You Were the Key I Needed

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Soulmate AU finally. But this is a bit different than most. Okay so every person has a key that belongs to their soulmate, it's extremely detailed and different to each person.

Each person also has a lock on their heart, and it looks like the key that​ their soulmate has.

Both soulmates have to unlock their hearts to truly be considered soulmates. I know it's confusing but trust me.

Enjoy (sorry for a bit of a slow down in updates. I hate school sometimes don't you?)

Michael knew what Jeremy's locked heart looked like. He'd accidentally seen in through a mirror when the shorter male stayed the night.

Jeremy had never seen Michael's heart, and he honestly didn't want to. In fear more than of avoidance.

One of them knew and the other didn't. So was their emotional curse it seemed. Luckily, Michael had a plan to show Jeremy he was his. And he prayed it would work.

The two were chilling at Michael's, playing video games as usual and Michael felt his pocket. Good. He thought. It's still there.

Michael paused the game and Jeremy turned to him, confused.

"Why did you pause it? Are you afraid I'ma beat you?" Jeremy stuck his tongue out and Michael laughed.

"Nah I knew you were gonna win I'm good at Smash Bros more than Kart anyways."

"Seriously though why'd you pause it?"

"Okay. Look I have been...meaning to do this but I wanted to show you my Soulmate's key. In case you know who they are ya know?"

"Yeah I guess." The mention of Michael's Soulmate bummed Jeremy out. Michael seemed happy about the topic though.

"Okay, so here it is. Do you know who's it is?" Michael pulled out a sky blue key with small white vines from the shoulder to the blade's tip. On the shoulder was also a white rose, with a red gemstone in the middle. That gemstone was lined throughout the entire key.

Jeremy's eyes widened as he gripped where his locked heart was. He knew the flower and red gemstones by memory, he could trace the vines perfectly.

Jeremy quickly pulled out his key from his pocket and held it out for Michael.

It was a rich caramel color with vibrant red vines wrapping around the entire thing. Where the hole of the bow was, there was a beautiful red rose, aligned with blue glitter. In fact every bit of the red vines was tinted with blue glitter.

The boys stared at each other in shock for a second before Michael threw his hoodie and shirt off, revealing his heart.

A bright red, rectangular shaped, a caramel shaped rose aligned the keyhole, and blue sparkled scattered on the entire box.

Jeremy hesitantly removed his shirt, revealing a white box with a baby blue rose in the middle, around the keyhole. Red gemstones placed around said rose.

"N-No way..." Jeremy mumbled and Michael must have taken it in the wrong light because his eyes seemed to have tears in them. "Michael what's wrong? Do you not want me as your soulmate? I'm sure I could...could...umm..." Michael quickly grabbed Jeremy into a hug, their body heat quickly combining to make a temperature both were comfortable with.

"No... I thought you didn't want me as your soulmate..." Michael whispered, nudging himself into Jeremy's neck comfortably, and Jeremy just let him fall into it.

"No actually...I thought I wasn't your soulmate...I never looked at my key...or your avoid heartbreak..." Jeremy muttered, and Michael pulled away for a second before looking down at the box. He took the blue key and gently placed it into the baby blue rose, turning it lightly.

Jeremy took the caramel key and placed it into the caramel rose, turning it just right.

They removed their hands from the keys and watched them fade into thin air, and the boxes opened.

Michael pulled out what was inside his first. A ring. A baby blue ring aligned with red gemstones, and surrounding the gemstones were flower designs.

Jeremy's had a caramel ring with a small red rose on the top, blue glitter aligning every inch.

"Well I guess we were both wrong." Michael said as he pulled Jeremy in for a kiss, causing the younger male to turn red as Michael's heart box.

The boxed closed back and small knobs appeared where the holes once were, and the boxes vanished.

"How do we open them up again?" Jeremy asked, sad to watch the vibrant red vanish from Michael's skin.

"I think we put out hands on each other's hearts."

"Well we can worry about it later." Jeremy whispered as he climbed into Michael's arms and closed his eyes. "This is all I used to think about doin...just...being with you." Jeremy mumbled and Michael kissed his head.

"Same. I've known for a while...probably a few years."

"W-Wow...Wish you had told me sooner." Jeremy repositioned himself and felt sleep slowly take over his person. "I love you Micha."

"I love you too Jere. Let's get you to bed. You look tired."

"I am..."

"So am I." Michael quickly turned the TV off and picked Jeremy up bridal style, carrying him to bed.

The two fell asleep, Jeremy's head rested on Michael's heart, their breath in perfect sync, and their hands intertwined.

They really were meant for each other.

Can ya guess where I got the key and heart box thing from? Hint it has absolutely nothing to do with soulmates. Ya figure it out a d you get a free cookie.

Hope that sufficed for now. I have fluff ideas I swear. I have doodled a lotta the Boyfs so yeah. Also this book ends at 100 parts. But I'm making a sequel. Some parts from this may be continued there. I dunno. It'll be conducted differently. As in the party are numbered and multiple one shots make up each part.

Hope you like

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