That's the Curse of Popularity

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I don't rlly know but an AU thingy I guess. There isn't a Squip in this AU btw. Also a bit of OOC for Rich, he's worse than in the musical tbh

Warning: very very slight homophobia, ooc characters, letting oneself go, lack of eating, sleeping, and hydration.

Jeremy and Michael were supposed to be best friends for the rest of their lives but now things were different. See, Jeremy got popular, very popular, and he left Michael alone.

He hadn't realized it until now but he really needed Michael. He needed his Player 1 more than anything because life was hard, he knew that, but it was even harder when you didn't have real friends.

Especially when these said friends make you do something horrible to your only real friend.

"I'm just saying, how do you hang around him?" Dustin teased and Jeremy shrugged.

"Well he's nice and he cares about me and..."

"He likes you Jeremy." Rich put his hand on Jeremy's shoulder and smiled maliciously at him. "You should break his heart."

"But he's my friend Rich I can't just hurt him." Jeremy protested and Rich chuckled a bit before his face turned dark.

"I didn't ask you if you wanted to do it Heere. You're one of us now, you know that, you can't hang around that creep if you want to keep things that way. Now, do you wanna keep being cool?"

"Y-Yeah but-"

"Then it's settled. You're going to break Michael's pathetic little heart. Oh I can not wait for this."

Jeremy gulped and choked back the tears he knew were coming.

That afternoon he met Michael at his locker and realized Rich was watching him...he couldn't believe he was doing this.

"Hey Michael I...I got something I need to tell you." Michael closed his locker door and turned to Jeremy happily.

"What is it Jere?" He asked with the cutest smile on his face, and Jeremy imnediatley regretted what he was going to do.

"I...I've been thinking, and I kind of, I dunno, think I'm starting to like you? Like... you're honestly perfect, and you make me happy and you're always there and you actually love and care about me. You respect me and I...I guess I love you." Jeremy was holding Michael's hands at this point, and felt Rich's eyes baring into his soul from afar.

"R-Really!? J-Jeremy you have no idea how long I have w-wanted to hear you say that I...I love you too." Michael smiled wide, his eyes brimming with tears of joy. Jeremy realized he had to break that joy now or his "friends" would leave him...

"Wow..." Jeremy spoke with apathy, and Michael looked at him in confusion. "I...I really can't believe you FELL for that!" It hurt...Jeremy was trying not to cry, and now that he'd started the act he couldn't stop. "You really think somebody popular like me would like a loser like you?"

"W-What? Jeremy is this a joke because if it is it's n-not funny!" Michael felt his heart shatter at Jeremy's words, and the taller male could feel it too(Jeremy isn't slouching rn so he's taller).

Rich, meanwhile, was watching the entire thing, and had Dustin record it. He was smiling the whole time and once Jeremy was done talking, he made his way over and stared down at a now broken Michael, who was in a ball on the floor crying heavily, and began laughing.

"Look at this little gay lover boy, thinking Jeremy here would like him back. You oughta know somebody like Jeremy only became your friend out of pity." Rich got down on his knees and flicked Michael's nose, causing the male to flinch. "Wow you're weak. C'mon Jeremy, Dustin, let's go get something to eat and leave this loser to wallow alone."

Rich snapped his fingers and Dustin was already behind him. Jeremy was walking in their direction but kept looking back at the broken boy he called his only friend.

Now Michael probably hated him and never wanted to have anything to do with him...and now Jeremy KNEW he did love Michael...he really did but Michael wouldn't answer any texts or calls he sent him.

He decided he needed to see him face to face. He made his way downstairs after grabbing a dark gray hoodie with white sleeves and a white hood and opened the front door.

"Dad I'm going out!" He yelled and he heard his dad yell 'okay' from the kitchen.

He closed the door and made his way to Michael's house...Oh he hoped he was there.

He knocked on the door and one of Michael's moms, Mallory, opened it and see Jeremy and her face seemed to fall.

"Hi Michael home?"

"Wouldn't you like to know." This was strange, usually Mallory was nothing but sweet to Jeremy but then again he did hurt her son.

"Look I know I hurt him and I...I came to apologize and I need to see him."

"He's upstairs." She mumbled and Jeremy walked in and slowly made his way to Michael's room.

He knocked on the door and waited for Michael to respond.

"Michael? Are you in here?" Jeremy asked, realizing the door was unlocked. He opened it and looked around for Michael...but when he finally found him he was horrified.

Michael was curled up in bed, and he looked like he hadn't left in days. It looked like he'd barely eaten, moved, slept, or cleaned himself up. His eyes had dark bags under them, tear stains running down his cheeks. His shirt was extremely large now, so were his shorts.

Jeremy crawled over to him and sat on his knees, gently nudging his face worth his hand.

"Michael...Michael it's me, Jeremy..." He whispered and Michael's eyes slowly opened and he stared at Jeremy intensely.

"Why a-are you here?" He asked very quietly, it was almost inaudible.

"I'm here to apologize to you."

"Why should I believe you?" The crack in his sentence broke Jeremy's heart...he didn't know what to do, his best friend was broken and crying himself to death.

"Because I'm your friend."

"If you were m-my friend you w-wouldn't have h-hurt me."

"I know I know I screwed up...and I am very sorry...I shouldn't have let Rich intimidate me into hurting you like fact the other day I left that group. For good."

"How do I know you aren't lying?" Michael sat up, and his weight loss was even more evident now than it had been.

"Because...this." Jeremy gently moved closer to Michael, and the shorter boy didn't resist when Jeremy pressed lips against his. In fact, Michael fell into it.

When they released, Jeremy was crying. He'd really really missed Michael, and seeing him in this state was absolutely painful.

"I'm sorry Michael...I do love you...I really really do love you... You're my favorite person and I shouldn't of hurt you...I don't deserve you... you're too good of a person to be with me...and you deserve better than me..." Jeremy choked out and Michael moved his hand to Jeremy's cheek slowly.

"Hey...I still love you ya know...and while it might take a while to fully forgive you...I want you to know I still love you." Michael smiled and Jeremy smiled back, and they gently touched foreheads and held each other in an embrace.

Jeremy got on the bed a few minutes later, and gave Michael a bottle of Mountain Dew that he had on him. While ot Michael's favorite, he still enjoyed it. At least he was hydrated.

Michael eventually passed out and Jeremy laid next to him, grabbing one his hands weakly and holding it in his own, kissing the back of it while smiling.

They fell asleep and later that night, Michael's moms came upstairs and seen this.

"At least they made up." Maganda said and Malloy nodded, kissing her wife and walking hand in hand to their room.

When Michael was back to his full health and back at school, Rich was more than furious that he and Jeremy were dating...probably because he found them both kind of cute now.

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