The One Where Somebody Dies

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Spoiler, the author is bad at titles...but this is based on "The Last Revolver" which is a sad Vocaloid song sung by Megapoid Gumi and is part of the Seventh Deadly Sins series, a part of Wrath's story. Only slightly though.

So yeah. Somebody dies! (Mike Faist voice: SPOILER ALERT)

"-And then I proceed to argue with Jason over the fact that red slushy is CLEARLY better than blue because red represents passion. Then he rambles about some chick named Veronica and I was all like-" Michael rambled on and on nonstop as he was speaking. Jeremy took in every word before he heard a ping.

"Hey Micha I'll be right back I gotta take this. It's really important." Jeremy said, kissing Michael's cheek and walking out of the room and upstairs.

The call wasn't even from a phone but a watch. He answered.

"Agent 10:02(ten o two), you need to hurry up with your mission. The boy will find out what's up sooner or later." The voice said and Jeremy gulped, nodding solemnly.

"I know I know. Why can't I kill him in his sleep again?"

"Because, we need him to suffer, the entire thing will be on video. Our cause is to hurt people so that others realize how much they need our product. You have two days left. Don't fail me."

"I-I won't."

"Don't stutter. It's unprofessional."

"Yes sir." Jeremy said, ending the call and heading back to the living room.

"What was it about?"

"Eh I'm just really bad at work. I have two days to step up my game or I'm screwed." Jeremy said, Michael not even noticing the lie.

"Oh well, ya wanna play AotD?"

"Actually I'm kinda getting tired...can we maybe like...go to bed?"

"Of course. We can go get ready right now." Michael said cheerfully, grabbing Jeremy's hand and dragging him to their room.

The two talked and flirted for about three minutes when Jeremy realized he may not get another chance alone with Michael.

He quickly walked over to him and twirled him into a kiss. He grabbed the gun out of his belt and was holding it to Michael's held.

Michael's eyes opened and he seen the gun thanks to his reflection in the mirror.

He pushed Jeremy off.

"Michael what's wrong?" Jeremy said innocently and Michael felt betrayed.

"You were gonna shoot me!! You were gonna freaking KILL me!!" Michael said, stepping back and tripping over his backpack.

"Michael I...I can explain."

"No need...You never loved me did you? You're just crazy aren't you!?" Michael was shaking, he could get killed at any second and instead decided to throw insults at the boy he thought loved him.

"No there's a reason I tried to k-ki....end your suffering...." Jeremy corrected himself.

"I'm not suffering though!! I'm with you!" Michael yelled and Jeremy felt himself lower the gun.

"Everybody's suffering inside Michael! I've seen the pain humans go through!"

"Jeremy what the heck is wrong with you!? That is if you ever are Jeremy!"

"Nothing is wrong with me. I'm trying to HELP you." Jeremy grabbed Michael's shirt and picked him up, and the taller male was shaking.

"You aren't Jeremy....You AREN'T my Jeremy...Jeremy loved me..." Michael said, pushing Jeremy off again.

"I do love you, that's why I'm doing this!"

"How is this love!?"

"Because if I don't somebody else will!" Jeremy said and the air filled with silence and tension. You could hear their breath.

"Who?" Michael took a step forward.

"I can't say." Jeremy stepped back.

"Why not?" Michael walked forward again.

"He'll kill me." Jeremy walked back multiple times.

"Why?" Michael grabbed Jeremy's arm tightly.

"He just will!" Jeremy said, wincing in pain as he pulled his arm away.

"Why'd you jerk away?"

"Michael that's classified inf-"

"If you love me you'll tell me what's wrong." Michael said, tears in his eyes.

"Fine...I'm being forced to do this. My arm is injured...I've been abused this whole time..." Jeremy said and Michael brought Jeremy closer. "My job was to kill you and bring misery to our friends so they'd buy these things called Squips...They take away pain..."

Jeremy was crying a lot more than he'd planned.

"Hey lookit me." Michael said, using his slightly bent pointer finger to raise Jeremy's chin up. "I really don't want you to get I'll let you kill me okay?" Michael said and Jeremy looked down.

"Now that you know it'll h-hurt more..." Jeremy mumbled but Michael still looked him dead in the eyes.

"We'll kiss when it happens...I won't feel anything when I'm focused on my love for you." Michael said and Jeremy nodded sadly. "Don't be upset okay.. I still love you..." Michael said, and he swooped Jeremy into a kiss.

Jeremy shakily held the gun up to Michael's head and mentally counted.





Michael's body collapsed on the floor and Jeremy looked down at it with teary eyes. He looked at the gun and realized he couldn't leave Michael alone.

"I love you too Micha..." Jeremy whispered, holding the gun to his head and smiling, pulling the trigger.

"We'll be together soon.... I promise..."

So today has been majority angst I'm not sorry.

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