The Visit

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The moon is high, and most slaves are asleep.

The cook sat by the fire, having first watch for the second night in a row.

There is a sound from the trees, close by.

The Cook looks up, having been listening to noises in the trees for two nights. He sees no problem in the noise, but checks either way.

Down the path in the moonlight is Timber's silhouette, his tails flicking. He begins walking closer, with his hands in his pockets.

The cook stands in a calm manner, holding a hand to his sword. "Who goes there?"

"No one of importance..." he says, still walking closer.

"What is your business here?" The cook walks forward as well, keeping his voice calm to match the still of night.

Timber smiles slightly and looks up to face him. "Again, nothing important... I see the slaves are asleep..." He passes the cart.

"Yes. Indeed they are... I'm sorry sir but if you're here to browse the shipment ahead of time, I'm afraid it's not allowed." The Cook steps close to the cart, staring at Timber with caution.

He chuckles and stops. "... I already own one..." He smirks slowly.

"You must be delusional sir. That would be incorrect."

"Don't play naive..." He glares and takes a few steps closer "I know what you are doing here... and I'm here to tell you it won't work... She is to be sold."

"You find yourself to be so smart, yet you fail to realize that it's not going to happen." He steps closer to Timber, unsheathing his sword and placing the tip into the ground.

Timber chuckles "It's funny you think so... You can hardly protect Bridgette against me, you aren't going to save her from slavery." He shrugs "Well not if I can do anything about it."

The cook smirks. "Funny thing actually, I seem to have stopped you every time." He twists his sword, daring to chuckle lightly.

Timber's smile falls. "... Barely...." he glares "Yet I'm still here. And believe me boy, it may take a long time, but I always get what I want..."

"Yeah well it's been taking you centuries to figure out this odd desire of yours. As long as I play a part in this, you'll be waiting a hundred more." He glares.

Timber laughs "You honestly think you can stop me, don't you... How pathetic." He takes a few steps closer and snarls "I've always had this desire... it was only misfortune when it slipped out of me. Ever since she chose me I've had the desire..." he stares at the ground for a moment before smiling and looking at the cook. "Though that information doesn't matter to you I'm sure..."

"She chose a pet dog." He lifts his head. "From what I can tell, you're no longer anything compared to what she thought you were."

"She was the one who comforted me when I changed!" He is suddenly not as content as before, his anger swarming "After I turned she never stopped caring about me! She kept me sane.... Even when I wasn't a pet dog..." He turns away and stares at the ground "I was always there for her... and she was there for me... whether I was a DOG.... or not..."

"And you betrayed her." The cook twists his sword again, facing the sharp side towards Timber. "I thought dogs were meant to be loyal."

He laughs "I never betrayed her dear boy... She betrayed me...."

"By resisting something you forced upon her without her consent. Yes, you were definitely not the villain." The cook narrows his eyes.

Timber snarls and turns to face him. "You know nothing.... You hardly know anything about the story, so don't claim the truth if it isn't yours." He begins walking down the path, yet he stops "Oh, one more thing. Bridgette will get sold. I'll make sure the king knows what you're up to..." He snaps and disappears.

The cook glances towards the crate, dreading whatever could await him at home... if he was even willing to call it that...
"My first instinct is to protect you.." he says, acknowledging the truth out loud.

That's when Alek puts back his sword, and continues his watch.




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