||Youtube Video's||

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Dan and Phil were in the middle of a mukbang, the Domino's Pizza was calling out to me. Sneaking into the room Dan spotted me and pointed.

"Don't you dare try stealing this creation." Taking the slice of pizza Dan was holding I took a bite.

"This is good pizza." Dan held a shocked expression on his face.

"Bitch give me my pizza back." He whispered enough for the camera to hear. I laughed as well as Phil passing the food back. Getting out the crackers which is why I came here to the dips. Dan held that expression while I dipped a cracker and ate it.

"He's going to kill you now." I waved Phil off.

"That can be the title, Daniel Howell kills his girlfriend out of rage." Then I was attacked, Dan pulled me down to his lap so I was fully in shot of the camera.

"They're my dips." Rolling my eyes I grabbed another one eating it.

"I love my dips. Don't shame me." Taking a sip from Dan's cup I made myself comfortable.

"I guess you're apart of this now." Turning to Phil we cheered clacking our glasses together.

"What's the tea?" That's when Dan stopped acting and laughed against my neck as he pulled me in for a hug resting his chin on my shoulder.

"Hey (y/n) did you want to be in our pumpkin carving video?" Looking up to Phil who was holding three pumpkins it looked kinda ridiculous.

"I don't think the fans would like an intruder," I said standing from the couch to help hold one of them.

"You could do one off camera and show us as the end," Dan suggested while setting up the camera. Thinking for a moment I nodded.

"I haven't carved a pumpkin in a while ."

Time skip to after carving

Walking in with my pumpkin it looked like they were about to finish.

"Oh my God did you finish?" Spotting what they did only made me giggle. Turning the pumpkin where I stood Dan and Phil's mouths hung open. "What the fuck? How did you?" Walking over to the camera I put it down. "You were supposed to do a self-portrait, not a masterpiece." Dan put his hand on my shoulder before continuing. "Not that you're not a masterpiece you are very beautiful but you lose points for not following the rules."

"That is a self-portrait

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"That is a self-portrait." Dan waited for an explanation with his eyes wide and lips in a thin line.

"Just like the Cheshire cat, I want to disappear ." We laughed for a moment before looking down at the carvings.

"That's true for all three of us," Phil spoke quickly making me snort.

"Wow, that's got dark quickly. Thanks for watching and looking at one masterpiece today enjoy Halloween." The camera was switched off and I slid to the bench to sit down.

"I'm making sushi tonight and mochi." Both their eyes lit up making me smile. "I'll be over at my apartment, join me if you dare." Waving my arms around doing a Dracula voice I wondered to my place to make some amazing food. That's when I remembered the amount of cleaning they will need to do.... Neither of then will be over until dinner time.


(Inspiration for the food)

Dancing along the whole time to some E^st (if you don't know her music, PLEASE look her up!!! All her music is amazing and I love music suggestions if you have any I'll have a listen!) 

I almost tripped a few times from wearing my socks in the kitchen. The doorbell rang as I was cleaning up and I shouted that it was open. Not bothering to look who was there already knowing I went on my way to get out the sushi from the fridge. 

"I'm gonna start the movie," Phil stated and I saw the popcorn bag he was holding. I rolled my eyes knowing it was most likely finished. 

"Dan could put the three plates on the coffee table," I said roaming around for the sauce. Hearing a hum and plates moving I went on to get the chopsticks and small bowls for the sauce. Only when to turn Dan was right behind me with cups for us. "God you fucking scared me." I breathed stepping back, Dan chuckled kissing my cheek before we both went to the couch eating the dinner I made. The two boys were so immersed in the movie playing while I constantly got messages from Ed about her honeymoon and the amazing beaches she was going to. Plus like fifty billon photos were being sent. Resting my head on the couches head I yawned almost forgetting about the dessert. " I'll be back in a moment guys," I whispered taking a few dishes with me. I hope the mochi turned out ok. Grabbing them out from the freezer and onto a large plate, Phil looked away from the screen for the first time in the past hour to eat one to the strawberry desserts. 

"Oh my god. That's too good." I smiled eating one sitting down on Dan's lap and letting him eat one. By the end of the movie, we had stuffed our faces.

"Look I'm pregnant with a food baby," I said while eating the second last piece of food. It was nice to finally have a relaxing time back at home with Dan and Phil. 

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