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I wasn't allowed to leave the house. Dan was freaking out and yeah I was too but I wanted to get my laptop.

"You're not going anywhere." Dan resorted to holding me hostage on his bed wrapping me in a bear hug.

"nooo, I need my laptop for entertainment." Whining out this only made him hug me more.

"I need you to stay so the monster stays away." Rolling my eyes I gave in relaxing more. That was freaky as hell.

"Is this your way of making me sleep in the same bed as you Mr Howell?" Although his chuckle was more playful I knew he didn't want me to leave. 

"Maybe." I breathly laughed turning myself over so I faced him. 

"Can I at least change, jeans aren't the best to sleep in." He stood going to the draw and tossing me a black t-shirt. "no peaking." Raising an eyebrow at Dan he covered his eyes.

"No promises." Quickly taking off my shirt and bra I shoved on the big t-shirt then followed by my jeans. It went down to my upper thigh. "You're too cute." Not being sure of why he said that I didn't respond.

"I'm sleeping now," I stated rolling onto the bed and under the covers. Dan took off his shirt making me blush. Shutting my eyes I didn't look am him changing into some track pants. But I still blushed.


"(Y/N) you picked up for once!" I groaned from my sister shouting over the phone.  Being the older sister she was like the gleaming light of Hope in the family.An  Extroverted drama teacher. She's young to become a teacher having both a degree in teaching and drama and only 26.

"Yay for me." I yawned while turning down the volume on my phone. Hearing a crash in the other room I stood from the couch. "Just hang on a moment, Sam." She groaned and my eye rolled. In the kitchen, I saw Dan crouching on the floor picking up what I thought was a bowl.

"What happened?" I asked about to walk into the room.

"Stop. You'll hurt yourself, I just heard a thud and dropped the bowl. That game is still captured in my mind." Laughing at him I went to turn away only to feel Dan embrace me from behind. "I'll make some pancakes for breakfast yeah?" Nodding my head a kiss was planted on my neck before he let go. I could hear Sam whistling into the phone when I came back into the room.

"Sorry about that Dan just dropped seething in the kitchen and..."

"Who the hell is Dan!?" Shit. I haven't told my family about Dan they would be over dramatic or something horrible would happen.

"He's uh just my neighbour," I said trying to cover it up.

"That's total bull (y/n) and you know it." She scoffed at me and I could almost see the glare she was giving me.

"It's not bull he living across the hall from me!" I shouted into the phone.

"Ok fine but he's not just a neighbour is he.i mean when was the last time you hung out with someone before 12 in the day. You're normal asleep til then." I sighed softly but a plate of pancakes was placed in front of me. Dan must have been half done when dropping the bowl before. Mouthing the words thank you I repayed my attention to Sam who was constantly rambling into the phone.

"Ok, I have food now, talk soon bye ." I cut her off and giggled. Just got away with that one. Dan raised an eyebrow at me but didn't say anything because I just started eating. "I thought you said you couldn't cook?"  I asked after tasting the tasty food.

"That's because I can't." Frowning at him my eyebrows knitted together.

"Yes, you can. These taste amazing." I spoke pointing to the pancake in front of me then going back to eating some more.


"Do you really have to leave." Dan sighed as I stood by my door.

"Well I need to start cooking dinner and Ed will kill me of she has to have take away again." He laughed a little kissing my forehead. "You can have dinner with the three of us. Phils not coming back until tomorrow right." Nodding his head I grabbed Dan's arm  . We stood close together and just stared into each other's eyes not before we kissed shortly. That's when I heard a gasp across the hall. The two of us parted and looked down. Sam stood there frozen with wide eyes.

"Who the hell is that (y/n)!" Groaning my head hit against Dan's chest before he moved away from me slightly confused my body slouched, this conversation isn't going to go well.

"Dan this is my older sister Sam. Sam this is my boyfriend Dan." She jumped on to me to the point I couldn't breathe. "Sam....oxygen." she let go and I gasped.

"I'm so glad to meet you, Dan! You must be pretty amazing if this grouch wants to date you." Frowning at her she grinned

"Oh fuck off Sam." I playfully pushed her rolling my eyes. She put her finger s in her ears starting to sing loudly. "Oh, I forgot about the swearing. I'll shut up then." Turning around the door opened revealing Ed with Drake all dressed up.

"I thought I could hear you out here. Oh my God Sam is that you." The two of them hugged tightly while I tried to get Dan and I into the apartment without Sam noticing but I was grabbed by the collar before we could. 

"Did you know about this," Sam said while pointing between Dan and me. 

"You didn't tell your sister!" Raising my hands in defence I got glares from the two of them. 

"I'm sorry was I obligated to." That's when I got hit in the shoulder. 

"Yes, you idiot. You're meant to tell your big sister everything. Now go inside and make something good for dinner." 

Sometimes I hate my big sister. 

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