Don't Move

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(my lil bug AU. Jeremy's a fly, Michael is a spider, they're in the art book)
(I share this AU with greenvains who came up with fly Jeremy and pretty much everything in it as far as who is what bug)

Jeremy stared at the ceiling, face covered in sweat as he kept eyeing his boyfriend.

One move.

And he could die.

Emphasis on could.

See, Jeremy wasn't all fly, he was half human, which made him easy prey for anybody in the school except for like...Christine or Jenna.

And Michael was all spider. Meaning he could have eaten Jeremy already if he wanted to.

But he didn't. And if Jeremy moved at all he'd be in a world of trouble because if he moves when Michael is cuddling him, that boy gets unstable.

Jeremy would never forget the first time it happened. They were 12.

Michael was asleep on the couch, two of his left and two of his right arm around Jeremy.

Jeremy was really burning up and wanted to remove his jacket, but he had to climb under Michael's grip.

Gently he started shimmying his way out of those arms, trying his best not to disturb Michael.


Michael's eyes shot open and before Jeremy knew it he blacked out.

He woke up tied to a wall and realized that it wasn't a wall. It was Michael's web.

See, usually Michael would kill tiny animals and things, thus why he had this giant web, but when he got even a bit angry at people he tied them to it.

Jeremy froze when he seen Michael's bright red eyes glowing in the darkness underneath him.

"M-Michael?" Jeremy asked, voice shaking as his friend got closer, those eight eyes staring into Jeremy's soul.

Jeremy felt the web vibrate with Michael's movements, and it scared him half to death.

"M-Michael it's m-me. It's J-Jeremy. W-What d-did I do?" Jeremy was cowering as he felt one of those arms on his leg, climbing up the web and his body slowly.

Michael was drooling, his sharp teeth were visible, and he looked hungry.

"M-Michael please it's m-me!!" Jeremy asked, crying now.

Their faces we're almost touching and Michael's glowing eyes were blinding Jeremy, who was practically crushed by all the weight.

He was sobbing a lot when Michael shook his head and looked down at Jeremy.

"Umm...Dude, why are we in my web? And why are you tied up?"

"I...I dunno! Y-You freaked out while you were asleep. I j-just wanted to take my hoodie off."

"Jeremy you can't just move away from me while I'm asleep. I'll freak out because I'm protective...that and it feels like when my prey tries to escape." Michael explained, beginning to until Jeremy and wipe his tears away.

"M-Michael you could've warned me."

"I'm sorry. I thought you knew that spiders were like that."

"N-No. I've always b-been..."

"Afraid of them?"

"No...told to stay away from them. I'd n-never be afraid of you or your family." Jeremy said, flapping his wings when he was untied and smiled, his red eyes looking back at Michael's eight blinking eyes.

"Promise you'd never be afraid or leave me?"

"Swear it."

That's how he got here. He gently turned so he could bring the taller male closer, and not wake him up.

He loved his spider boyfriend, even if nature was against it.  That's when Jeremy seen Michael's face go from peaceful to scrunched up.

"Don't worry. I'm not leaving you. I love you." Jeremy said, gently moving himself to a position in which he could kiss Michael's nose, which made Michael's face peaceful once more.

Jeremy smiled and closed his eyes, letting Michael bring him in and cuddle him. He had gotten used to this.

(Yeah idk this was my boredom kicking in)

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