You Never Would Have Thought

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So I have an entire AU dedicated to Jeremy getting a Squip that looks like Michael, so now I'm going to reverse that for this. Note that means Jeremy is dead since in the original AU Michael died.

So yeah
TW: mentions of self harm, depression, and death

Michael looked at the small pill in his hand, was this really going to help him get over Jeremy? His best friend who's been dead since their freshman year, probably not but it was worth a try.

He plopped the pill into his mouth and took a swig of the Mountain Dew and tapped his fingers. Nothing happened. Well time to go back to cutting himself every night and wallowing in depression.

Just as he went to the bathroom and grabbed the razor, he heard some kind of zap in his head before it starting banging. Badly.

"Calibration in process, please excuse some mild discomfort."

"W-What the- OW!" Michael was on the floor now, holding his head in pain.

"Calibration process complete. Access procedure initiated." Michael realized the voice sounded familiar but still had no clue why.

"Accessing neural memory. Accessing muscle memory. Access procedure complete."

"What are you talking about?"

"Michael Mell, welcome to your Super Quantum Unit Intel Processor. Your Squip." Michael looked up at the figure and froze when he seen who it was.

He'd expected anybody but who it was. Staring back at him was what appeared to be an older version of Jeremy, same striped shirt, same cardigan, same freckle covered face and the same blue eyes.

"J-Jeremy?" Michael asked but the Squip didn't reply. "Great so I'm not gonna get over my depression that's great. Looks like I might as well use this again." Michael grabbed the razor lad and just as he was about to cut he felt a shock. "The heck?"

"You were going to hurt yourself. I couldn't let you do that."

"Why not? It's not like you're gonna help my grief over Jeremy."

"Michael you don't understand my purpose do you?"

"Well for Rich the Squip made him cool. I got you to get over Jeremy."

"I'm in your head. I know that you got me so you could have a friend. I know you're lonely. That's why I'm here, so I can help you. Now let's put the razor blade down and get you to your room." The Squip gently grabbed Michael's hand and walked to his room.

Michael sat on the bed, contemplating what just happened. This...thing...actually seemed to care about him.

"Yep. It's my job to be as human and caring to you as I possibly can. Thus why I stopped you from cutting yourself."

"Do you even know who you look like?" Michael mumbled and the Squip analyzed its own form and looked at Michael.

"Jeremy Heere, friend...who passed 3 years ago. Correct?"

"Mmhm...I guess I do really want a friend...if I'm talking to a super computer in my head."

"I'm not just a super computer Michael. My programming makes me, and only me as of right now, able to feel emotions, since your goal isn't one that requires input and output. It just requires care and emotion. And I knew that you probably wanted a familiar face so why not the face of somebody who you really cares about...and who really cared about you."

"I mean that makes sense. So like...can I call you...Jeremy?" Michael asked and the Squip nodded.

"If it makes you comfortable and less likely to hurt yourself then of course." The Squip noticed Michael begin to tear up.

"Ya know, you may be a computer but...I think you're gonna be the first thing to ever keep me from harming myself just...don't shock me again. Please."

"I'll try not to. Now you should get some sleep, you look tired."

"O-Okay. Thanks." Michael smiled for the first time in a while, changing into his PJs and crawling into bed.

As he lay there he felt something on his temple. He didn't know what it was at first but then realized that his Squip...that looked like Jeremy, just kissed him.

"I love you Michael. And I'm going to make sure you're safe."

"I... I love you too Jeremy..." Michael whispered as he closed his eyes and fell asleep.

Maybe this thing actually would help him.

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