Prepare for the Holidays Pt 3

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This should be the last of this story. I am gonna write winter themed one shots because let's face it. Americans aren't getting a White Anything this year, not just Christmas, so I'ma give Jere and Michael some snow because I feel left out.

Also this party isn't on Christmas because my children(other than Jeremy, he has to be home for all eight days of Hanukkah... it's eight days right? Yeah yeah it is.)

Other than the matching sweaters Michael had bought him with a "Snow place like Home" pun, there was a hoodie that matched Michael's, and the last gift...

Jeremy pulled out a menorah and looked over at Michael.

"Look back in the box. There's something else in there."

Jeremy did just that and found a small bag filled with not one or two, but eight custom made candles.

"Michael...Did you make all these?"

"Yep! I was like 'okay Jeremy is Jewish so I gotta incorporate his holiday into this or else he might be a bit not used to it.' So I went out and found the menorah, and I wanted it to be special since I love you so much, so I took the time to watch videos on how to like...make candles. And these have designs. I know normal candles go out because wax so the designs are like...on the casing. So you can take them off and keep them somewhere to remember today." Michael said and Jeremy was practically crying in joy as he held the candles in his hand.

"Micha...this is the greatest thing anybody ever did for me, and like...I wasn't expecting THIS of all the presents you got me. I was expecting merch or something but...To see you put so much time into this just... I'm kinda glad I decided to celebrate the holidays with you." Jeremy walked over to Michael and hugged him tightly. "I love this so much. I'm gonna use it every year now." Jeremy was now nuzzling himself into Michael's shoulder and the taller male smiled.

"Well, since you came to this Christmas party...I was thinking, maybe after I get done with Christmas at my place, I could go to your house and be there for you while you and your dad celebrate Hanukkah. Ya know, because it makes sense." Michael said and Jeremy looked up and smiled.

"Yes. That would be amazing." Jeremy then kissed Michael and in the background, Rich seemed annoyed.

"I didn't even need Mithtletoe! Jake you told me to being thome but I don't need it now!"

"That ain't true." Jake said, holding some Mistletoe a over their heads. "Now kiss me Richy!!" Jake said, and the two started kissing as well.

"Well I guess that's our cue my adorable little Cookie." Chloe said, and next thing you know, everybody was kissing(Jenna and Christine are a couple in this).

(Time skip to the end of the party)

Jeremy and Michael walked out of the party cheerfully, waving bye to everyone, except Rich and Jake, who were making out under mistletoe again.

"So Jeremy, are you really gonna use that every year?"

"You bet I am. I can not wait to get home and show my dad. You are like...the greatest boyfriend ever!"

The two got in the car and Jeremy turned to look at his boyfriend.

"Ya know, ever since my mom left I really stopped celebrating anything, since out of us all she was most religious... but now I think I'll have motivation to celebrate again. Thanks Micha." Jeremy's smile was audible in his voice.

"Aww you're too sweet."

"No you're sweeter than I am Michael."

"Dude, babe, you're sweeter than the candy canes my moms give me on Christmas."

"Spoiled." Jeremy laughed out and Michael rolled his eyes, smirk growing on his face.

"You're the spoiled one, I barely go home because of you."

"Of shut up and drive." Jeremy noticed the grin on Michael's face. "Michael don't-"


"Just... drive me home." Jeremy was trying not to laugh even harder. Michael was laughing too but for a different reason(Jeremy is blood red rn).

(Time skip)

Jeremy and Michael waved goodbye to each other and Jeremy entered the house to see his father looking through boxes from the attic.

"Dad, what are you doing?"

"Jeremy did you mother leave the menorah or take it with her?"

"It doesn't actually matter this year." Jeremy said and his dad eyed him. "Not like that! I mean we don't need to worry about it this year."

"Why's that?"

"Look what Michael got me." Jeremy pulled the menorah and candles out of the box, the sweater and hoodie still in there. "We can use this one! Also he decided since I did something he does since he celebrates Christmas, he's gonna come over on Hanukkah!" Jeremy seemed excited and his father smiled.

"That sounds like it'll be fun, sport. Now you should probably get some sleep since you've been gone all night." He ruffled Jeremy's hair and he sighed, putting it back in place.

"Okay. Night dad, love you." Jeremy yawned, smiling loosely as he began to walk off.

"Night, love you too son."

The holidays were gonna be perfect for both Jeremy and Michael, even if they were different.

Well that's the end of these. Might make some more of this story but they aren't preparing for the holidays anymore. Also that would mean more Maganda and Mallory!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this lil Holiday themed series, now I have another idea so I'ma go write that now

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