Call Me If You Need Me

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TW: Self harm

Jeremy looked down at his phone, hands shaking. He then turned his gaze towards the razor blade in his other hand. Then he looked at the bottle of pills sitting on the sink...

He hadn't done anything like this since before the Squipcident. Truth be told he hadn't done anything like this since sophomore year, and he was a senior now.

A year had passed and the thoughts still haunted him. How horrible and ugly he was. How he deserved to die and how nobody loved him. How the world would be better off without.

He looked back down at the phone, Michael's number already dialed and ready to call. If Jeremy called, he'd start having second doubts about this. If he didn't call he would feel bad for not telling Michael the truth.

He pressed the call button and put the phone up to his ear.

"Mello Yello?" Michael asked and he stopped when he heard crying. "Jere you okay?"

"Michael...I...I need you..." Jeremy mumbled weakly.

"What's wrong? Jeremy did somebody hurt you? What happened?"

"I just...I just need you over here ok-kay..."

"Alright. I'll be there as fast as possible, whatever's wrong I'm coming." Both ended the call and Jeremy looked back down at the razor.

"Once...j-just once...he won't notice." Jeremy muttered to himself as he slid the metal across his wrist and watched as beads of blood formed.

His vision eventually blurred, and tears fell on to the blood, causing it to rush down his arm.

What was supposed to be one cut had become at least 10 by that point. Then he heard knocking.

"Jeremy? Jeremy are you okay?" Michael had showed up. Jeremy quickly hid the razor blade in the mirror cabinet and pulled his sleeve down, opening the door. "Jeremy...have you had any sleep tonight?"

"No..." Jeremy wasn't lying when he said he hadn't slept. He'd been in bed but sleeping was hard when the thoughts of self hatred creeped their way into your mind.

"What's wrong?" Michael grabbed Jeremy's hand and gently used his other hand to lift the shorter boy's chin up.

"I...I'm sorry..." Jeremy began crying again.

"Why? You didn't do anything..."

"I'm a burden to you. I know I am. I'm a c-crybaby and I ruined your don't need to act like you forgive me for what I did...nobody does..."

"Jeremy, it wasn't your fault...I know you think it was and why the Squip might've been deactivated, it had stressed you out. Nothing that happened was your fault."

"Y-YES IT WAS!" Jeremy yelled, causing Michael to step back in shock. "I... I'm sorry..." Michael noticed something red dripping down one of Jeremy's hands and grabbed it.

He rolled the sleeve up in horror and stared at Jeremy, who was crying so hard he could barely keep his eyes open.

"Jere...why didn't you tell me?"

"Because...I...I didn't want anybody to know..."

"You think I'd tell anybody?"

"N-No but...I didn't want you to k-know...I just don't think it's... it's..really that...appealing..." Jeremy mumbled. Michael looked at him with pained eyes.

"Why would that matter? You're hurting yourself Jeremy, that's not good. C'mon, where's your first aid I'm wrapping up your arm."

"T-The closet." Jeremy followed Michael as he found the first aid, pulling it out and heading to Jeremy's room.

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