||Welcome to the family||

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"ok, you've got everything?" I questioned Dan who just met me outside his apartment.

"Keys, wallet, suitcase, sarcasm and a beautiful woman then yes." I shoved Dan playfully making him chuckle.

"Cya later tomorrow Phil." Waving him by from down the hall as Dan shut the door. Poor guy, it was only 8 and Dan must have woke him up due to his procrastination in getting ready. Filing our way to my car we both Chucked the bags in the boot.

"So who's driving?" Dan quickly took the keys from my grasp. "Ok, I guess you're driving." Raising my hands in defense Dan kissed my cheek before getting into the car.

"I can't let my girlfriend drive, it's only gentleman like for me too." Taking out the GPS built in with the car Dan started driving while I set it up for my sister's house and put on anime openings. We spent the next hour singing along to each one knowing them off by heart. Including replaying the attack on Titan theme song about three times and then the last half hour I fell asleep. Feeling a slight shake on my right shoulder I awoke startled. "We're here... I think." Glancing g behind Dan seeing the cute little house I remember from awhile ago I nodded stretching before leaning against him shutting my eyes again.

"I don't want to move," I whined and then a slam on the window made me jump.

"(Y/n) you're here!" Sams muffled voice rang in my ears before she swings open my door for a hug.

"Sam shut the f up, please. I just woke up." She laughed grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the car.

"Time to make the cake!" I was dragged across to the door and I only just got to see Dan greeting Will and starting to get our bags from the car. Sam is a celebration kind of person, any reason to have confectionery foods she'll be there and even plan the party. "Ok, I brought everything you told me too and a little more so I can eat while watching you." Snorting at her remark it reminded me of Phil so much.

"Yeah, yeah just don't go all crazy. We're getting more food later today." That's when I noticed a slight bump in her stomach. "Have you been eating too much chocolate?" Sam looked down and grinned at me.

"Oh did I forget to mention this little thing." My mouth opened before laughing pulling her into a hug.

"Yes you little shit, you forgot to mention you're pregnant to your little sister!" Dan and Will walked into the room. "I can't believe you finally knocked my sister up Will." Sam rolled her eyes and he had a faint blush across his face.

"I think you still have a cake to bake." Sticking my tongue out at him I let go of Sam getting on with making the cake.

Will left with Sam, most likely to calm him down. He always gets flustered easily. Dan sat on one of the stools opposite to the bench I was working on.

"Did you want to help?" I knew it would lead to flour all over me and icing on Dan's face at see point but we had nothing better to do for another five hours.

And that's what happened flour tossed across my face, plenty of giggles and kisses exchanged but we finished with a great result.

And that's what happened flour tossed across my face, plenty of giggles and kisses exchanged but we finished with a great result

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"(Y/n) what happened?" Sam came into the room as Dan and I were cleaning up.

"Nothing much. Just look at my baby." I grinned in victory showing off the master piece we created.

"She did all the decorating, I suck at making cakes." I pouted whipping some icing from his face.

"Although it's true, your learning." Dan chuckled softly.

"Well, you should probably have a shower. Both of you we can't have dad seeing you after so long looking like an unbaked cake now can we." Rolling my eyes Sam took me to the guest bathroom while Dan waited.

Will was driving us to dad's place, making the trip easier by all of us heading over in one car.

"You nervous?" Sam asked Dan peering over from the front seat as Dan squeezed my hand. I giggled shaking my head. "Oh, you are. Honey, you'll be fine." Will laughed.

"Yeah when I first met him I was freaked but all he did was give me a bear hug. He's a very welcoming man." Smiling at Dan he sighed.

"Either way I'm gonna do something wrong and make him hate me." The three of us laughed.

"There's not a single person on this Earth that that jolly man doesn't like." Sam laughed but it died down when we all thought of a person. Mum. Sighing out the mood completely changed but pulling up to the driveway Dan grabbed my hand kissing my cheek.

"Let's have a fun night and hopefully I won't die of embarrassment."

Everyone got out of the car, while Will grabbed the cake I listened to the loud beat of some 80's music my dad loves. The door was already open so pulling Dan with me we made it into the main hallway. 

"(Y/N)!" A bunch of people turned our way when three little people came running up to me. Triplets aged 6, May, August, and James. 

"My god you've all grown." I smiled picking up May making her laugh and then the other two climbed onto my legs. I've got to get used to this again. "Hi everyone!" I yelled to my family watching the scene unfold.

"(Y/N) you made it!" Dad stood up from his chair pulling off the triplets to give me a bear hug. "It's been so long since I've seen you." Tapping his back he let go. "And you must be the boyfriend." Dad paused to look at Dan for a moment before giving him a 'manly' hug and shouting out. "Welcome to the family." 

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