Reminiscing Pt 1

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These last few chapters are a bit different but I think that I'm going to enjoy writing them.

Part 1 and 2 of this miniseries are in a different POV than part 3 and 4 and it's obvious who is who.


I knew from the very moment I met him that he was more than a friend. Granted I had no clue what romance and love was back then, heck I didn't even know I was gay yet, but...I knew he was special.

Every moment with him was worth my time and dedication. Every second with him made my life better than the last. Every time we were together it felt like things couldn't go wrong.

Yes we were young, and dumb, and a little ignorant but we were children who had no friends other than each other. Yes people teased us but we tried  our best not to let that get in the way of our happiness.

And things were okay. We were okay and I knew he cared. I know he still cares. And he always will.

He always has...well almost always, but that's not now.

I didn't know why I started to love him in seventh grade but I did. I dunno if it's the way he giggled whenever he won a match of Mario Kart back then, or maybe is was when he flushed blood red whenever I displayed any type of affection, even a hug.

Or maybe...maybe it was because he cared about me. Genuinely cared about me. He didn't care that I was gay, he stayed around and gave me the support that my father should have but didn't.

He didn't care that I was Filipino and Ecuadorian, he thought it was cool that I wasn't a majority ethnicity, he actually loved the fact I was Filipino...because he got Tinola when he came to my place and that stuff if great.

He cared about me for what I was. He loved me, not romantically, but it was still love. And I knew I loved him more than a friend. There was always this lingering feeling that would happen...

And I refused to let it out. I'd fallen in love with my best friend and refused to tell him because I was afraid. Afraid he'd leave like my dad did. Afraid he'd hate me and never talk to me again.

I was afraid I would lose the love of my life...the one thing that was good to me...but in reality it seemed bottling those feelings only made things worse.

The day I fell for him...was the day he fell for her. The day he fell for the girl that would accidentally screw up our life. The day he fell in love with somebody who didn't know him.

I know him. I can tell you anything about him...and I grew sick of hearing about that girl every second of our lives. It felt like that's all he cared about...and I broke every single time he said he loved her...of course I faked a smile and pretended to be happy for him...

And normally I would be if I hadn't loved him. I could never tell him I did though...I felt it would be selfish to put him in an awkward situation like I didn't.

I've always been good at locking up emotions honestly. Except when I was alone. When I'm alone... with my thoughts...I have no outlet to distract myself...not even video games help me to mask my inner thoughts...

And when I'm alone I'm scared...I don't know why but I get scared. I know I'm not enough, I'll never be enough and even still I'm not least he cared about me...he cared about me and that's all I needed.

I knew the feelings would get stronger and indeed...they did. My heart broke more and more but thrived whenever around him. If he were the sun, I'd definitely be one of the planets, making sure everything was centered around him.

When we got to high school things... changed. My mom got married and so I had another parent in the house again. That was a nice change honestly...

Of course his crush on her didn't go away. It only got stronger. He started going to school plays to see her...and he dragged me with him. Luckily he didn't notice how I never paid attention.

Afterwards all he'd talk about was how amazing she was and how he already got tickets for the next show of the same play. You can only watch Romeo and Juliet so many times before you want to die. Just saying. Surprised I didn't memorize the script.

He still paid attention to me though. He was almost always at my house and I was almost always at his. We practically lived together...and then we met the boy who would be the very cause of our torment.

Rich. Rich isn't your typical bully. He also has an important role in this story which is why I'm talking about him. This boy was non-existent freshman year. Nobody knew him. Not even me! least not for the first semester...but...he came out of nowhere. He constantly tormented not only myself but my best and only friend aka crush and I was not about to let him get away with it..

Turns out...I'm bad at promises. I never got a chance to stop Rich, he always pulled said torment when I was gone. He never wanted me to see because he probably knew I would kill him.

And of course there was the ever so daunting fact that everybody knew...I was gay and super affectionate towards my best friend. Everybody could tell except for said friend...and I'm glad...well not anymore but...still.

Eventually, after two years of this torment, we're juniors. And that fall was the fall that broke my heart and my mental state more than anything ever could.

That was the fall my best friend got the very thing that almost took him away.

That was the fall my best friend got a little something known as a SQUIP.

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