I Found You

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(...Science experiment Jeremy AU...and Michael gets a job there. Enjoy)

Michael looked around his new work place, tapping his hands on his knees as he waited for his job to arrive.

After about 10 boring minutes, his boss, who went by Squip for some reason, came into the room, hand on the shoulder of a very frail looking brunette. He was shaking.

"Mell. This is the experiment you'll be getting. This clipboard contains all the information about him and the procedure you will follow daily. Once you're done take him to his cell. It's located on the map on the clipboard." Squip said, handing Michael a board and leaving.

He looked up at the brunette. Poor boy looked like he hadn't slept in weeks.

Michael looked over the information.

Name: Jeremiah Heere
Age: 17

Michael froze when he read that.

"J... Jeremy?" He was very silent about it but the boy looked up at him with sparkles in his eyes.

"...Michael? M...Michael Mell?" He asked quietly and Michael nodded, holding back a smile as he walked over to Jeremy and hugged him. "H-How did you find me!?"

"I didn't mean to. I took this job for the money but this...this is better than all the money." Michael said and Jeremy smiled.

See, Jeremy had went missing when they were in seventh grade. Michael could have gone crazy searching for him. Now that he's found him though, he won't need to worry about that.

"I...Okay so what do I have to do to you exactly?" Michael asked, flipping through the pages on the clipboard.

Procedure: give patient the small pill sitting on the table then inject their arms with the needle with the green liquid in it. Wait for about two minutes before proceeding to check their blood. If it is blue they may leave. If it's red you repeat the process until it is blue.

Also. Never touch the red liquid.

"So you gotta eat a pill and then I basically give you a shot?"

"I-It's worse than it s-sounds." Jeremy muttered out, sitting on the table gently.

"This thing is the pill?" Jeremy nodded in response. "It looks like a tictac." Michael commented, getting a small laugh out if Jeremy.

It didn't last long because they heard screaming from across the hall. Jeremy knew who it was but didn't say anything about it.

"Okay here ya go." Michael said, handing Jeremy the pill and watched as he ate it, his face twisting up like if you see a lemon. "Now comes the fun part. I know you don't like shots but I gotta do this."

"C-Could you maybe sing to me? I r-remember you used to s-sing to me b-back when I got s-shots at the doctor's office." Jeremy said and Michael nodded.

He thought for a second for any song he could sing and smiled when one come to his mind.

"Two Birds on a wire." He began, picking up the needle and walking over to Jeremy.

"One tries to fly away. And the other." He grabbed one of Jeremy's hands and put the needle against his arm.

"Watches him close from that wire." He started pushing the needle into Jeremy's skin but the boy only slightly flinched.

"He says he wants to as well but he's just a liar." Michael had finished one arm and headed to the other, repeating the process.

"I'll believe, it all. There's nothing I won't understand." He quickly grabbed Jeremy's other hand to assure his safety.

"I'll believe, it all. I won't let go if your hand." Michael finished and looked over at Jeremy.

"I missed you v-voice so much. It's s-so calming." Jeremy said and Michael smiled at him.

"I've been practicing a lot recently. Okay so now we wait so I can draw some blood samples." Michael said, tapping his foot and talking to Jeremy for about three minutes.

"Okay. I'm gonna draw the blood and I'm gonna continue singing while doing it. Ya wanna sing with me?"

"Okay. I b-barely remember the song."

"Okay then. I'll start." Michael said, clearing his throat.

"Two birds on a wire." Michael began, the other needle in his hand, ready to draw Jeremy's blood.

"One says come on and the other says I'm tired." Jeremy sang quietly but loud enough Michael could hear him.

"The sky's overcast and I'm sorry." That was when Michael began drawing the blood.

"One more. Or one less but nobody's worried." Jeremy sang, ignoring any pain his arms were feeling.

"I'll believe it all. There's nothing I won't understand." They were both singing now. "I'll believe it all I won't let go of your hand." With that Michael was done. Jeremy's blood was a very bright shade of blue which looked really strange to Michael.

"Okay so now I'm taking you back to your cell. You can direct me there." Michael said, wrapping Jeremy's arms up in bandages and helping him off the table.

The hallways were silent, let alone a few people crying in other rooms. Jeremy did that a lot. He was scared of this place, Squip, and strangely enough. Himself.

They reached the cell and Michael walked Jeremy inside.

"Okay says here I'm basically supposed to watch you and write down what you do. But since I'm your friend I could maybe lie a bit." Michael said and Jeremy smiled, sitting on his small wooden bed attached to the wall.

It felt like prison. Jeremy hated it and Michael already hated it too.

Eventually, Jeremy went to sleep and Michael felt bad, seeing him sleep in the wooden bed. Michael took off his red hoodie and walked over to Jeremy, gently picking him up to the best of his abilities and laying him in the hoodie, wrapping it around him.

"Good night Jeremy. I'll be right here if you need me." Michael said, placing a soft, warm, and gentle kiss to Jeremy's cold forehead and sitting down against the wall next to him. "I promise I'll get you our of here."

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