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~ Three months later~

Dan and Phil were making a gaming video, a live stream for Mario Cart. I could hear lots of Laughing and screaming from the other room. I was sitting on the couch on my laptop waiting for them to finish. I had just posted a new drawing on Tumblr when I saw something in the corner of my peripheral. I looked up and saw the biggest spider I have ever seen on the other side of the room. My whole body went stiff and I slowly moved my laptop next to me and jumped on the couch and let out a horrified screech. 

"Fucking shit..... Fuck!" I screamed glued to the wall behind me. I HATE SPIDERS. A door slammed open. 

"A damsel in distress, I shall save you," Dan yelled out and came into the room, I jumped from the couch over to him and he caught me. "What happened?" Dan asked and I pointed over to the wall not looking over. "Holy Fuck that's a spider." He almost shouted. Nodding my head I clung to him for dear life. I would have with anyone in this situation. "I need you to let go if I'm gonna kill it." I nodded my head and detangled myself from him and backed away from the room. going into a ball I sat there waiting to hear that the coast was clear. I bang rang through my ears. "Your knight in shining armour has saved the day." Dan cheered coming out of the room. I ran up hugging Dan. 

"I fucking hate spiders." I whispered in his shirt. He laughed and I pulled back. 

"I gathered that. You looked terrified." I lightly slapped his arm looking at the smile on his face. We stood there for ages, well at least it felt like it. Over the past two months, I've spent almost every day with Dan and Phil, partly because we live so close to one another but mostly because there both amazing people.  My thoughts stopped when Dan started to lean down towards my face, I started to blush and leant in myself. I suppose Eden was right. His lips slightly touched mine and then we hear a shout.

"What happened, Dan!" Phil shouted and we both snapped out of it. Stepping apart from one another Dan glanced over to the gaming room.

"I should go back." He breathed out and I nodded still blushing. He went off into the other room and I let out a long sigh. We almost kissed........ I slowly went back to the couch seeing a massive spider print on the wall. I fiddled with the string on my jumper thinking about what just happened. A shiver went down my spine thinking of the spider but it went away and I blushed we would have kissed. We almost kissed. Covering my face with my hands I shook my head. I can't handle this. Then the thought came to me. All those people watching the live stream heard a girl scream in bloody murder. They're gonna ask questions. I fell to the side grabbing a pillow and circled into a ball thinking deeply about life.

"(Y/N)?" I jumped where I sat and turned my head seeing Phil standing in the doorway. " Oh god, that was a big spider." Phil said referring to the print on the wall." no wonder you freaked." I nodded curling up tighter.

"I don't think you should mention it, it's kinda a sensitive topic right now." The two laughed quietly and I glared over at them. But seeing Dan's face made me blush and I could see a faint amount on his cheeks too.

"Dan, why do you look like a cherry tomato?" Phil asked but Dan didn't respond. I shot up from my position and crawling over to the TV searching for one particular show. "Stop staring." I heard Phil whisper to Dan, I realized I was showing off my butt in my tight skinny jeans while looking for the DVD.

"I wasn't looking." Dan resorted.

"I can hear the both of you." I sighed grabbing the anime I wanted. Your lie in April. "Are you ready to cry and listen to some good music!" I yelled out holding the box high in the air showing it to them.
I had watched the whole season of your lie in April in the one day with Dan because Phil was filming a video. I say the whole season but I fell asleep around the second last episode. I felt a shuffle next to me and I groaned turning to the side more snuggling my face into what I thought was a pillow.

"Phil, what are you doing?" I heard a whisper shouted next to me and I groaned more. What's happening?

"Shhh, you'll wake her up." The light sound of a photo being taken got my attention. I squinted my eyes open for a moment letting out a yawn. Turning my head I realized I was testing my head on Dan's shoulder and my arm was wrapped loosely around his waist. I blushed knowing Phil took a photo and Dan although seeming annoyed at Phil smiled warmly down at me while hitting Phil in the face with a pillow.

"Now you've done it, Phil, you woke sleeping beauty." Dan's eyes went wide at the name. I was too busy stretching to fully understand what he said.

"I should get going. Ed will want a nice dinner for when Drake comes over." I yawned again standing up. "I'll probably be over tomorrow after a finish the design I'm doing." I got my laptop off the ground along with my shoes not bothering to put them on.

"I'll walk you home," Dan said before I could walk out of the room. Letting out a laugh at his cuteness I waved him over.

"Sure let's go for a long walk across the hall." I laughed and Dan followed me down the hallway to there door.

"You know a lot of people were asking who the screaming person was in the live stream," Dan commented and I slouched.

"Yeah I thought that afterwards but I couldn't help it that spider was huge!" I almost yelled at the end over evaluating the size.

"I was worried I was gonna get attacked. You would have saved me right?" I shook my head putting the key into the lock.

"I wouldn't save anyone if they were bitten by a spider. I would run for the hills man." I shivered at the thought opening the door, it was 5 and Drake was coming over by 6:30. Eden wanted something nice for me to make so I decided on Braised meatballs with roasted garlic mashed potatoes and kale. I know a mouth full but its so nice. Throwing my keys onto the kitchen bench I turned back to Dan standing by the door. "You could help me if you want." he walked in and shut the door.

"You know I can't cook." I shrugged my shoulders.

"I can teach you. I didn't know how to cook for ages until....." I let out a sigh, I started cooking for mum and dad two years ago because of mums drinking habits and that lead to their divorce.

"Is this about your parent's divorce?" I just nodded my head getting out some of the ingredients.

"Anyways let's get cooking."

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