The Truth

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Bridgette smiles more and stands up. "Then let's go!" She begins walking.

Alek gets to his feet and jogs to her side, walking next to her.

After a while of walking in silence Bridgette says softly "Thanks again... Alek... for comforting me." She smiles a bit.

Alek takes her hand. "You're welcome." He smiles.

Her face tints red though she decides to believe it is only a friendly thing. So she holds his hand as well and continues walking.

"Besides," Alek looks to the ground, studying his walking pattern. "If you ever need me just ask."

She nods and looks at him. "The same to you. And please don't hide things from me... if I can ever help, just let me know okay?"

He nods. "Always." Although, he didn't know if that would be easy.

Bridgette smiles a bit and continues walking.

After a while of walking, the castle and town of Alcor come into view. "Ah! Look we're almost there!" Alek chuckles. "This was so much worse in full armor and carrying things."

Bridgette gasps and takes off in a run towards town.

Alek laughs and chases after her. The town, as always was large, filled with people going about their business and children playing in the streets.

Bridgette smiles wide and jumps up and down "I've never been to the town! I mean- I was locked up in a cart when I did so..."

Alek smiles wide and laugh. "Really? I can't believe I haven't taken you yet!"

She giggles "Maybe you can take me another time. But right now, we need to see the king." She begins running to the castle.

Alek runs after her, a few people waving and shouting to him.

"You know everybody here!" She smiles at him.

"Well they know me, that's for certain." He laughs, following still.

Bridgette smiles and gets to the castle. She stops to catch her breath.

Alek catches up to her, stopping at the gate. Four guards begin opening the large door.

Bridgette thanks them then runs inside.

The castle was as it is usual, servants cleaning and sunlight soaking into the rooms. Alek keeps an eye out for his father.

She does the same and looks around. "... It's so good to be back..." She looks at Alek. "Now let's find you father, and tell him the truth."

Alek nods, moving to the middle of the main hall. "DARWIN!"

Bridgette follows him quietly, looking at the king with slit eyes, ready for an argument.

The king stood at the top of the staircase. Alek took a step towards him. "Father I need you to listen to us."

Bridgette looks up at him, her ears flicking back. "..." She growls slightly but takes a deep breath. "Sire...."

The King starts forward, his face stern as he quietly makes his way down the staircase. He reaches the bottom, his eyes glued to Bridgette. "Listen to me, girl. I want you to say the truth and nothing but. If I feel you're wasting my time, I'm sending you away. For good."

Bridgette gulps and her expression softens from worry. Her mind fills with fear of leaving them. "I... the truth is... your adviser has lied to you! A-a little. His name is Timber and-"

Alek steps up. "Father, I know your advisor is Timber, the man from the ball. The one with the mask and tails." Alek's eyes are sincere. He steps in, realizing Bridgette was nervous. "That man is dangerous and should not be trusted. Did you ever stop to wonder how he was gaining his information, why he cared about our kingdom if he wasn't from here, why he was so set on Bridgette?" Alek gestured to her. "That man is no man, he's a monster and he cares not for the state of our castle, our family." The king's eyes soften slightly. "Bridgette helped us! Remember? She was the one who let me grow closer to you, and your new advisor was the one to hurt us. I hope you understand that he is not your friend."

Bridgette fills with relief and nods, hiding behind Alek as she grabs his arm. "I-i promise I would never betray you... or your kingdom..."

The king's glare sharpens again. "I find it hard to believe anything you say. Your credibility is lost." The king looks back to Alek. "And you, how can I know you're not just defending your lover?"

 Alek held still, his eyes looking into the King's. "She is not my lover. She is only a friend and that's all she will be. She's done no wrong and nor have I."

Bridgette tenses and let's go of Alek. She looks confused and takes a step back "... Lover...?" She shakes her head "What makes you think I'm his lover?!"

"My advisor had told me that you had slept with my son." His eyes were angry but his face was cool.

Bridgette's face burns red, from anger and embarrassment (And the thought of sleeping with Alek) "That's crazy! Sir, the only reason your son and I were in the same bed, -not DOING anything might I add!- was because Timber was trying to take me in the first place! Your son was protecting me!"

"Darwin, she's not lying. I would never do such a thing." Alek held a hand out as a gesture. "For the good of Alcor, please realize that Timber is preaching false knowledge. He tells half truths. He is a bad influence to this kingdom."

Bridgette nods and looks at him. "Alek, call him father. He's your dad." She looks back at the king "Please understand, Timber is only here for downfall... and your son can find a lot more women that are much better than me, so you don't need to worry about that." She winks at Alek "I saw a cute girl waving to you in town."

Alek looks away from his father, confusion on his face. "Just because they--never mind." He looks back to Darwin. "Father... please understand. You need to get rid of Timber."

Bridgette nods once, looking back at the king. "He is dangerous..."

The king is stone faced. "What evidence do you have against him?" Alek thinks. "Father, after I had gotten Bridgette, Timber himself attacked me. He gave me these," Alek said, pulling his shirt to show scars.

Bridgette winces and looks away from them. "He hurts Alek whenever he has the chance. The more you have him around, the more you put your son at risk."

The king places a hand on Alek's side. "He did this? Tell me how." Alek explained what happened, the king's eyes becoming cold.

Bridgette nods. "He has been tormenting us! And then he tried to separate me from all of you! It... almost worked if Alek didn't help..." her ears lower.

The King nods. "Both of you go get cleaned up. I'll decide what I wish to do."

Bridgette's ears perk up and she gasps. "Thank you!" He hugs him tightly.

The king stands still, looking to Alek. Alek bows. "Thank you father. Now, Bridgette, we should get going..." he says, taking her by the arm and pulling her away from the king.

She smiles and follows Alek brightly, running to a bathroom where she can wash up.


A/N: Dude.... The end is.... Omg L we're at the part where he.... and she and then Timber... and that guard..
The end is closer than ever.


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