||I'm not sure||

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I didn't know what time It was or where I was. Still asleep it was my phone going off that woke me. Not even opening my eyes I answered the call. 

"(Y/N) where are you? I came to wake you up and you're not in bed?" Ed said in my ear making me groan. I was definitely in a deep sleep. "Again where are you?" I heard someone else groan. Shifting a little my eyes opened. I was on the couch with pizza boxes and the TV still quietly going with Dan lying next to me still asleep. 

"I'm at Dan and Phil's, yesterday I forgot my keys and you weren't home." I mumbled shutting my eyes again. Dan let out a long breath against my neck making me bite my lip. 

"Oh good, anyway now that tragedy is over I'm going shopping you made that shopping list right?" I hummed and sent her the list. " Now I'm off, I'll see you at their apartment soon ok." 

"Yeah, Bring my Starbucks too," I whined at her as Ed hung up. Dan pulled the thin blanket over us more moving closer to me.

"Morning." He hummed into my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"M-morning." I couldn't help but stutter. His Hobbit hair was just too cute. Dan chuckled pulling me into his chest not before kissing my cheek. It was silent for a while and I almost fell asleep.

" What do you think we are?" He asked suddenly. Tilting my head up Dan had to look down quite a bit, I giggled.

"Well I know I'm human. But what about you Mr triple chin?" He laughed quietly with me.

"No our relationship dummy."

" Well..... That was a date yesterday, right?" He nodded, its like he wanted me to say it. "So that means." It was Dan's turn for his phone to ring. Seeming extremely annoyed from the sound dan made while rolled over almost falling on the floor to grab his phone. I giggled and got a light slap on the shoulder as he answered. 

"Hey, it's Dan." All I could heard was a shuffled voice because of how far I was from the phone. "Wait it's what!" Dan looked at the time on his phone. "Shit sorry I forgot, I'll get Phil and will be right over." He quickly hung up, standing from the couch. "Phil and I had a meeting this morning that we're going to miss because I forgot." Dan went out of the room most likely to get changed while I continued to look through my phone. I can't even go back to my apartment. Not even five minutes went past when Dan came back into the room in a new set of clothes and slightly done up hair. "We'll be back in two hours or so." Dan kissed me quickly and I nodded. Just before he went out of the room Dan handed me a key. 

"What you have a key?" Dan laughed.

"Eden gave it to me in case you or her got locked out of the apartment. Remember to give it back to me." And he left with Phil. I fell back on the couch, My stomach freaking out on me. Sighing I stood up going out of the apartment, making sure to lock the door. Just as I was going to walk into my apartment I heard a shout. 

"Don't you dare walk away!" Ed puffed towards me lugging four bags in each hand and two Starbucks. 

"Wow." I murmured out and she stopped in front of me. "Why didn't you take two trips instead of looking like...." I looked at her slouched body and the sweat literally soaking out of her clothes. "That."  

"I thought it would be a good idea to walk to the shops instead of driving. You know exercise the thing you do so you don't get fat." She was staring at my stomach. 

"Why are you looking at me when you say that!?" I shouted grabbing two bags and my Starbucks. 

"I was not, you were just in my general direction." I huffed dragging everything inside shutting the door with her foot.

"Oh no, you think I'm FAT!" I frowned sitting on the bench. She shrugged her shoulders. A text came through and I looked down. 

'Did you get into the apartment ok?'  He's already checking on me. I smiled at my phone quickly responding. 

"Oh is that DANNN" I rolled my eyes at her moving away. "What happened on that date." Then she gasped. "What about last night?" She nudged my side and winked. 

"What no! Get your bloody head out of the gutter." She raised an eyebrow. "We went out to a cafe' talked and went back to his place because you weren't home and ate pizza. Nothing more." Another raise of the eyebrow. "Ok detective Eden we kissed a few times. Happy." I went to walk off but she pulled me into a hug. 

"Yay, you're dating now!" I didn't join in with the celebration. 

"Calm down I don't even know if we are dating." pushing back Ed looked worried for a moment. 

"What the fuck does that mean." She makes things seem so easy. 

"Well, we never got to finish the conversation about that." Saying it made me feel even more depressed about the whole thing. What if this was just a date and he doesn't actually like me? It was a one time thing and he likes me as a friend?

"Dude you were with him this morning you slept over at his place how could he not like you?" I sighed looking down at the floor shrugging. "Ok fine. Who started the conversation?"

"About what?" I questioned her back starting to sniff.

"About the relationship between the two of you." I glanced at her then to the floor.

"Dan did but.." she silenced me with a hand to my face.

"He likes you, if he brought up the conversation then it means he wants to date you. Obviously. It's like you haven't been in a relationship before." I frowned whipping a tear away.

"I haven't you jackass."

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