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This song makes me cry. Like I just started listening to it and tears came from nowhere

So I give you angst.

TW: suicide+suicidal thoughts

Jeremy held the note in his hands, tears falling on to it as he read the final words of his boyfriend.

You taught me the courage of stars before you left. How light carries on endlessly, even after death.

"Jeremy if I ever die, know I'll still be with you okay. Especially in your darkest times, I promise." Michael smiled sweetly and Jeremy laid on his legs calmly.

"You really promise?"


With shortness of breath, you explained the infinite.

"Jere...I'm sorry...but...I...I love you so much..." Michael gently kissed Jeremy before the toxins in the pills fully took effect, causing him to go limp. Jeremy stared at the lifeless body in the hospital bed with tears in his eyes.

How rare and beautiful it is to even exist.

"He said I was the most amazing person in the world...Now he's gone...What am I supposed to do!?" Jeremy punched the mirror, breaking it, getting cut all over his arm, blood gently dripping down on to his dresser.

I couldn't help but ask for you to say it all again. I tried to write it down but I could never find a pen.

Jeremy wanted to write down everything Michael had ever told him...but the harder he thought, he less he remembered. Most of his notebook became filled with tear stains and sticky paper.

I'd give anything to hear you say it one more time. That the universe was made just to be seen by my eyes

Jeremy sat on the branch, the rope securely tied around it. He grabbed the end of the noose and put it around his neck.

He looked up at the stars and smiled. He wanted to be with Michael...but...Michael wouldn't want him to die like this would he?

"Jeremy, if anything happens to me and you even think about killing yourself... I will come back and tell you to quit it. You're too amazing to die because of me. You should get to live, see the world, don't let yourself stoop so low as to just die... it's not worth it." Michael hugged Jeremy tightly, and the brunette grabbed his hand and interlaced their pinkies

"I won't. Promise."

Here he sat though, about to hang himself.

"Michael wouldn't want this...." He mumbled as he took the noose off and climbed down to the grass.

He decided to check in on Michael's moms. They were home and told him Michael had left something for him before he left.

Jeremy went upstairs and found a small voice recorder that had a sticky note reading "JereBear, play this. -Micha" on it.

I couldn't help but ask you to say it all again.

Jeremy pressed play and listened.

"Voice record #1, November 15th, 2013. Hi Jeremy. I don't think I need to tell you who this is. But I just...I hope you eventually hear this. Today I kinda fell in love with you. Like...really really fell in love with you. I dunno why but I just really wanna be your boyfriend. Like...really badly. I think you're amazing, you're precious and talented and you don't see it but I do and I just...Maybe one day we can be together."

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