Don't Leave

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I wanted to call this chapter"Stay" but Hamiltrash fans would start referencing "Say No To This" and I don't need anymore reminders that this week marks the week Alex wrote the Reynolds' Pamphlet

Oh umm TW time

TW: homophobic slurs, slight racism, swearing, abuse.. Michael's Dad is in this so yeah

Michael sighed as he closed the last box and looked over at his boyfriend.

"I can't believe he won..." Jeremy whispered and Michael could hear him choking up. He walked over and wrapped his arms around Jeremy gently, laying his chin on the shorter male's shoulder. "I don't want you to l-leave..."

"I don't wanna leave either Jeremy dad won custody of me...I can't...I can't stay...or he'll beat my mom...well both Ma and Mama..." Michael began crying softly and the two just held each other until they seen a truck pull up outside.

"You already....You're already...l-leaving..." Jeremy wiped his eyes and Michael turned him around, kissing him softly on the lips and then on his forehead.

"Jeremy d-don't cry...I don't wanna do this...So....I want have my a goodbye token." Michael took the red hoodie off and placed it around Jeremy's back. "As well as this. Everything in this I want you to have." He gave Jeremy a box and smiled...the last time Jeremy would see him smile.

Jeremy sat the box down and tightly wrapped his arms around Michael's neck, sobbing heavily.

"M-Michael I d-don't w-wanna lose you!" Michael didn't say anything as he tightly hugged back.

"Michael Omipon Mell you lil fag get your ass down here!"

"There's my dad...I love you Jeremy." Michael whispered and Jeremy continued crying. Michael grabbed his small amount of boxes and carried them downstairs.

"I love you too Michael..." Jeremy whimpered out right as Michael left.

Michael came down the steps and met eyes with his dad.

"There you are ya gay trash. Go ahead and get your crap in the truck. You better not have anything gay in there or in burning it when we get to my house." Mr. Mell said harshly and Michael nodded, taking the boxes to the truck and sitting them in.

Jeremy watched him from the bedroom window, tapping it and getting his attention. He made little hearts with his hands and Michael did the same back.

Until his dad walked out. Michael quickly turned away from the window and his dad shoved him in the truck.

"And don't you think I'm letting you contact Jeremy again. You broke up with him right?" Mr. Mell grabbed Michael's wrist as they were already in the truck and Michael nodded. "Quit crying. Once you get settled in, there's a nice reform school I'm sending you to."

Jeremy heard the truck start up and waved goodbye as it drove away. He heard Mallory and Maganda crying downstairs and walked down there, the box in his hands.

"H-Hi Maganda...Mal...I...I'm sorry." He whispered and they seen him and they smiled.

"Jeremy, I...I forgot you were here..." Maganda admitted sadly and Jeremy wiped his eyes and walked over to her, gently putting a hand in his shoulder.

"It's okay Maganda...I was trying not to let Michael's dad figure out I was here...he thinks Michael broke up with me...I heard him yell ask it."

"Sweetie you know he loved you..." Mallory whispered and Jeremy nodded through tears.

"He didn't break up with me though...the last thing he said was that he loved me...He...He has no way to contact me though...." Jeremy was starting to sob again and both of Michael's moms held him close. "He gave me this. I should... probably open it now." Jeremy whispered, sitting down on the couch and opening the box.

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