The Flowerbed

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Bridgette gives up holding in her tears and sits at her favorite flower bed. Beginning to cry quietly. Her mind is clouded with aching betrayal, and suddenly she is wrapped in someone's arms, his hand holding her head gently to his chest, his tails wrapping around her for comfort. She doesn't even notice who it is.

Still not noticing him, Bridgette shuts her eyes as they stream tears and her ears lower.  Timber strokes her hair with a smile and speaks softly "Oh you poor thing... I'm still here for you.... I'm always here for you... don't you remember?"  Bridgette simply nods, too broken to feel anything of reality.

Alek gets to the sanctuary, the previous comfort it gave him now feeling as if mocking him. He lets out a frustrated yell, knocking over the white table.

Bridgette jolts at the sound and whimpers. "Shhh sh sh sh, quiet down.... calm down.." Alek hears a voice nearby.

Alek sits next to the stream, holding his hands to his head. A finger touches the stitching, and his mind turns to Bridgette, angry at himself for telling her anything at all. Alek hears, now intrigued. He holds still, his breathing ceased to listen better.

"My dear Bridgette... I can still comfort you..." Bridgette curls up, her mind empty and broken. Timber grins and keeps her close "Those who betrayed you mean nothing now... Kogan lied to you.... Alek left you..." Bridgette nods and moves closer as his tails coil around her.

She whispers softly "They l-left me..."

Alek stands, forgetting to breathe at this point, focusing on following the voice. His hand holds to his sword as he nears one side of the Sanctuary, knowing they were just on the other side. He narrowed his eyes, recognizing the voice. He unsheathed his sword.

Timbers head jolts up at the sound. His tails flick and so do Bridgette's ears. "Hm...? Whats...?" Timber growls and Bridgette looks up at him. She gasps and pushes him away, letting out a scream. Timber yells in rage and disappears. Bridgette breaks into tears, realizing she's alone.

Hearing her scream, Alek uses the sword to clear himself a passage, cutting away just enough to jump through and comes into view, sword at the ready.

Bridgette is sobbing in the middle of the flower bed, her hands covering her eyes and her ears lowered. The flower bed she is in is like a small cave, light shining through the hedges that create it, vines hanging down and flowers scattering the ground.

A:(Because I like pretty scenes and things)

Alek drops his sword, kneeling in front of her like he did before their dance. He didn't touch her, feeling as though anything he would try could hurt her. Alek stays there, kneeling before her. His thoughts spun with questions. Questions of Timber, of Bridgette, of Kogan. He kept them to himself, giving her space but not leaving her alone.

Bridgette cries more and looks at him, she shakes her head and crawls back from him, her back hitting the hedges behind her. "W-why does e-everyone want t-to hurt me?" She whimpers and pulls on her clipped ear.

Alek doesn't move. "Bad things happen to good people.." he says quietly and gently. "I've failed you. You deserve better."

"H-help me..." She reaches for him with shaking arms "P-please help m-me.... i-i *hic* I want h-help!"

Alek looks up, moving by her side. "I'm here for you.."

"P-please h-hold me a-and tell me i-its okay please d-dont hurt me Alek! P-please not again!" She sobs and continues reaching for him.

Alek nods, pulling her to him and holding her carefully. "It will all be alright.." he said, meaning each word. "I'll protect you."

"D-don't lie to me t-this time..." She grips to him and begins breathing heavy, as if growling. Her ears pin and her voice goes demonic "Don't lie to me..."

Alek closes his eyes. He holds to her tighter. "I will do everything I can."

Suddenly she relaxes and stops shaking. She falls limp and whimpers. "... Y-your b-brother hurt m-me... h-he lied to us... b-because of his boyfriend... i-its like maxim and Jack all over again... "

Alek looks to the castle. He feels the same hurt of being doubted by his own brother. "I know."

"I..." she takes a deep breath and pulls away "T-timber was here..." She looks at him, wiping her tears. "H-he comforted me... l-like before."

Alek closed his eyes again placing his chin on her head, sheltering her. "..When I failed to.." he whispered. "Never again."

She shuts her eyes "P-promise...? Like last time...?"

"I promise to do everything I can, no matter what, to keep you safe. I won't let you down again." He tightens his arms around her, making a vow mentally to himself as well.

Bridgette sighs and lets him hold Her. She whispers "... I still want to be friends...." She chuckles softly, tickling his neck "But it feels like the only time we can be near each other is at the sanctuary... we have to meet there sometimes when we aren't busy..." She giggles "Like secret agents..."

A smile hints at the corners of his mouth. "Anything for you." He says, looking down at her.

"Hmmm..." She giggles softly, feeling tired and worn out from crying "You're a good friend... thank you..."

Alek looks back up, his smile fades. "I'm doing what I can." He doesn't say anything about if all he can is enough.

Bridgette drifts to sleep in his arms.

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