The Cottage

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"What ever happened to Tobias...?" She looks curious.

Alek picks up his jacket. "Tobias?" Alek facepalms "Of course! I'm so daft!" Alek picks up his shoes and socks.

Bridgette giggles "That's okay..." She sighs "Well... see you around? I'll be helping rose in the morning as well. So maybe I'll see you then too..."

"Oh.. right. Yes, please do." Alek paused at the hedge opening and smiled before diving through.

Bridgette blushes and smiles she heads back to the castle and tries to find the cottage.

Alek walked the castle, looking for Tobias.

When she finds the cottage, she knocks on the door smiling.

The cottage was smaller than the castle by far, looking to have only two floors but a willow tree in front. A woman opened the door, black hair tied up, dirt covering her hands. "Oh, hello?"

"Hello! I work here now! Is that okay? The King said I have to stay here so I'm gonna do that." She smiles. "I'm Bridgette Ashtree what's your name?" She smiles and holds out her hand.

The woman nods and pushes the door open. She shakes her hand, the dirt spreading like a virus. "Anna Jacobs."

L: (Cause why not have a family)


"Oooh! I know your.... relative! He was very nice and I like him, but he's also very rude." She walks inside and looks around.

The inside is small but cozy. "He's just brutally honest and overly curious. Make yourself at home, you won't be starting until tomorrow."

Bridgette nods and her ears perk up "Thank you! And I wouldn't say honest. He wouldn't have helped me." She walks around, trying to find a spare room.

The woman moves to the sink. "He would have done what he could." She smiles.

"Oh. Well I wasn't going to trust him." Bridgette smiles back.

She washes the dirt off of her hands,"You don't have to."

Bridgette nods "Do you know where I can sleep?"

She turns off the water. "Right, you can follow me." She starts walking upstairs.

Bridgette follows.

"There are three other gardeners other than me, those being Thomas, Hansen, and Evie." She says, pointing to the doors as she passes rooms. She stops at the end. "This room here is all yours."

Bridgette walks in and turns to Anna. "Thank you! I can't wait to meet you all, except in the morning I will be gone to help the princess. But I will be back quickly I promise!"

"Sure, just be back before nine to be assigned a job." Anna smiles, walking off.

The room is small, with wooden bed drawers and a small desk and a chair.

Bridgette shuts the door and lays on the bed. She stares at the ceiling and grabs her key. "Oh papa... I think everything is going to work out..." she shuts her eyes and smiles before drifting to sleep.

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