The Tease

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The leader laughs at the cook, then walks to the front of the troop and calling out. "Move out!"

The cart and the guards starting to move, the one next to the cook laughing and elbowing him. "Come on sir suave! Now how did your visit with the lady go?"

The cook scowls. "Nothing happened, which is more than you'll ever get."

Bridgette Snickers and tries to hold it in. "Pfft..." She covers her mouth and looks at the cook.

The cook's hair was over his eyes, looking to the floor as he marched on. His face was slightly red, both from embarrassment and frustration.

Bridgette's lips twitch in a smile and she looks away from him, shaking her head and reminding herself she needs to hate him.

After hours of walking, they pulled to a stop to rest.

As the night ended, the sun was still down, yet the feeling of early morning was strong. The cooks were awake, the one with black hair adding ingredients to the slave's pot behind the other's back.

Bridgette tightens her lips and growls, determined not to eat this time. She wouldn't let him get in her head.

The cook sets apart a bowl, adding berries to the honey-oatmeal. He sets the bowl behind himself, hiding it from the other.

They begin talking and as soon as the sun rises, they are serving the guards and the cook goes to feed the slaves.

Bridgette glares darkly at him and moves as far away as possible. She turns away from him and her ears lower. "He's a poop nugget...."

The cook laughs. "I know." He gives the slaves the pot, which smelled unusually good.

Bridgette jolts "Wait- you heard me?" Her face turns pink from embarrassment. She glares at the ground and tries to ignore the smell.

"Well it would be almost as rude to ignore someone who is speaking as it is to deny cooking." The guard holds the bowl in his hands.

Bridgette looks at it and turns her head. "No. And this time I won't let you feed me."

"And I'd rather not need to insult you again." He places the bowl next to her. "I'll leave this here for you instead." The honey oatmeal was drizzled with raspberry preserves with berries on top.
The cook leaves quickly after.

Bridgette stares at the food and licks her lips. She eats some of it but her stomach starts to hurt more.

The same guard from before playfully punches the cook in the shoulder with a laugh. The cook takes off his helmet and closes his eyes, running a hand through his hair as he explained, his fingers becoming blackened.

Bridgette looks at him and she stares in awe at his fingers, trying to make sense of it. "Hey! Cook!" She calls to him with a glare.

The cook looks over and the other guard smirked seeing the cook block his face. "What peasant?" The cook asks.

"..." She looks away from him and mumbles "N-nevermind..."

The guard laughs and the cook elbows him in the stomach, smiling slightly.

Bridgette scowls and scrapes at the wood on the cart.

The guard helps the cook clean up, putting away the pots.

When night comes Bridgette stays up, curious about the cook. She pretends to sleep yet listens to him.

The cook stays up talking to the guard who lays by the fire. "So, you say you know her?" The cook laughs quietly.

"Yes! As I've told you!"

Bridgette's eyes widen and she begins wondering who it could possibly be.

"Funny thing that, she seems to find you weird, I mean, you are but-"

The cook hits his leg. "I am not, I'm just..special."

They both laugh, holding their hands over their mouths to quiet it.

Bridgette tenses and gulps quietly. Deciding to keep a sharp eye on the cook. She sleeps it off silently.


A/N: Hehehe do you think she'll find out or not? Well, obviously at some point but you think he tells her, or she figures it out? HEHEHE.

L/N: Ain't that just the question.. HEHEHE

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