Die for Pride

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(A/N: TIME FOR ANGST YOU GUYS! Note this contains homophobic characters, death, and mention of shootings...read at the risk of your heart...also support Jeremy in this he actually does something really brave)

(ships: Boyf Riends, Pinkberry, and RichJake, but mostly Boyf Riends)

Today was going to be perfect. Jeremy had planned to go with Michael to a Pride parade pretty close to their home. A few others were heading out with them, that being Rich, Brooke, and Chloe. Jake couldn't go because he was still trying to find a house since he and Rich both got kicked out when Rich's parents found out about them, but they knew he would've totally came if he could.

At the parade, Jeremy and Michael were holding hands while Michael was waving a semi-large rainbow flag. Rich, Jeremy, and Chloe all held bi flags, and Brooke was too busy eating froyo to actually have a flag.

“Man we need to do thith more often!” Rich said, enjoying his newfound self. Ever since he'd realized he was bi he'd been happier than before. A lot happier. In fact so had Jeremy.

He'd been with Michael for a few months now and was enjoying himself just as much...that's when they heard screaming.

“What's goin’ on?” Michael asked before they heard some kind of shot being fired. Chloe grabbed Brooke's hand and dashed for her mother's car. Rich headed for Michael's PT Cruiser (he came with the Boyf Riends), and Jeremy was frozen in place. He'd had nightmares of this, several times. “Jer c'mon we gotta go.” Michael said, pulling Jeremy's neon bi hoodie as hard as he could without ripping it. “JerBear come on, we're gonna die!” Michael was panicking, and the shots were getting louder. He was still trying to move Jeremy, and just as the taller male realized what was going on, Michael was already silenced.

“M-Mikey?” Jeremy asked, but he hadn't even realized Michael was now laying on the ground beside him, bleeding. “Michael!!” He was on his knees, trying to shake the shorter male awake. “C'mon...don't be dead, don't be dead, do not be dead….” Jeremy begged, false hope trying to hold him up.

“You people disgust me…” A voice said, and Jeremy looked up. The man who'd started the shooting.

“And killers like you disgust me... we're different, is that so wrong?” Jeremy asked, grabbing Michael's hand and holding it to his heart.

“Yes. You're an abomination to mankind! They should have never legalized people like you.” He said harshly and Jeremy gave him and stare that could kill.

“And murderers shouldn't exist but you do...Love is a human right...death isn't...at least we have a reason to do what we do.” Jeremy was crying but his anger still held. He stood up, Michael's limp body around him. “And if anybody's the abomination it's you. You've killed the sweetest person in this screwed up world...the only thing good left here!? If you think what you're doing is good it's not. You're only making matters worse for yourself!!” Jeremy was practically yelling now. “You're the twisted one here...not me, or Michael, or anybody who was here! We were just being ourselves and being loved by those like us!! We are allowed to love who we want, and we shouldn't be judged by our hearts!!”

“Heh, You're a fighter...I guess if you love, what did you say his name was, Michael...so much, you can join him.” The man said, and before Jeremy knew it he was dead on the ground, loosely holding Michael's hand.

The news got around quickly...Jenna had been the first student who hadn't been there to find out.

“Guys, read the names...read the last two.” She said, holding back tears. Rich and Jake were holding each other tightly, both crying. Brooke was balling in Chloe's arms, and Christine was trying to calm herself but before she knew it she was crying too. The last two names had read “Michael Mell and Jeremiah(Jeremy)Heere.”

They had the same funeral. Each of their friends gave a speech...some coming out that day. Each person who spoke learned something from Jeremy and Michael's death.

“Be proud of yourself until the ending. That's the coolest thing you can do.” -Jake

“Don't let people who hate you intimidate you. Intimidate them!” -Chloe

“Be there for those you love even after death…” -Brooke

“Die for who you love, and they'll continue loving you.” -Christine

“Stay by the side of your fellow pride children.” -Jenna

“Don't let your orientation define you. Thtick through it and thow that bravery!” -Rich

And the thing they all learned was to Die for Pride.

Jeremy and Michael were buried together, holding hands and everything. There was even a pride ceremony at school to honor them and all the pride kids…

Die for Pride...Die together...and Be together...Always. Somewhere, Jeremy and Michael were holding hands and watching their friends march on, proud of them as they had been for themselves.

(A/N: I wrote this in the bathroom by myself no wonder it's depressing)

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