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"Stop it" I whimper as a man was finished with me. "Teaches you not to disobey me" He says as he left me crying. I feel dirty, these voice in my head are making everything worse. I was cold, I was scared to death.

While I was on the floor, I heard people talking behind the door.

"Yeah, she's in there."

"What happens to her Mitch?"

"Fucked her senseless, Bill"

"Nice" I guess Bill said.

"I know right" Mitch said as it made me grossed out with so much anger and scary throughts.


"You Want to know what's scarier?" The 'boss' said as I still don't know his name.

"My throughts?" I asked tilting my head to the said and smiling. "Nope, it's what I'm capable of" He says making me laugh. "You think I'm scared of you, bitch please." I said.

He smirked, "Do you even know what I'm capable of?" He asked me. "Look at this face," I said circling around my face. "This face reads, 'I don't give any fucks about your capabilities.'" I said.

"I'm hurt" he says while putting his hand on his chest like he just got offended.

"Maybe my fist would hurt more" I said smiling to myself. "I got to say Alexis, you changed. You got tough, you got psychotic and that was all the plan after all." He says.

I shrugged, "my plan is to kill you so" I said. He chuckled, "oh darling, I got people all around. I could kill you in seconds if I wanted to." He pointed out.

"Rather be dead then here" I said. "I rather be living my life right now but, no! I'm here, in this hell hole" I said getting angry. "Take this bitch to her cell, NOW!" He said as they did.


"WHERE THE FUCK IS SHE?!" A voice yelled. I heard gun shots, yells, and more!

"These bitch about to die!" A girl said. That girl sounded so familiar and also the yell before.

I was to weak to yell or even to stand up. A gun shot went off, "ALEX!" A familiar voice yelled. "Help" I whisper losing my voice. "ALEX!" Another voice yelled. I clear my throat, "Help!" I yell a little louder.

That got an attention because the door was kicked down. Once that door was down, I seen Ethan, Jason, May and other on Ethan's gang. In the matter of seconds, Ethan's by my side and takes his shirt off and puts it on me.

"Oh Alexis" he says picking me up. I immediately feel anxiety, I start to kick and fight. "Baby, it's just me ok, I'm not gonna hurt you." He says as my eyes widen. "This bitch is dead" Ethan says to himself while walking past all the dead bodies but, not the one he is looking for.

Ethan takes me to a car and sits me in the backseat and him by me. He plays with my hair, "we need to take her to the hospital" Ethan's says as Jason goes into the car and same with May.

"You guys find a ride" Ethan say out the window while I'm barely paying any attention. All I remember is that the car drove off.


"She needs to go to a mental facility, she isn't stable. From all the things she just went through, she isn't the same. I don't think she will ever be, Mr. Dolan" a man in a white suit said.

"What do you mean, 'Mental Facility'?"

"Sir, like I said, she isn't stable right now" the man said. "Now if you excuse me, I will figure out a couple of facilities around here for her."

The man left, I look down at my wrist to see them tied down to the bed. "Help me out?" I asked. "What?" Ethan asked. "Help me out of here!" I yelled.

"Get me out" I said pulling at them. "Calm down" He says while trying to hug me. "Don't touch me!" I said. He nodded, "just calmly let me out" I said.

"I can't do that Alex" He says. "AND WHY NOT!" I yelled getting pissed. "Because your unstable" He says. I started to laugh, "your calling me unstable? I'm perfectly fine" I said.

"Hello?" A males voice asked. "Come in" Ethan says as the guy with a white suit came in. "We found a facility but, this women named 'Mrs. King' what's to talk to Alex alone to see what's wrong." The guy said. "Ok, is she here now?" Ethan asked the guy.

"Yep, So kid, I need you step out" the guy said as Ethan nodded. Ethan looked at me, I glared at him.

I was alone, once again.


"Hello, Mrs. King" this woman walked into my room. I didn't speak, "you must be Alexis" she continued to talk. She takes out a pen and paper, "so, Alexis, I like to get on with the points, all you need to do is explain your feelings about it." She says.

"So, Alexis, tell me how you feel today" she says. I smirk, "i feel like I should kill you all!" I said.
"Maybe not." She said. "I think we should" I said. "Nope" She said. "But, Anyway, lets start talking about the facility" she said making me groan.


Everything around me was nasty, the building, the people, every fucking thing was nasty as hell. The workers showed me my room and right now I'm in it.

There was a bed, a chair in the middle of the room, a window with bars in front of it.

"My name is Barbra" a old lady voice said behind me making me jump.

I seen a lady in a light baby blue gown, "h-hello?" I asked. The lady smiled, "I'm Barbra" she kept repeating over and over again. "I'm Alexis" I said. "I'm Barbra" she said again and left.


"Hello Alexis, today we will be talking about how your feeling. Is that ok?" Mrs. King asked. I didn't answer, she nodded to her self. "You don't need to talk, just take your time my dear" she said.

"Your friends is missing you." She says. I smiled, "what's friends when you got your demons" I said. "Demons?" She asked.

"We all have demons" I said. "Are you afraid of them?" She asked me. I smiled, "we don't fear our demons because we became friends with them." I said happily.

"Do these 'demons' talk to you?" She asked. "Oh boy, they talk to me and I love it" I said. "What do they say?" She asked me.

"They tell me to just end it all, nobody is there for me, you are worthless, and many more but, you see, they don't want all that out." I said.

"Do you think your the only one with demons? Or other people?" She asked even tho I said it already before we all have demons.

"We all have demons, I just decide to feed mine" I said. She got up, "I thinks that's it for today. You have a wonderful day Alexis" she said as I just looked the other way.

So I'm going lunatic with this story a bit of you can't tell.

I hope y'all enjoyed this update and voted on it...maybe..no?...ok!

Well, I need to catch on supernatural, see you all later on.

I love you guys so MUCH!!!


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