More Boyfs Headcanons

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I was on Tumblr.

-Jeremy is the morning person, Michael the night person
-Jeremy hogs the blanket because somehow Michael is naturally warm and doesn't need it
-Michael wanted kids before Jeremy, and he would stay up searching for names but wasn't satisfied
-Michael would type his and Jeremy's names together on Google docs like: Michael and Jeremy Heere, Jeremy and Michael Heere, Michael and Jeremy Mell, Jeremy and Michael Mell, Michael and Jeremy Heere-Mell, etc...
-Michael gets excited about dates as lot easier than Jeremy, at least physically. Like he becomes Christine levels of excited
-Michael snores very quietly, and Jeremy thinks it's adorable
-Michael is the protective one, Jeremy is the over paranoid and worried one
-Jeremy won't let Michael know bugs so he takes them outside.
-Jeremy still hides his fursuit even though Michael knows about it.
-Michael would wake up at five in the morning to tell Jeremy is AoTD 2 was a thing
-Jeremy would wake up at five in the morning to tell Michael random doodle ideas
-Both of them would wake up at five in the morning to tell the other how much they mean to them
-Jeremy is the one who makes breakfast
-Michael refuses to wake up until Jeremy tells him he made pancakes
-Pancakes, for breakfast, every morning
-Neither had to meat the other's parents after dating because they've been friends for so long.
-Jeremy would feed ducks at the pond or pigeons in the park(random reference: WE'RE POISONING PIGEONS IN THE PARK!)
-Michael is the clingy one, also the emotional one who's scared Jeremy will leave
-Jeremy was an oblivious dork for a long time and now regrets that
-Michael can't cook, he can barely use a toaster
-Neither of them watch TV unless they're bored
-Michael finds excuses to hold Jeremy's hand
-Jeremy refuses to say he's willingly hugs Michael and blames it on being cold
-Michael is the one that swears in another language when playing video games
-Jeremy is the one who falls asleep while leaning on Michael
-Michael will sing Jeremy to sleep
-Jeremy refuses to sing to anybody except Michael
-Michael feels blessed that he's the only one getting to hear Jeremy's beautiful voice
-Jeremy is the one who picks out the cheesy couple cosplays
-Michael has to sleep on the couch if he makes too many "Heere" puns

That's enough for now

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