Let's Quit Playing This Game Of Pretend

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(A/N)They are in their senior year in a lot of these fics, also working on the cover for this book of continuous and spontaneous feels fests

Michael and Jeremy stood there, all eyes on them. What did they just do?

"J-Jeremy did you just..." Michael began and Jeremy felt his eyes tear up and he pushed the shorter male gently and ran out of the hallways, out of the school. Michael looked around at the students staring at him...did he really just do that?

Jeremy ran into his house and slammed the door as loud as possible. His father went to ask him what was wrong but Jeremy didn't even acknowledge his father's existence. He marched to his room and slammed that door too, and he face planted on his bed.

"You're stupid Jeremy...You are so...you just t-threw 13 stinkin years of f-friendship d-down the drain..." Jeremy mumbled, not even caring that he was in Michael's oversized hoodie.

It had started out as a plan to get girls to stop trying to mess with Jeremy after he broke and Christine broke up. It had all been Brooke and Jenna's plan(Chloe wasn't involved at first), and it had worked but Jeremy hadn't been pretending after a few weeks, his feelings were real.

Then came the next school play, Michael had been there to watch and support Jeremy, but after the play Jeremy had went to talk to Michael, and after the shorter boy gave Jeremy his hoodie, the two got close and Jeremy had kissed him...he didn't want to remember it, but it felt so good. Michael's lips were soft and warm, and he loved every bit of it.

But what does Michael think? He probably thinks Jeremy is some weirdo now, and probably thinks that he just ruined their friendship. It was all pretend, Jeremy had known that, but he couldn't help it, Michael was just...perfect. His eyes were like pools of chocolate that Jeremy could just get lost in. His smile was like a warm rush of heat flowing through Jeremy's body, making him smile even when he's at his saddest. Michael's laugh was like the beautiful song of a siren, and he's probably one of the nicest people Jeremy had known.

Voices broke him out of his trance. He sat up and didn't say a word, wanting to hear who was talking.

"Is Jeremy home?"

"Yeah he ran in crying and just marched upstairs. Did something happen?"

"Y-Yeah...I need to see him."

Jeremy knew that it was Michael coming to his room from the footsteps. Michael was gentle when he was serious and it was about them. Jeremy stared at the door when the doorknob turned and slowly opened.


"I-I know...I'm weird right?" Jeremy whispered, laying back down on the bed and Michael walked in, staring at him with those beautiful eyes of his. Jeremy felt stupid, here he was, in love with his best friend, he just kissed him for goodness sake.

"Wha-No." Michael said and Jeremy wiped his eyes gently and looked at his slightly shorter friend.

"How...How do you not think I'm weird? I literally kissed y-you in front of the entire school...I turned our plan into...into some weird fantasy of mine..." Jeremy said, hugging the hoodie closer around his body and Michael walked towards the bed. He gently plopped down next to Jeremy, who could not make eye contact whatsoever. "I fell in LOVE with you Michael...we both had said that would never happen but it did...and on my part..."


"And I know...I know you don't like me like that. You did all this to protect me from the creepy girls at our school...you hadn't intended for this..." Jeremy was whimpering like a puppy, and Michael got closer to him. "You probably never loved me...not like that anyways..."

"That's not true Jeremy...every word I said...I meant. If anything I thought you never loved me like that...that's why the kiss blew me away, not because I didn't love you."

"Wait....you...you love me?" Jeremy asked and Michael pulled him closer, his brown eyes locking with Jeremy's blue eyes, and their fingers intertwining.

"I always have Jeremy...that's why your betrayal in junior year hurt so much..." Michael said and he gently lay his head on Jeremy's shoulder. Jeremy slightly inched his body closer to Michael's and they were just sitting there, and they sat in silence for a good three minutes. Jeremy was still guilty for what he had done to Michael, and it hurt him even more now than it had in junior year.

"Michael...why didn't you tell me?" Jeremy asked, gently moving one of his hands(the one not interlocked with Michael's)upwards, placing it on Michael's soft, red cheeks. The older male felt tears streaming his cheeks as he looked at Jeremy.

"B-Because you liked Christine...I wanted YOU to be happy so I supported you..." Michael said and Jeremy felt realization hit him like the meteor hit the dinosaurs. Michael had always been affectionate, he had never even cleaned the "Riends" off of his backpack, Jeremy had removed the "Boyf" from his. He never knew WHY Michael didn't get rid of it until he said that. Michael really had always loved him.

"I'm sorry..." Jeremy whispered and their fingers locked tighter.

"Don't be...you were being yourself, and you just wanted to be happy...and that's all I want, if for you to be happy Jeremy." Michael whispered and Jeremy smiled weakly before Michael gently placed a kiss on his forehead.


"We don't need to pretend anymore Jeremy....we don't need to be fake...we can be ourselves and everybody can know about it..."



"I-I love you...for real."

"I love you to Jeremy..."


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