The Framed

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Timber grins and waits patiently.

A guard in lightweight armor approaches and bows. "Good sir, my name is Leo. I've been set to watch over your stay and report back to the king." He straightens. "I am also due to protect and serve under your order."

"Wonderful. Under my order is perfect. Go and check on princess Rose, and be back here before long."

The guard eyes him. He then nods, turning to move up the stairs and soon after disappeared out of sight. He knocks on the door to the Princess's room.

Timber shakes his head and walks away.

Bridgette calls from inside "Princess is sick what do you need?!" She opens the door and looks confused "Who are you?"

"I work for the king, in turn I demand to see the princess." Leo says, standing tall, "If necessary I will enter by force."

Bridgettes eyes widen "O-oh no you can't do that! She is sick and doesn't want anyone to see her. Only me."

"This is of no matter to the king. I have been ordered to see her." Leo looks down on her. "This is your last chance to open willingly."

"I am not letting you in." She stares up at him sharply, clenching her fists "The princess does not want to see you." She takes a step closer to him so she can shut the door, yet she is slightly uncomfortable with the lack of space. Though she doesn't back down.

"Step aside."

"Kiss my a$$." She glares and her eyes slit "I'm not letting you see her."

Leo is able to easily push her aside and walks in.

Bridgette yelps "H-hey! No-" he sees that Rose isn't in there.

Leo turns around quickly, taking Bridgette by her collar. "You're coming with me."

Bridgette looks at him and her ears lower with fear "L-let me go!" She tries to push away.

Leo keeps his grip, pulling her to the Main office.

Bridgette growls and struggles more, filling with dread.

The guard opens the door, sitting Bridgette on the chair. The king looks up at Leo. "Why are you still here?"

Leo bows. "Sir, this girl resisted to follow orders and tried to hide the fact that the princess is missing."

The king sighs, leaning back in his chair. "Fine just get BACK to your job."

Leo leaves, and comes back moments later. "S-sir he's..gone."

Bridgette looks confused and afraid, looking from the king to Leo.

The king glares at Leo. "Get BACK to your post." Leo bows once more and runs off to find Timber.

A: (Hehe loser.)

The king then looks to Bridgette.

Bridgette sits straight and gulps "I-i can explain! Rose is just sick, and she likes the garden so she went to the garden."

"I'm going to stop you there."

She shuts her mouth.

The king stands. "I'm not an idiot. I know she's gone."

Bridgette's ears lower and her heart sinks. "I.... I n-never said you were an idiot sir I-"

"I don't care what you said. I need to know what happened to her." The king stays standing, staring at her with his hands on his desk.

Bridgette gulps and opens her mouth to speak but shuts it. She hesitates and finally says, "S-she... I... can't tell you..."

"That answer won't do. Answer honestly so justified punishment can be assigned." The king continues to stare, unmoving.

"P-punishment?! You... you won't go after the princess will you?" She trembles.

"Bridgette." The king starts. "So far you've done nothing to betray my trust. I would hope you wouldn't ruin that with hiding this."

Bridgette's ears lower and she nods. "I... I sent her back home. I wrote a letter to the queen saying it was from you and sent it with her..."

"Why?" The king asks, his tone strong.

She whimpers "B-because..." She debated on telling the truth, and realizes that Rose would get in trouble for loving a general. ".... Because she missed h-home and wanted to be queen of her o-own homeland..."

The king doesnt move. "Swear to your words."

Bridgette shrinks "S-swear on what?"

A: (Stalling. Nice try Bridgette *cries*)

"I want you to swear on your word, promise that you speak only the truth."

Bridgette grabs her key and whimpers. She trembles and shakes her head looking down "I cant.... sir..." She grabs the locket too "I cant..."

The king sits down. "Then allow me to switch the subject of question." The king folds his arms. "I have received word from a source that you have committed treason against the Princes."

"Agaisnt the princes!?" She shakes her head "I would never do that! And what source?!"

"They say that you had harmed Alek on several occasions, caused Kogan distress to the point of tears." The king was stone faced. "They also say that you're trying to seduce my son in order to gain his favor. What do you say in accordance to these accusations?"

Bridgette's eyes slit and ears pin back "How could you believe that!? I would never seduce Alek! And Kogan is like a brother to me! I would never do anything to harm them! Now tell me who this source is!"

The king notices her change. "So, he was right about that as well.." he muttered. "So you deny all accounts of action?"

"Yes!" Bridgette's mind is blurred with the anger of what this man has said "And right about what?!"

"He claimed that when angry your eyes slit and ears pin back. It may not prove anything but it raises suspicion."

Bridgette quickly goes back to normal, shocked about this knowledge "Who.... who is this man?"

"That is of no importance at this time." The king leans forward. "You are dismissed."

She jolts and runs from the room, not looking back.


A/N: Shiz I remember his plan working so well...... omg.... L what have we done. Re-living this is heart racing.

L/N: This makes me so frustrated! I HATED when it was working for him because AHHGH!!

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