I Will Fix You

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More Zombeh junk bc I'm in a mood.

Michael tugged the chain gently, causing Jeremy to jerk up and look at him.

"C'mon Jere, we can't keep looking at every little thing or I might die." Michael said, Jeremy nodding slowly, seeming to understand.

See, Jeremy was a zombie. Okay, not all zombie, he could talk and didn't really wanna eat people, but his mind was slowly going dull and his body was covered with scars, gashes, and rotting skin. Luckily Michael had put bandages over some of it just because Michael cared about his safety.

Okay, it was more than that. Michael and Jeremy we're kind of...no that were, plainly, in love.

Michael knew there was a cure to this whole thing, he knew where it all started, and he couldn't hurt Jeremy...not after how he found him.

Michael was looking down at a young brunette who was already turning. He had some kind of needle with him(that's important, remember it), and his body was covered in gashes bigger than any Michael had ever seen.

When Michael tried to get closer to the boy, he moved away.

"I'm not here to hurt you." Michael said and the boy blinked a few times. "I'll even tell you my name, even though you'll probably kill me. I'm Michael." He sat his hand out and the boy gently took it.

"J-Jeremy..." He mumbled. Michael helped him up, but noticed that when he moved, Jeremy just stood there.

"You comin'?"

"I'm used to somebody pulling me on t-this " Jeremy said, holding up a chain.

"Oh well, I'll be gently then because you look fragile. Also, how come you can talk but you're clearly a zombie?"

"This." He held up the needle. It had a weird liquid in it, bright red. "I-It slows it s-so much that you k-keep your sanity for a while. It's b-basically a temporary cure."

"That means there's an actual cure! Do you know who had this?"

"I believe it's a c-company by the name of SQUIP industries or something...They started all this."

"How do you-"

"I was a test subject. I was also an employee, at one point..." Jeremy said and Michael sighed. He felt bad for this guy, really, he seemed like a sweet person.

"Oh that sucks. But we can probably find a cure together." Michael was trying to be optimistic as he gently latched the chain around Jeremy's neck as Jeremy seemed to motion for. "Now let's go. It'll be dark soon and I don't need to die if I'ma save you."

And that's how they ended up where they are now.

They were now staring at a futuristic looking storage building, Jeremy said that this was where they were hiding the cure.

Before they could get in though, they heard a gunshot and turned around to see two males about their age looking straight at them.

"Rich, you get the zombie and I'll get his escort." The tall one said, running towards Michael.

Michael grabbed Jeremy's hand(and was also holding the chIn)and began running as fast as possible.

"They're running off! Jake get your gun and thhoot them!" Rich yelled and the taller one, Jake, grabbed a gun and aimed it straight at Jeremy.

The boys kept running as fast as possible and as Lady luck would have it, they ran straight(gay)into a dead end.

"End of the line. What are you two doing here anyways!?" Jake was holding the gun right at Jeremy, the poor boy was shaking to death.

"I just wanna heal my boyfriend, that's all."

"Well our bothth told uth to take out anybody who tried to get in thith here building so we can't let you do that."

Both boys were aiming at Jeremy  and Michael instincts kicked in when the began counting down to pull the trigger.

He let go of the chain and pushed Jeremy out of the way.

"Get out of here! Now! I don't want you to die..." Michael said, realizing the boys put the guns down.

"B-But...W-What about y-you?"

"Just go! I'll be fine!" Michael said and Jeremy scrambled to his feet and ran as fast as he could.

He heard somebody fall to the ground but didn't look back.

(An hour later, Michael is just waking up)

Michael's eyes were getting used to the dark room as he woke up. Not even a few seconds later and something is shoved in his mouth.

It was a bottle, and inside was a weird green liquid, with little gray pills swimming in it.

When it was all gone, Michael felt like puking. He didn't know who just did that but assumed it had to do with Rich and Jake.

Michael passed out again and woke up back outside the building he and Jeremy had been outside.

He stood up and heard footsteps, when he went around the corner he seen Jeremy holding his bag.

"J-Jeremy I told you to...why do you look so different?" Michael asked and Jeremy looked up. He seemed healthier, he looked human.

"I got the Syrum. All of it. We can be normal again...I can finally tell you what my brain hasn't been able to put into words for three months..."


"Michael...I love you..." Jeremy said, giving Michael the red liquid filled needle.

"Jeremy...I love you too." Michael then brought Jeremy forward and kissed him.

Let's just say that this entire thing was caused by a human Squip who wanted to make the world his zombies because the author is too lazy to elaborate in the story.

Also the author didn't say Michael started turning too.

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