Mistakes Were Made Pt 2

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We starting off with Jeremy in this heere chapter.

Jeremy stretched his arms as much as he could before sitting up. He turned to see the Squip in his computer chair but it was sitting backwards.

"Are you aware you're in the chair wrong?"

"Are you aware that it looks like you're dead?"

"I always appear dead." Jeremy said, silently giggling to himself at the accuracy of this conversation. He stood up and walked over to his closet, grabbing the new hoodie he'd bought even though he hated it to no end, and went to grab the Eminem shirt before he felt a tap on his shoulder.

"I have already laid out your clothes. If your new goal is to be achieved I would recommend you to dress as you had prior to buying and intaking me."

"Oh...so where are my clothes?" Jeremy asked, throwing the hoodie at the small trash can by his desk and half missing.

"They're at the edge of your bed." Jeremy turned to his bed to see his favorite cardigan folded neatly beside what appeared to be the Pac-Man shirt Michael had bought him in sophomore year.

"Wow, and you're the thing saying that my nerdiness, even though I'm a geek, was ugly." Jeremy chuckled out, taking his pajamas off and putting the shirt on. He threw the cardigan on over it and seemed much more comfortable than he had before.

"Well Michael will notice if you change your attire, so wearing an outfit he bought you will show sentiment. He will realize you are starting to care for him again."

"Well I never didn't c-care for him. I was s-stressed is all." Jeremy realize he'd stuttered and smacked his face, leaving a red mark. The Squip cocked its head and Jeremy looked at it, confused. "You...you didn't shock me so I smacked myself."

"Jeremy your stammering and ticks don't need to be persisted constantly anymore. You know better than anybody that Michael doesn't care. Now I would say you should go brush your teeth and change boxers and pants and everything. You can then ride the bus if you don't miss it. If not, you're walking and I'm sorry. But I can stop your sweat so you won't need to worry about that." Jeremy nodded and did as the Squip instructed with ease. It seemed easier when technology wasn't constantly torturing you.

"You'll still help me like...talk to people and answer questions in class right?"

"Of course. I can take over then if you don't mind that way all you have to focus on is your goals."

"Okay." Was all Jeremy said as he grabbed his backpack, which still read "Boyf" and walked out the door.

He was surprised the Squip didn't shock him because of his slouching, thank goodness it gave up on that.


Michael was laying on the floor in a fit of sweat. He'd just finished his push-ups and was in so much pain it felt like he could die.

"Get up. You have to look good if you're going to get Jeremy to like you again." The Squip instructed him and Michael forced his heavy body up. He was slouching more than ever in his life, possibly more than Jeremy, and he felt shocks going through his back, which forced him to stand up straight. "Spinal stimulation. Good posture is key."

Michael rolled his eyes and grabbed his hoodie, feeling a shock through his hand.

"I said you were going to look good, not like a nerd."


"Be quiet. Grab a plain t-shirt if you plan on looking presentable, and don't think about wearing your headphones. Or your bracelets. Oh and I suggest removing your nail polish."

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