The Weirdest Wedding Ever

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This idea is legit from a conversation with greenvains bases on her fanfic "Get Along" which has Michael and Jeremy in it.

So she hasn't posted this in her fic yet this is my take on it in Jeremy's POV...well third person revolving around Jeremy and Michael.


Jeremy stood patiently next to his dad as he awaited his stepmom and stepbrother to arrive. See, Jeremy's step brother was getting married.

Now Jeremy had hardly had any interaction with this boy and all he knew was his name was Evan and he was older than him.

What he didn't know was that Evan's girlfriend and soon to be wife was a tree. So when he seen the blonde boy in a dress hugging a tree he was extremely confused.

"Is that a tree?" Jeremy asked, readjusting his collar gently. Evan looked up from his seat and nodded.

"This is umm...this is Alona. My s-soon to be wife." Evan smiled and Jeremy sighed. This was going to be weird.

He had an hour before Evan's wedding and was desperately hoping Michael would show up soon to save him some...sanity.

Seriously this was the weirdest thing he'd seen...and he literally spoke to a digital clone of Keanu Reeves that tried to start the apocolypse.

First thing was Evan was marrying a TREE. Two of Evan's friends, Connor and Jared, were handcuffed together.

Jared was wearing a pink dress with red trimmings around the waist, nonexistent sleeves, and the bottom. The gloves were trimmed with red too.

Connor had his hair in a nice ponytail behind his head, both eyes and all freckles visible(Connor has freckles in my HC deal with it). He was wearing a suit and the only things that stuck out were the baby blue tie and a pin with a tree on it.

Jeremy heard familiar singing and turned to see Christine in a very familiar dark pink dress.

"Hi Jeremy! Look at my dress." She smiled happily and Jeremy began giggling as she danced around him. "Work work! Angelica!!" She bumped his butt and he turned red.

"Work work, Eliza!" Jeremy sang and Christine giggled before continuing, but before they could continue, Michael ran up in a nice yellow dress that Jeremy knew belonged to his mother and screamed.

"AND PEGGY!" They fell on the ground and all sang "The Schuyler Sisters" together before laughing.

"Glad you two showed up I've been really confused about this. My step brother is marrying a tree." Jeremy told them and Christine giggled a bit. Michael just started laughing.

"That's actually kind of cute though because he really really loves trees." Christine said happily and Jeremy sighed before spotting one last person their age.

He had curly black hair, a long, silky black dress, long black gloves, and a ton of freckles. He had bags under his dark blue eyes and the weirdest thing about him was in one hand was a the other, a chainsaw.

"Jason!! I didn't know you were coming!" Michael ran off to him and Jeremy sighed.

"Jeremy I gotta go get ready to wed Evan and Alona you think you'll be fine?" Christine asked and Jeremy pointed to Michael in sadness. "You still like him?"


"Hey I'm pretty sure he likes you back so don't worry about it. JD is just a friend." Christine smiled as she patted Jeremy's back and left him alone.

"I need to seriously find my- Dad!" Jeremy ran over to where his dad was and hugged him, glad somebody SANE was there.

"Well this is new." He chuckled and Jeremy just smiled awkwardly.

"Well everybody else here is losing their know Evan's marrying a tree right?" Jeremy whispered and his dad nodded while laughing.

"Heidi already told me about it. And I say it might be a little strange...but you, son, you almost started the apocalypse by eating a super computer."

"Yeah I'm weird." Jeremy shrugged before his dad walked towards another car. "Oh right...I keep forgetting I have a mom now." Jeremy muttered awkwardly to himself as he watched his dad and stepmom hugging and being cute.

It was everything he wanted to do with Michael. He decided to see how his said friend was doing and walked back to where the chainsaw slushy dude was.

Michael was rambling, but it wasn't normal was crush rambling. Jeremy knew because he'd done it and seen Christine do it.

"But like... he's just perfect. In every way. He listens, he doesn't treat me like human garbage, sure he can be a jerk at times but it only makes him cuter when he apologizes...I just...I just love him." Jeremy listened in, standing a few inches away from Jason because he was scared he'd get hurt if he got close. "Ya wanna know who it is?"

Jeremy didn't say anything and Jason just nodded.

"It's......It's Jeremy...." Michael smiled wide and Jason dropped his slushy. Jeremy just stared in awe. "Oh hi Jeremy...You heard that didn't you?"

"Yeah." Jeremy was blood red, trying to hide the creeping smile on his face.

"You can pretend you didn't if you w-want I-"

"No...I don't wanna pretend it didn't happen." Jeremy walked over to Michael and wrapped arms around him gently. "I...I've actually been praying that kind of thing would happen..."

Jeremy didn't realize it, neither did Michael, but Jason was kind of sad at the fact they were hugging.

"Wait you l-like me!?" Michael said rather loudly and Jeremy quickly kissed him, both of them turning bright red and smiling into it.

When they released, Jeremy pushed a gentle strand of hair out of Michael's face.

"No." Jeremy paused and Michael actually looked like he was going to cry. "I love you." Then the smile returned but he was still crying. Happiness, Jeremy presumed.

Maybe the wedding wouldn't be so bad,  now that Jeremy wasn't a single pringle anymore.

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