(Rewrite)Breakfast Not So In Bed

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I really wanted to rewrite this with better adjectives and junk so yeah I hope you'll enjoy a special rewrite
I literally just copy pasted the original and began changing it

"Michael...Michael c'mon wakey wakey. I made food." Jeremy cooed quietly, moving the curtains away from the middle of the window, which caused the light to shine directly on Michael's face.

Jeremy watched as Michael stirred around in the bed for a few seconds, trying to stay asleep.

“C'mon Micha, the pancakes will get cold... I would like you to at least eat one." Jeremy made a fake pouty face and Michael sat up, eyes still closed. Jeremy walked over and gently kissed his cheek and both of them blushed.

"G'mornin' Jerm." Michael replied while wiping sleep out of  his eyes, and Jeremy giggled in response.

"Morning to you as well Micha. Now c'mon, the pancakes are freshly made and fluffy." Jeremy began making his way downstairs and Michael nodded, forcing his tired body out of their bed.

The smell of syrup flooded the kitchen, finding its way to Michael's nose, overtaking it, and leading him directly towards the table.

"Jeremiah Madison Heere-Mell, these pancakes are illegally way too big. You be glad there isn't a food jail, you'd be there." Michael said and Jeremy just laughed at his joke. He was lucky to have somebody like Michael, somebody to make him happy.

"Well if that's the case there's now a cute guy jail, and I'm arresting you for being too cute." Jeremy chuckled a bit, gently patting Michael's cheek, and the taller male laughed. "Now c'mon these things can't eat themselves."

"Imagine if they could...that would be like...a whole new level of cannibalism." Michael shook off the dumb thought, pancakes already in his "big" mouth, syrup dripping from his lip to his chin to the plate. "Man you make good pancakes."

"Michael, you've ate my pancakes before." Jeremy cocked his head and Michael smiled, ready to shove another pancake into his mouth.

"I know but I love makin' you smile." Michael’s teasing caused Jeremy's face to flush red.

"Don't you flatter me Michael." Jeremy had already began eating his own plate of pancakes, laughing slightly.

"Aww but it makes you turn all red and it's adorable, it always has been." Michael whined softly before a rather loud burp escaped his mouth.

"Excuse you Mr. Flatterer." Jeremy said in response to Michael.

"Well those were good, but not as good as you." Michael wiped his mouth and made his way over to Jeremy, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. "But these still taste better, not saying you taste bad...wait"

"Oh my gosh Michael." Jeremy covered his face while blushing intensely. Truth be told, he was quite used to Michael's playful mannerisms, they'd been married for almost four years now, and it had been the best four years of their lives.

"You know it's true." Michael laughed slightly, gently leaning his head on Jeremy's shoulder.

"Yeah it is true, but I know something truer than true." Jeremy said and Michael looked over at him.

"What is that?"

"That I love you." Jeremy plantes his own kiss on Michael's cheek, it tasted of syrup and pancake.

"I love you too Jere-Bear." Michael said, softly nuzzling the shorter male.

This is how their Saturday mornings always played out, Jeremy waking Michael up, making him breakfast, and then they proceed to be super affectionate with each other the rest of the day, even when playing video games together.

Somehow the whole Squipcident in high school had made them closer than inseparable, which they already were before the incident, and it resulted in them getting married right after college, and they'd been nothing but happy since.

Still short but I feel like my writing got better. I kept the dialogue the same I just changed up some of it. Nothing too dramatic.

I don't think so anyways. I might finally draw a picture for this chapter on my laptop

And my phone is at 45% I'm gonna go insane!!

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