Reminscing Pt 2

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Part 2!! Continuation of last time, duh

The SQUIP, as it was called, was short for:

It was a computer that was supposed to help you get your deepest desires, essentially...and for my best friend...that was her. Of course he wouldn't have known about this accursed pill had it not been for Rich.

When confronted about the idea, I told him it was probably a scam... but trust me, I know all too well that that thing is real. My brother had one, and I didn't want the last good thing in my life getting one.

That didn't stop him though. $401 down the drain once we left that Payless...I had to get myself some Crystal Pepsi because my "guy" had a case saved for me...and when I got back...he was gone.

I found him again...talking with Brooke Lohst and Chloe Valentine...which struck me as off because those two were the most popular chicks in did he get their attention!?

Then I noticed something off...he looked....scared. I didn't know from what but he walked out with an Eminem shirt and a gray jacket in his arms.

I waved at him...but he didn't seem to see me which was really weird because I was within two or three feet of him.

The next few days at school I caught him talking to Rich, Chloe, and Brooke, as well as her...but I mean she didn't like him back still.

One day I'm leaving class and he calls my name...he knows I'm there. He knows I'm alive!! I question why he hasn't talked to me and he just...stands there...muttering incoherent nonsense to himself.

I notice how posture is different. He seems confident...but...different. Like a bad different. He eventually turns around, says four very simple words and walks outside, where Brooke is standing, waiting for him.

What he had said was "Optic Nerve Blocking On." And I needed to figure out what that was. It didn't sound good and I could tell it wasn't. The SQUIP did something to him and I needed to figure out how to change him back.

So I did research. I knew what the things were but had no clue how to deactivate them. So I asked a few of my online friends on WoW because I have no life.

Turns out I have an easy ticket to the deactivation method...I know how to get tons of it...Mountain Dew Red.

I have loads of it. Luckily. So I decided to sneak into Jake Dillnger's Halloween party and stop this thing. I dressed as a bag of trash and hid in a bathroom.

After about 20 minutes, I think, I snuck some beer out of the house so I began drinking it and lost track of time but after that time, somebody came was him.

I was shocked, he seemed...happy to see didn't last. Minute I mention that forsaken computer he gets all defensive and says I'm jealous...

He called me a loser and left that night...the empty sensation in my heart never felt so painful...never felt like it was being stabbed and ripped apart but in reality... nothing was happening.

I knew I began crying, and I vividly remember screaming something about a period but after that...I just huddledjp into a depressed ball in the bathtub and cried...

Eventually...there was smoke. I'd almost cried myself to sleep but then there was smoke. I couldn't unlock the door it was too hot, so I had to throw a cup of water over it to cool it down.

I didn't even know that two people were in there when I got out...that being Rich and Jake.

After I escaped, I spammed the only contact I had other than my mothers and I don't think I need to tell you who that was.

And he NEVER answered. I called him, texted him, video called, emailed, you name it I did it...but answer...what so ever...

I'd given up at this point and this was where I started burning memories while smoking weed because I have nothing else to do. That was...until his dad came to my house and... actually convinced me to save him..

Night of the school play should've been fun for him. For everybody...not! School plays suck became Night of the Living Squips if you ask me.

Everybody in the cast was Squiped, and I was the person who saved them...not without some screwing up...

I mean Jake poured out most the Mountain Dew Red, Brooke and Chloe, as well as Jenna, practically screwed us over and...and then there was her...Christine Stephanie Canigula...the girl of his dreams...standing there...

Her eyes were pink, an electric pink, and there were circuit marks running down her face as she held his free hand, using her other hand to cup his cheek...all eyes were on her.

And then she said the four words I had thought since I laid eyes on him....

In a sickly sweet and sort of robotic tone...she said "Jeremy...I love you..." And I broke. I was being held against my will by Jake...and I was staring in defeat at this...

But...He...Jeremy looked back at me...he noticed I was crying...and he must have felt bad because next thing I know...everybody begins screaming. All the cast members focus though...was on Jeremy.

He was the last one to stop moving...they all twitched around before giving out...except Jeremy. I ran over to him and held him in my arms, gently cupping his cheek and I began crying again...

But...I noticed that it actually LOOKED like Jeremy...not that...thing...that the Squip turned him was MY Jeremy...the Jeremy who cared about me.

He doesn't know it...but I kissed him while he was on that stage and knocked was wrong but...I just...I couldn't stop myself, we were so close and I just let myself fall in...and let our lips interlock if even for a second.

I visited him at the hospital until he finally woke up. Things...returned to normal...somewhat.

Rich was nice now, the popular kids, aka Jake, Chloe, Brooke, and Jenna, were Jeremy's (and apparently my?)friends...but mostly...Jeremy and Christine were dating...and Jeremy seemed too it was fake.

And one day he called me and told me he broke up with her...I asked why and he said he kind of liked somebody else.

I invited him to my house and what he told me a while after showing up...I felt like I could die happy for the first time in my entire life.

"Michael...I...I think I might like more than a friend..."

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