The Bird's Song

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Because Jeremy with bird wings is my aesthetic. Also Squip is a spirit(my friends and me said "what is Squip were a spirit summoned by Jeremy!?")

Also the song is what Michael and Jeremy sing in this. I really like this song so like...yeah

Jeremy sat in his room, staring at the ceiling.

"Any day now. They'll come in. You'll be like every other kid at school. Not just a simple human anymore."

"You know talking to yourself is unattractive." Jeremy turned his head to see the blue being in front of him.

"You died in the nineties Eric. You can't say anything about modern attractive people." Jeremy mumbled, slamming a pillow on his face.

"Yeah but at least I know you have a giant crush on Michael. You're too worried about your wings to see that fact." Eric said, and Jeremy rolled his eyes. Having a dead person constantly trying to be your wingman, no pun intended, was not fun. At least not to Jeremy.

"My wings are important. Everybody else at school has their extensions except me."

"Michael hasn't received his either."

"He can't. He's never going to. You know that."

"I know but knowing you, you're gonna try and show off to Christine, and then Michael's gonna feel alone."

"Since when do you care about Michael?"

"He is keeping you alive. Is he not?"

"I guess."

"Exactly. Thus I have to worry about him. My job is to keep you alive, and keeping him alive is how to do that."

"Okay. But I don't have a crush on him. Just saying."

Eric rolled his eyes, deciding to taunt the teen.

"I'm Jeremiah Heere, I'm so caught up in getting wings that I can't see how in love I am with my best friend." He laughed a bit and Jeremy shot him a bird. "Can it Heere, lying and denial don't work on somebody practically inside your head. I DO haunt you."

"Eric can you go away. I'm tryna relax."

"You're stressing." Eric bluntly stated and he was greeted with Jeremy throwing a pillow at him like an angry child...even if the pillow phased through Eric completely.

Jeremy groaned and rolled around lazily. Eric didn't say anything. The two stayed like that for about three minutes until Eric noticed Jeremy jerking... unnaturally. Then came the strange groans...then the squeals.

"Eric...Eric I think it's happening." Jeremy muttered and Eric knew Jeremy wanted some privacy during this.

What he didn't expect was the boy to grab his phone off his desk and dial Michael's number.

"Mello Yello?"

"M-Michael...Get over here. It's-AACH-happening!" Jeremy screeched into the line and Michael's eyes widened.

"Okay Jeremy. Stay there, I'm coming over. Is your dad home?"

"No. He's-OW-on a date w-with a woma-AGH-n named Hei-OW-di."

"Okay good. I'm bringing a crap ton of junk food in my car."

"Ok-kay can you like...hurry? P-Please. I'm in a lotta p-pain." Jeremy muttered and Michael assured him he was leaving.

They ended the call and Michael was now on his way.


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