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Alex {Read A/N to understand my situation}
"How do you feel about that?" My therapist Dr. Zuebe says.

"How would you feel if someone kidnapped you and raped you? And they're related to you?"

Dr. Zuebe just smiled, "I know this is hard, Mrs. Dolan-"

"Call me Alex."

"Sorry Alex but, you need to let every detail out before it eats you alive."

I rolled my eyes, "I don't even know why my doctor made me go here like, I'm fine and dandy."

I can remember the time he told me to go like it was yesterday which, it was.


"How are you feeling?" Dr. Smog asked me. "Um, I'm alright just sore." I responded. "Well, you will be for a few more weeks. Bones don't heal that fast, darling." Dr. Smog said. "I realized that, Dr. Smog." I said calmly.

Dr smog sat down, "So as you may know, you went through a tragic event. As a doctor, I will prescribe something else that will help you get everything mentally fine."

My eyebrow knitted together, "But doctor, I'm fine. I'm mentally fine."

Dr smog nodded, "I know Mrs. Dolan but, a therapist would help you bring out those feelings you have been hiding."

"What feelings?"

"I'm not an idiot, Mrs. Dolan. I know you have been keeping feelings in. I would too."

I give Dr. Smog a glare, "No seriously, I'm fine."

"I'll schedule a date. I'll ask Mr. Dolan what date you can do and I'll tell him the details." Dr. Smog ignored my last saying.

End of flashback

Dr. Zuebe stares into my eyes, "Well Alex, I help people with traumatic events that had or has, happened to them. Sometimes you just need to let those go and this is the time to let them go. It's just us, nobody else."

I sighed, "Fine, you wanna know what I'm feeling Dr. Zuebe?"

She nods, "Indeed."

I stared into her eyes, "I feel hatred, I feel betrayed, I feel like I'm dying inside. This man...not even a man. He molested me when I was ten! When you're a ten year old girl, you don't know what to do. I was trapped inside my thoughts! Later on, I grew up and started to live properly. Then, I got kidnapped and raped by him," I decided to take a breather, but continued on.

"He got what he wanted. So let's move on like how I moved on when I was ten."

Dr. Zuebe started to right down things into her little notebook, "I'm feeling some anger."

'No shit Sherlock!'

I ignored her, "Did you ever think that nobody cared? Is that why you're a angry?"

I rolled my eyes, "Shut up."

"You have to give me something!" Dr. Zuebe replied. 

"No the fuck I don't!"

Dr. Zuebe sighed, "Fine. We're done here." 


"Hey hunny," Ethan says while I walk into the our room. "I missed you" I smiled and hugged Ethan, "I missed you too!" I really did miss Ethan, after what happened, I don't feel the connection anymore. 

I leaned down to his pink  lips. They were soft; just how I remember. His hand went behind my neck while the other went to the small of my back. Every touch -every single one of them- made fire on my delicate skin.

 He separated from the beautiful kiss. "How about we," he stop so he could put his forehead against mine. "Try. Try for a baby." 

I felt my lips twitch up but then, twitch downwards. "But Ethan, I can't have them. I only have 1% of getting pregnant." Ethan sighed, "We can just try," His hands went into my hair and pulled me even more closer. "Please."

I leaned down again and nodded, "fine. Let's try."

Ethan smiled and flip us over like it was nothing. His plump lips went to my neck, kissing under my ear lobe, on my sensitive spot. Since I was in a robe, Ethan just untied it. His hands went around my waist sending fireworks to my belly. "You are so beautiful." His raspy voice whispered in my ear.

 In one moment, his black tight boxers came off, his erection springing up. I whimper at the sight, "Da-" He shook his head. "No, I want my name. Call me Ethan, babygirl." 

I nodded as he softly went into me, pressure was capturing me. His groans, my whimpers filled the room. His forearms laid next to my head as he moved slowly in me- hitting every right spot. "Oh Alexis," he throws his head back. "I.Love.You.So.Much." he says between every thrust. 

"Ethan please," I clawed his back. "Faster!"

He smirked, "My pleasure." 

He followed through with my command. I could feel the tight -hot- bubble at the bottom of my stomach. "Eth-" A big whimper escaped my mouth as he did a circler motion. Sweat dipping off of us, I couldn't trade this for anything. 

"Babygirl," He bit his lip. "I'm close."

My back arched off the bed, "Me too!"

"Fuck, release. Release all over my cock."

I did what he said with a loud moan coming after. Ethan collapsed next to me, out of breath. Our breath was sync with each other. Suddenly I felt Ethan's arm wrapped around me, "Let's hope this worked." I said.

He smiled, "Me too."


It's been 3 weeks since me and Ethan trying for a baby. There has been no change! We both want this; we want another mircale to be in this world. Rose is still our mircale and that won't change. I just hope if I do get pregnant, the baby will make it.


My sight went to Rose, "Yes darling?"

She smiled with a blush, "I made you a picture!" My eyes lit up, "Aw baby," she handed the picture she Drew and colored. It was a picture of Rose, me, and Ethan. "I love it! C'mere" I said holding my arms out. See ran in them, her own arms wrapped around my neck.

"You love it, mommy!?"

"Of course babydoll! If it's from you, I will always love it."

Her smile went even bigger and hugged me tighter. "I want Daddy to see it! Do you think he'll love it?"

She pulled away, "What will I love?" 

She smiled and ran to Ethan, "This picture Daddy!" Ethan picked her up and walked to grab the picture from me. His scanned the colorful picture, his lips twitched up. "Oh princess," He kissed her temple. "Daddy loves it. He loves it more than he has ever loved a picture."

She clapped her hands, "Yay!"



I know I haven't updated in years but, I was grounded. I did stupid shit that I won't talk about right now. Also I wanted to take some time off because my Grandma passed away and it took a huge troll on me and then I had my own problems to deal with. 

Also, I'm still grounded! I'm using this old tablet to update some things for tonight.

Well I hoped you like this and thank you for being so patient! THANK YOU FOR LIKE, EVERYTHING! 

I love you all so fucking much! 


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