! The only fool here is you for thinking it would be alright to be so shallow!" Alek put his arm up over the guard's neck. "Now, I order you to take back what you said."

The guard grunts and the other two step back in shock. The head guard smirks "H-ha. Never. Kill me and she'll just hate you more than she already does. Oh, right, you don't know about that."

Alek puts more pressure. "It certainly takes a lot to kill someone." Alek was deathly serious. "Apologize. To me and to her."

"I've done nothing to make her upset! If you haven't n-noticed, she loves me. More than anyone, and more than you." He gulps and chuckles.

Alek scowls, kneeing him where it hurts and punching the guard across the face. "Take it back!"

"Gah!" He coughs and spits on the ground, smiling a bit as he looks back at Alek "... Pardon?"

"ALEK!" Bridgette yells from down the hall.

Alek froze before he growls, not hearing Bridgette and kicking the guard in the side. "Shut up! Shut up!"

Bridgette's eyes widen and the guard coughs blood, falling to the ground. Bridgette runs to Alek and yanks him back "Alek stop it! What the h*ll Are you doing?!"

"You BASTAPLER!" Except he didn't say bastapler. Alek opens his mouth to say something but sneezes.

Bridgette shoves him "Alek what is wrong with you?!?!" The guard stands up and chuckles slightly, wiping his mouth with a smile "I believe he is only jealous, my lady."

 Bridgette blushes as the guard puts an arm around her. She looks at Alek "That's low Alek... Why on earth would you be jealous?"


"Jealous?!" Alek gestures angrily to the guard. "I have no reason to be jealous, but you," he looks to the guard. "You're a shallow, creepy, FOX."

The guards lips curl in a smile as he looks at Bridgette, but Bridgette is too focused on Alek to notice "Alek how dare you! Hold your tongue!" She glares "You're being RUDE."

"Do go really think that I would react without reason?!" Alek takes a step forward, his shoe squishing. "You're being oblivious! When will you stop being so idiotic?!"

Bridgette jolts at his words. Her lip quivers and she bites it, looking away and grabbing her arm. The guard suddenly growls and looks at alek. "Take back your words or I'll chop off your tongue."

"Yeah! I have no doubt you would!" Alek flicks some water off of his face with his hand. "You've threatened me with that before!"

Bridgette's mind seems to shut off, the only word repeating in her mind is, 'idiotic'. The guard sighs and rolls his eyes. "You're pathetic. I don't have time for this. I have to train. See ya later Bridgette." He kisses her cheek yet she doesn't seem to notice as he walks off with his buddies. Bridgette stares at the ground.

 "... I.... i-idiotic..."

Alek's jaw tightens. His hands ball into fists. "You coward!" Alek yells after the guard.

The guard just waves away Alek's words. Bridgette doesn't, and she whimpers.

Alek glances to Bridgette, his eyes softening for a moment before turning cold. "Bridgette, please, you have to see what's going on here!"

"I-i was making a friend..." She trembles "A-and now you made him leave..." She feels more tears, whimpering. She runs to the cottage as fast as she can, still feeling sick from his words.



"Bridgette he- he's-" Alek sneezes. Alek shouts in frustration and takes off his coat, throwing it on the floor. Alek runs after her.


I don't know how to feel about this...

L/N: I only feel in screams at the moment.

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