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"I don't want to go!" I whined at Dan as he was driving us to the restaurant Sam wanted to meet us at.

"Are you still not feeling well or just dread sitting at a fancy restaurant for two hours?" I groaned as he parked the car. Making a pouty face Dan pulled me out of the car.

"I don't know both I guess." I didn't mention the fact she was going to talk about what happened. I coursed two people to die because I was fucking drunk. It was cold outside so he put an arm around my waist.

"Would it make you feel better if I said you look nice tonight?" A small smile landed on my face and he turned to me.

"Maybe?" Dan laughed before kissing my forehead.

"Maybe?" Dan laughed before kissing my forehead

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"Let's go inside." I nodded my head putting my head against his chest as we walked into the fancy restaurant. I saw Sam wave her hand around getting the attention of a few older people in the room who gave her odd looks. Dan looked at me while I shook my head. This is going to be a long night.

We had just finished the first round of food. Everything was amazing but in such small portions, it was almost pointless.

"So (y/n) have you settled in well at the apartment?" Will is such a great guy and perfect for Sam but can be a bore sometimes, that's why Sam is perfect for him.

"Yeah, Ed and I have settled in well I guess, she's a slight pain with washing though. I have to move her clothes back into her room all the time." I sighed but Will and Dan laughed.

"You weren't that amazing when we were kids." I frowned at Sam as she went on. " Dad would trip on her jumpers that we're all over the house." I blushed nibbling on some bread that was in front of me.

"Shut up not like you can talk. Having your papers all over the place and I dought you've changed." I looked at Will for confirmation. He nodded.

"It's like paper Masha all over the house." We all laughed until the next course came out. It was quiet for a while until Sam spoke up again.

"Dan, has (y/n) ever talked about our hometown?" I bit my inner cheek. She wouldn't start this up again... Would she?

"Well no but I'm sure there's nothing to tell. (Y/n) just said it was small and gossip would travel fast." Nodding I just looked down trying to keep my breath steady.

"Well, that's true for sure. When something huge happens everyone knows about it. Sometimes it drives people away, I'm sure (y/n) could tell you a thing or two about that." I was shaking, she was going to stop. Sam said it was my choice to tell him.

"What do you mean by that?" I'm sure Dan didn't know where this was going. Most likely he was thinking an embarrassing story was going to be told. Not a horrible one.

"Well four years ago...." I stood from my chair feeling tears threating to spill. Sam seemed shocked by my reaction and so did Dan. Not saying a word I walked out of the restaurant sniffing. She was going to tell him everything. It was cold outside and the wind picked up as I walked across the road to a garden. My name was called soon after I heard the restaurant's door being opened. It was Dan, he was coming over towards me and I stood waiting. He doesn't know and it wasn't his fault if it was anyone else I would have walked away.

"Why did you walk out?" He asked breathing heavily. Shaking my head I couldn't speak. It hurt too. Moving me into a hug Dan let me calm down. He didn't press the matter further only letting me cry for a while. Dan didn't even know why and he didn't need to, a person doesn't need to know anything to help someone. It was another moment before he started to move us towards the car. "We should go home, you're freezing." I didn't notice the cold because of the other things on my mind. Nodding nothing else was said. I'm sure he had thousands of questions and a million more things he wanted to say but nothing was said. Dan just drove us home.

It had been three days after the catastrophe at the restaurant and Sam had apologized repeatedly on multiple occasions. Every time I would just hit her with a pillow or something else non-deadly that was nearby. She still thinks I should tell Dan since we've been dating for three months now. I know that and he has to know since of my meltdown. I bet that was her plan.

I was lying down on Dan and Phils living room couch half asleep with my laptop on a poof in front of me with an anime screen saver on. Originally Dan was on the floor next to me and Phil was in the kitchen making our hot drinks but I wasn't sure what was happening now.

"I don't know what to do?" Dan's voice was quiet, it was coming from the kitchen down the corridor. "Should I bring it up or wait for her to tell me? If I do say something about it will she have another panic attack or tell me plainly that it was nothing? If I don't say anything it'll be eating at me for the rest of my life." I bit my inner cheek and heard them slowly get closer to the room.

"Personally I think you should wait a while, a few days or weeks and then nudge into the conversation it's too soon now. I mean why not both." Phil laughed at the end and I could hear there shuffling into the room and the sound of mugs on the coffee table. A long deep breath came from me but I didn't move, too lazy. "Have you been able to ask her yet?" Phil started up a new conversation. I was expecting something good from the sound of it.

"No, my mind's been on other things and procrastination. Last time we asked her to hang out with our friends she bluntly said no. (Y/n)s not a people person." I heard Phil chuckle

"Well, neither are you. No wonder you both get along." The two of them went quiet for another moment. "Ask her about it, she has to get to know some of our friends if this relationship is serious...... Is it serious Dan?" I could feel the two of them turn back to me as I waited to hear what Dan had to say.

"I would like to think it is. Don't know about (y/n) though she might think differently."

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