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"I'm so tired." Another yawn came again and Dan let one out too.

"Same." We stood there are a while longer. "Are you ready for tonight?" Letting out a sigh I stood straight again.

"As I'll ever be." Dan laughed a little. 


Our embrace ended with loud knocking on the front door. I jumped slightly at the loud banging
Dan went to the door first and I could hear Ed shouting.

"Where the fuck is (y/n) she needs to see something!." Peaking my head around the corner she spotted me. Her eyes looked like a predator and I was the prey. "Freeze." She stated and I turned and ran down the hall.

"Don't kill me! I have a family to feed." She hit me with a pillow and pushed me to the couch.

"No, you fucking don't."

"Correction, a family of one." She glared before putting some headphones on me and a video started playing. It was Dan's video. The one he posted yesterday that I didn't watch.

"So you might be thinking. 'oh my God Dan uploaded two videos in one month. Has he finally got his life together?' but as  surprised as you are I'm also in that boat because something happened...." It went quiet for a moment for dramatic effect. "I got myself a girlfriend." Dan showed a shocked face and the normal trumpet sound was in the background.

"Yep, it happened... For those of you who don't have any idea who this Crazy person is for even thinking of dating me, her name is (y/n)." And that's when the photo of me popped up on the screen. The one Dan loves. "We've been dating for about 5 months now and thought hey why not tell thousands of people that most likely already know from the number of times I've fucked up."

"But on a serious note (y/n) is the most perfect and amazing girl you'll ever meet. She so the one thing that's been missing in my life for so long now and I'm finally happy to tell you all about it and before you say I'm just a lovesick guy that's fallen for a girl and is just saying this because he's in love and that you don't care. Shut it because I'm allowed to say what I want." He took a deep breath in. I could feel the smile on my face. 

"And I assuming at some point either by your own choice or your roommate shoving a phone into your face that you are watching this video (y/n)." He was grinning at the camera and the smile made me blush. "So when that happens....." He stopped and winked at the camera. I blushed more and sat up from The couch, pushing Ed off of me. She didn't say anything and let me go find Dan. He was in his room on his computer. I hit his head with the side of my hand.

"You are so inappropriate Mr Howell." I puffed my cheeks and he grinned at my blushing face.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Rolling my eyes at him I bent down kissing him for a moment. He chuckled a little."I need to tell you something important." Raising an eyebrow at him he turned my head and I saw that he was doing a live stream. My eyes went wide and I slid to the floor blushing.

"You fucking turd why didn't you tell me!" I yelled kicking the side of his chair making it almost fall to the side. He cracked up laughing and I continued to sit on the ground.

"It wasn't my fault you didn't look at what I was doing. I wanted to do a live stream before we leave tonight because I can't do one on Tuesday." My pouting stopped when I realized what he said.

"What's happening on Tuesday?" Dan then hit the side of his head knowing he said something he wasn't meant to.
"Well that's no way to treat yourself," I said standing. "I won't ask. I'm leaving now." I shuffled away from him and shit the door behind me.

I don't know if I can do this. I stood in front of the mirror after I had gotten changed.

 I stood in front of the mirror after I had gotten changed

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Bitting my inner cheek I took a shaky breath. Ed was standing outside my door and took a photo of me.

"My little girl is finally going out." I rolled my eyes at her.

"Fuck off Ed, your not my mum." She giggled but saw my worried expression.

"I asked Dan to come early so you can talk about the drinking." I felt even more horrible now. Like I just got hit by a truck. "Calm down (y/n) you just have to tell him that you can't drink. Nothing more nothing less. He can help you through tonight since I'm not there." Taking a few breathes  I avoided a panic attack. Nodding my head she moved away from the door. Gathering up my thing and putting them into my clutch a small knock was heard on my open door.

"Eden said you wanted to talk... My God you look fucking amazing." I giggled sitting down on the bed.

"Why thank you, good sir." Grinning at him I remembered why he was here. Dan sat down next to me and I let out a sigh. "I uh have to tell you something important. If I had more time I would tell you the whole story but extremely short version I have a phobia called dipsophobia. It's a fear of drinking alcohol, not the manager kind I can watch others drink it and be around alcohol I just feel uncomfortable. I just can't drink and whatever. " Dan's hand touched mine when seeing me look distressed.

"You don't have to go tonight if it makes you feel uneasy. I could find another time for you to meet my friends?" I shook my head smiling up at him.

"No this is important to you and now it's important to me. I want to meet other people you know." Dan smiled kissing my forehead.

"Thank you for telling me."

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