Maybe They're Late...

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I read the prompt and knew I was going to love this idea. Oh btw his date can be a character of your imagination. Like IDC who it is tbh, you can put the person of choice in the comments so I can giggle at the ideas and then kill them for leaving Jeremy.

No trigger warning this time, just fluff!

Jeremy tapped his fingers on the table gently, sighing as he looked at the door and back down at his watch. The waitress came over and asked him if he was ready to order but he made a gentle pushing motion with his hand and she walked away.

He was trying his hardest to fight back the tears and he was just about ready to get up when a really handsome boy a bit taller than him came up the table and sat down.

"Sorry I'm late so late, babe, the traffic was crazy out there." He was rather loud, and everybody who had been looking at Jeremy sympathetically went back to their business. "Hey, just roll with it alright. I'm Michael, and whoever left you is a jerk."

"O-Oh well t-thanks. I'm Jeremy..." The waitress came over a few seconds after Jeremy said that, luckily not hearing the fact these two were just meeting. She got their orders and left and the two sat there before Michael spoke up again.

"Well then Jeremy, I'm sorry your date blew you off. Lucky for you, Michael here didn't have anybody." Jeremy giggled a bit and Michael cocked his head in confusion.

" last name is Heere. So it sounded l-like you said Michael Heere." Michael actually started laughing as well.

"That is an inconvenience of a last name. Then again my last name is constantly used in Mellow Yellow puns...and Marshmallow puns, heck even watermelon puns."

"What is you last name exactly?"


"Yeah okay but those are actually cute puns. I can't go a day in school without having to say present in response to my name on the role call." Jeremy fiddled with his sleeves when something caught his eye. "Is that a Pac-Man tie?"

"Oh yeah, I'm kind of...okay more like completely obsessed with retro games." Michael scratched his neck a bit and Jeremy moved closer to him to examine the tie.

"I like it." He smiled and Michael seemed to be taken back.


"Yeah...I'm kind of completely obsessed with retro games too."

"Okay wow this is amazing. How did I end up talking with somebody who understands my interests?" Around that time, the waitress came back and gave them their food. Michael thanked her kindly and she smiled and walked away to serve another couple coming in.

Jeremy seen the couple and froze...

"Jeremy are you alright?" Michael asked and Jeremy pointed to the two. "You know them?"

"That was my date." He whispered, tears starting to fill his blue-green eyes quickly. "I didn't think...I should've known it had been too good to be true." Jeremy mumbled, staring back at the very same person who blew him off.

"Hey, don't cry. I know that that was your date and all but...if they couldn't see how beautiful you were then they don't deserve you." Michael put a hand on Jeremy's and the shorter male stared in shock.

"You think I'm...beautiful?" Jeremy asked and Michael nodded, lifting his pale hand and gently kissing it. Jeremy flushed red on the contact and Michael smiled in response. "T-Thank you... nobody's ever... actually told me that before..."

"Well I'll tell you that every day if I can." Michael gently whispered and Jeremy's heart began beating faster.

When the two finished their food, they walked out hand and hand, Jeremy realizing he didn't have a ride home.

"Did you not drive here?"

"No, my friends had a date here and picked up...they already left I guess." Jeremy sighed and Michael wrapped an arm around him.

"I'll drive you home."

"Thanks..." Jeremy blushed again as they made their way to Michael's car.

Once inside, Jeremy couldn't help but keep his eyes on Michael...why was this boy he just met so gosh darn beautiful!? And nice!? And...and perfect?

"So you can just tell me where you live. I'm sure I can find it."

"Okay but like...I need to ask you something first."

"Okay, shoot."

" are you being so nice to me? You don't even know me."

"No I didn't. But I know how you felt earlier...I've been blown off several times before and nobody ever helped me. I wanted to help you...let's just say I'm good at reading people and...I could tell you just wanted somebody to care about you...somebody to talk to. I could tell you were alone...and I could tell you were a sweet person who didn't get the love he I wanted to help." Michael had to be the sweetest person Jeremy had ever met. "And now that I've gotten to know you, granted it was only an hour...I've...maybe come to like you..."

"..." Jeremy's heart was practically exploding, his face as red as a tomato. " you too..." He whispered and since they were still in the parking lot, Michael decided it was a good idea to kiss Jeremy.

And Jeremy kissed back.

"I'm glad I met you, Beautiful." Jeremy smiled at him with nothing but happiness.

"Give me a sec, I gotta do something." He grabbed his phone and quickly texted his ex date a simple "we're over jerk" and smiled contently, heading back to focus on Michael. "Now where were we?"

"Another kiss before I drive you home?"

"I'll believe that."

They began dating a day after.

I wanted it to be over 900 words and it got outta hand OMG I love it tho

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