||New apartment||

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Quick note, I have no idea where this story is going or how long it will be but hope you enjoy!!!


I sighed out looking out the window of the car, Eden (My best friend) was driving the car. She was convinced that I couldn't due to the breakdown I had earlier today. Even though she was the course of that breakdown. 

"You couldn't have been any slower this morning." I sighed out getting out my phone and putting my sock covered feet on the dashboard. 

"Well yeah I could have but your mum would have killed you by then" Eden glanced my way. "You know we can talk about it." I didn't respond and it was her turn to sigh. "You're such a child sometimes." I huffed blowing hair from my face

"And you're like a mum sometimes," I mumbled back.

Let me catch you up, the two of us were driving to our new apartment in the city. My parents got divorced about a year ago and mum finally kicked me out of the house because I was a waste of space. I blame it on the drinking, I just hope she can fix herself if I'm gone for a while. Eden believes I have a problem with oversleeping and a lack of vitamin D so she decided to join me on my journey to a new life in the city of London to keep me in check even with her problem of overeating candy and watching horror movies that she can't handle. Which is all of them, to be honest. 

"I don't see why I can't drive," I said looking for a different song to play. 

"Becuase you can't keep focused for a three-hour drive." I huffed blowing some hair from my face yet again but it came back over my face.

"Says the girl who gets distracted in the middle of her sentences." Eden slapped her hand across my shoulder making me chuckle. 

"I hate you." She grabbed the steering wheel again.

"I love you too." I laughed putting on panic at the disco. 


Another two hours later and we had made it into the city. It was drizzling and all I could see was people holding umbrellas close to them trying to stop the rain. Eden let out a yawn, it was 7 pm and she'd been driving for three hours.

"Do you have the house keys on you?" She asked and I nodded getting them out. "Good. I'm gonna crash when we get there." 

"Oh come on Ed we should unpack the car a little first. Then we don't have to do as much tomorrow." I hate unpacking and the less time we spend doing it the better. 

"Fine but you order the pizza then." I rolled my eyes googling Pizza delivery places. "I think its just up ahead," Eden mumbled biting her nail while glancing down at the GPS. She turned into the garage under the complex with the keypad combination. "Do you have the....." I stopped her by handing the piece of paper with the four letter combo not looking up from my phone. *0*4*6*5* She slowly typed in and I finished ordering the pizza. 

"Ok Pizza is on the way," I spoke glued to my photo flicking through my Twitter. She parked in our assigned car spot then pulled on my ear. 

"We have until that pizza comes to unpack the car got it." She warned and I raised my hands in defence. 

"Sure miss bossy boots." Clicking my seatbelt free I grabbed my backpack and my small suitcase in the back seat. 

"What level were we again?" Ed hummed staring at the rows of numbers and I clicked on the number 6.

"I swear you have the memory of a goldfish," I smirked leaning against the corner of the box we were in. She rolled her eyes at me not responding. "Oh, no comeback from little Ed," I said in a baby voice poking her side. 

"Hey I just want my Pizza and then I'm going to bed." She said slapping my hand away from her as the door opened. 

"And no shower what has this world turned you into." I gasped out making her shaking her head.

"Better then you, I don't go walking around in sweats and a baggy T-shirt. You lazy son of a..." I put a finger over her lips. 

"No swearing at me or that's a dollar in the swear jar." 

"I'm rich than with the amount you swear." I rolled my eyes getting out the keys tossing them to her. She dropped them spazzing out

"Wow, I'm just impressed you reacted." I laughed. She groaned picking up the keys and opened the door. 

"Home sweet home (Y/N)." She said and I clicked on the lights. Eden flopped down on the couch along with her things and I went to look around for the room I won. We drew straws and I got the bigger room. Lucky me I suppose, Opening the doors It was huge, way bigger then my room I chucked my things to the floor next to the bed that was already there I went back out. 

"I'm gonna get some more things!" I yelled out of Eden as I went over to the door.

"Don't wait up for me." She grumbled out, I was wasn't planning to but ok. I shut the door and went back down the hall. I heard a thud in front of the door I walked past. This just made me jump a little. Please don't let us have loud neighbours. 

"I swear to god Phil if you eat my cereal one more time!" My eyes went wide and sped walk down the hall. That guy sure does seem to like his cereal and I don't want to know what he's gonna do to that Phil guy. I opened the boot of the car grabbing three boxes of mine because Ed can get her own and she calls me lazy. Struggling to press the floor button I managed to press it with my foot with my amazing balancing skills. This is going to be a long night, I sighed to myself blowing some hair from my face. 

"Yo Ed open the bloody door before my arms fall off!" I yelled knocking on the door with my shoe. 

"Hey (Y/N) the pizza guy said he's here, go get the pizza!" She yelled back. 

"I paid for it so you go down and get it." She slammed open the door with a pissed off face. She always gets like this when she's hungry and tired.

"So you learnt how to walk, good on you." I struggled to say waddling into the apartment, Eden frowned at me and walked out of the door to get the pizza. I sighed letting the boxes go and they hit the wooden floor of my room. I should get a rug or something for the room. 

This was the start of my new life. 

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