Reminiscing Pt 4

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Now for another point of view....somebody a little more awkward.

I never thought I'd have friends. I honestly never did. Heck I never thought anybody would talk to me but that was before Michael walked into my life.

Kindergarten was only good because of Michael. He showed up and before I knew it I had a friend. He was the happiest person I had ever met, he was always smiling, always laughing and just...overall, always himself.

He was somebody that made me thrive to be better because I was nowhere near as happy as him and...he deserved better than me.

I always cared about him more than the other students...and I might've been clingy at times but...I can't help it, I hardly seen my mom and my dad worked back then...and worst thing...they weren't even married.

Michael was the only person I had to talk to and he always listened. I didn't understand why my mom was never home, I didn't understand why Michael's dad was always yelling...I didn't need to back then...because I had, and still have, Michael.

He listened to me...he was the shoulder I would cry on, and he was the most loyal person I've ever seen. If the terms Loyalty and Dedication were a person they would be Michael.

As we got became crueler it seemed...for a while this was more towards Michael than me. See, Michael was a Mama's boy, and she always walked him into school, at least until sixth grade, which parents stop doing around third here in Middleborough.

And kids teased Michael for it. He, of course, did not care but I did. Kids also teased him for wearing "girl colors" when he wore pink or purple and he still ignored it. Kids teased him for wearing nail polish to school...and again he was able to ignore it.

But I couldn't. I finally snapped and ended up getting into a fight with Dustin at the time...I almost won but Michael got the teachers and dragged me and Dustin off each other.

Only a two day ISS because I gave my reasoning and it was legit. These kids thought it was ok to tease Michael for being himself but I wasn't gonna have it. I knew I was weak...I still am...but that didn't stop me.

Roll around to middle school, seventh grade...the year that Michael came out as gay. Now normally, that would be amazing but...his dad did some really really awful stuff when it happened and then left.

Michael called me that night and asked me to come over and I happily obliged...and when I found him crying on the couch hugging one of his many, and I do mean many, video game themed plushies(it was the Inky plush we won together at the arcade), I quickly got concerned.

He told me what happened, showed me his scars, and I hugged him tight and ran my hands through his hair(that always calms me down so I knew it could work)and told him things would work out fine.

The next day I bought him a new patch for the hoodie his brother gave him before leaving for college and...never returning, and that patch was the gay pride patch.

I have never seen him so happy in his life, as soon as we got back to his place he put it on...

Of course...people were huge jerks about it. He got beat up a few times but it didn't even phase him...the names didn't phase him either...

And I looked up to that. He was an inspiration to me because at the time, nobody, not even Michael, knew it but I was bi...I had been for a while...and then...then my first major crush decided to rear her head into my life.

Christine Canigula. She was amazing. You could never meet a girl nicer than her, and her voice was that of an angel.

I hate to admit this but sometimes I would hang by my locker, since it was right by the girls bathroom, and I would listen to her sing and recite plays and musicals because was amazing.

Most of the time Michael would stand there, trying to get my attention but back then I was so lovestruck and interested in Christine that I didn't even notice.

And this went on for three years. I actually went to the school plays, every single one. No joke. And I forced Michael along because I never had the courage to talk to her...and needed to tell somebody how I felt.

Once...I threw a rose bouquet at the stage and she caught it! She actually caught MY gift!!

I thought we'd go on like this forever but... junior year came and Rich told me about a little something known as the SQUIP. The person who tormented me every single day for two almost three years...wanted to help me.

Turns out it was too good to be true.

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