It Never Works

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This is related to 'The One Where Someone Dies' so yeah. Time for pain in my soul

TW: mentions of death, a lot of death, and suicide but it's not like usual in my fics

Jeremy woke up slowly in his old room, trying to make out somebody in the pitch black darkness.

"Why am I alive!? I should be...I should've died! I shot a bullet through my head!!" Jeremy was trying to figure out how his attempt at suicide didn't work. He should be with Michael...

"Agent 10-0-2. Agent 10-0-1 told me that you tried to kill yourself after your mission. Is that true?" Jeremy seen the light of the hallway outside and froze as he saw his boss.

"Yes it is."

"Why? This mission was just what we needed to sell Squips to more people. Your so called friends, Michael's family, both immediate and distant..."

"WHY?" Jeremy was rather loud and his boss stood back. "Because HE WAS MY LIFE!! I LOVED him. You made me KILL HIM! MY BOYFRIEND! HE'S DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!!" Jeremy stood yo, his hands in tight fists and his eyes in tears.

"We told you not to get attached to people. You didn't listen. 10-0-1 did. He was smart. Unlike you. You were lucky we had the metal plate installed around your brain when you first got here so you couldn't kill yourself."

"When did you...How did you...Why? Why me? Why MICHAEL!? He didn't deserve to die!!"

"Exactly, him dying was just what Middleborough needed...Everybody who knows him is getting their Squips as we speak." Jeremy felt a hand on his cheek and the face of his boss was right next to him. "Now now 10-0-2, don't cry, it was all an act. You know that."

"I actually loved him though..." Jeremy mumbled and his boss sighed in his face.

"I guess I'll leave you in here to wallow in your own depression until you realize this was for the best." He walked out of the room, closing and locking the door, leaving Jeremy inside.

The teenager turned the lights on and shuttered at his old room. He hadn't been there since he became Michael's boyfriend.

Michael... He thought back to the last thing he saw before trying to kill himself. Michael was smiling even when faced with the fact be was going to die. He was still so happy even though he knew Jeremy would kill him.

Tears poured from his eyes at the thought...he had gotten attached to Michael...but it wasn't his fault Michael was so perfect. From his smile, to his voice, to his everything, Michael Mell was...well had been...the most perfect person Jeremy had ever met.

And he was taken away. Jeremy stared at his hands...the hands he'd pulled the trigger with. The hands he used to kill his own boyfriend...and he hated them.

He hated them with a passion. He hated himself. He let himself harm somebody that didn't need it and he needed to punish.

Jeremy walked to the bedside table and began rummaging through the weapons inside. Something he could use to end his miserable and disgusting life.

All he found were guns without bullets...useless. With the metal plate around his brain he would never be able to kill himself. He felt his head and noticed the bandages around it.

They'd actually freaking saved his life...but he wish they hadn't.

He laid down on the bed and let himself get lost in his thoughts... Michael's body was surely found by now. Surely.

Which means he'd be buried soon...Jeremy wanted to be right next to him when he died. So he could apologize. But would that even work?

Jeremy felt his pocket and remembered he had a pocket knife...he could stab his heart out...he could die. He could punish and he could see Michael again.

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