This Job Got Me Love?

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Jere works at a GameStop like store, he stocks it up and stuff. I don't have a job and haven't worked at GameStop so like...yeah

Hey for those who have read that lil challenge at the bottom, somebody already figured it out. I'll reveal it at the bottom but the prize goes to bathbomb_cronch

"Jeremy I need you to take over Jenna's job for me." Eric said and Jeremy rolled his eyes as he put the game up into its place on the shelf and sighed.

"Okay." Jeremy deadpanned.

"Also I'm going out so you have to close up the store today."

"Lemme guess, you're going on a date with that dude with the green hair who you refuse to tell me the name of?" Jeremy teased and Eric shot him a smile.

"I told you to call him K Jeremy? And his hair is like green."

"It's hard to tell when he never takes that dang black hood off his head." Jeremy locked the shelf and seen Eric blushing at the thought of "K."

"Hey it makes him mysterious, and attractive. Just make sure this place is cleaned and everything alright?"

"Alright Eric." Jeremy waved his boss goodbye and as soon as he walked out, a customer walked in.

Jeremy didn't even pay attention to the customer until they walked over to him. Jeremy looked up and froze as he saw probably the most attractive male ever standing in front of him.

Jeremy didn't know what about him was attractive, from the nicely fluffed dark brown hair, the caramel colored skin, the rainbow nail polish, or his face but he was attractive.

"Hey do you still have copies of Apocolypse of the Damned here? I went to all the other stores and the don't have it." He said and Jeremy nodded, leading him to where the game was.

That's when Jeremy remembered he had planned on buying the game himself, and it was the last copy.

"Heere you go." Jeremy had a somewhat fake but also real smile on his face as he unlocked the shelf and took the game out, handing it to the boy.

"Why did you like...freeze when you said here?" He asked and Jeremy turned red. Most people who shopped there knew him so they got that joke but this guy was new.

" umm, last name is H-Heere." Jeremy stuttered out and the boy smiled probably the most amazing and adorable smile Jeremy'd ever laid eyes on.

"Oh. Well I guess I'll tell you my last name is Mell. And my greeting for people is Mello Yello. And I call my fans Marshmellows." He said and Jeremy thought for a second.

Why did that sound familiar.

"Hey aren't you that one dude on YouTuber who always reviews d soft drinks, as well as plays video games a lot? And your fanbase is called the Marshmellow army?" Jeremy asked and the boy nodded.


"I have been subscribed to you for like...three years now. I've just never seen your face since you never revealed it." Jeremy said and the boy smiled softly.

"You seem cool. You wanna hang out and chill?" He asked and Jeremy looked back at the cash register and then the boy.

"Okay. I can close up early, but you gotta buy the game first."


"So we can play it." Jeremy was getting a bit too cocky at this point.

"Oh okay. I'll buy it real quick, how much it for?"

"I dunno, does a kiss sound like a fair price?" Jeremy was internally screaming right about now.

"Sure, if it means we can play this game when we get to my place."

"Deal!" Jeremy said and he grabbed the boy in by his hood and their lips met. How they even fell so deep in love was beyond their own knowledge.

When they released, Jeremy grabbed some money out of his pocket and sat it in the register.

"Now, Mell, how's about we go play a video game?"

"Okay Heere. Let's." And with that, Jeremy closed up the store and they left, hand in hand.

Jeremy had no clue he was this good at picking up guys.

I snuck in a request but I'm gonna write the full fic tonight once I figure out their YouTuber names.

As for Eric's bf, can you all figure out who K is from the hints? First person to get it right gets a free request and/or an OC cameo in one of these stories.

And K is a humanized version of Rich's Squip aka Evil Kermit

This was dumb and short I can't process life anymore *dies*

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