Too Late to Save

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More of the dragon AU. This is a little...well a lot angsty

TW: Death

"I still can believe you think what you're doing is right Jeremiah. You betrayed your own kingdom for some pathetic welp of a dragon who can't even do his job." That earned the man another slice to the cheek from Jeremy.

The two stood there covered in each other's blood, anger the prominent emotion in their eyes.

"I'm not a traitor for wanting to protect others! And Michael is NOT pathetic!" Jeremy yelled as he went to swing the sword again but the man kicked him down and pushed him aside. The man looked up at Michael, who was shaking in a corner crying.

"T-Treasure? Jeremy? Wake up p-please..." He mumbled, it was almost inaudible and he didn't say anything more.

"So you're the pathetic prince Jeremy wanted to save so much. I don't see why. There's nothing here worth saving. Jeremy should have just slayed you when he had the chance." The man laughed, raising his bloody sword up, prepared to strike Michael down but Jeremy had gotten up and was running towards him.

The man heard, turning around and stabbing Jeremy in the chest, not directly the heart, but the chest. Michael froze as he watched Jeremy's body go a bit limp on the sword.

"Jeremy!? A-Are" Michael mumbled before his brown eyes started glowing yellow. He stood up, his wings spread out completely as he stared at Jeremy's murderer. "Never steal a dragon's treasure." Was all he said before he viciously grabbed the man, flew outside, and tossed him into the forest.

When he flew back in, he immediately ran over to Jeremy, holding him in his clawed hands gently.

There was a lot of blood, on Jeremy's face, torso, and hands. Michael moved some of Jeremy's brown hair out of his eyes and noticed a wide gash over the left eye.

"T-Treasure?" Michael whispered, shaking as he held Jeremy closer. "T-Treasure please. W-wake up." He was starting to cry harder. He gently caressed Jeremy's cheek and tried to smile. He failed.

He clutched the younger male close to himself and wrapped his wings around him. Even if he did go out and get help, he'd be attacked as quickly as he stepped out of the castle...everybody would think he killed Jeremy when he never would.

"I-I'm sorry Jeremy...I f-failed to keep you safe like you did m-me...." Michael mumbled gently, never wanting to let go of his love. His treasure...the only good thing that ever happened to him.

And it had been stolen away as if it were a reward to win. And it was never coming back.

There was gonna be an ending where Brooke ended up healing Jeremy and it was happy but T A K E  M Y  A N G S T!

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