||Bath Bombs||

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"we're going out with Louise soon!" Phil spoke to me as I got out of the bathroom just finished my hair and a small amount of makeup.

"Yeah I know Phil, you've been resisting that for the past half hour." I got out some fake glasses in my bag and put them on.

"I didn't know you wear glasses?" Phil cried out. "we've known each other for half a year and I didn't know!"

"Calm yourself, Lester, there fake. Fashion requires fake glasses according to Eden that is." That's when Dan came back from a call he got before smiling at me.

"Love the outfit. Black suits you." I grinned admiring his black jumper with white lines going through it.

"You also look stunning in black." Taking my bag I chucking my phone away. Phil jumped up pointing at the door.
"Time to go." He really doesn't want us to be late today. I laughed walking with them out the door.

The three of us met Louise at a shopping centre. Phil jogged over to see her baby, Perl while Dan and I walked over.

"She's so small and cute!" Seeing the little babies face was so adorable. Smiling I knelt down holding the babies hand.

"Oh my God you actually have a stock photo baby." I giggled at Dan's reaction and moved my finger around so pearls hand moved.

"She's adorable!" I squealed. "I want one." Louise laughed and I kept my eyes on the cute blue-eyed baby. She turned off her camera and I stood back up for her to take a hold of the carrier.

"Let us be off."


The four of us sat down in a booth with Dan and I on one side with Louise and Phill opposite us.

Dan was filming the baby zooming as I looked through the menu.
Perl was sat on the table as Louise was getting the bottle ready. She looked directly at me making me do a small wave.

"I think you have a new friend." Dan nudged my side while Perl held his finger.

"How does it feel?" Louise suddenly asked and Dan answered straight away with comforting. I could see Dan being a good parent, he seems to be great with kids..... My face flushed what am I thinking. Dan noticed me staring and so did Louise who was pointing a camera at me.

"I saw that loving gaze towards Dan (y/n). Thinking about the future?" The conversation ended straight away as someone asked what we were having. Sighing in relief my order was taken, french toast.
"Would you like to hold her?" I gleamed knowing exactly how to hold a baby I took her in my arms. "Wow, someones excited." Louise moved the camera to my face again.

"This is going to be taken so out of context," Dan mentioned whispering into my ear.
"Oooo, let's go in here!" Phil cheered after the breakfast we had with Louise. We went our separate ways and we stumped past a bath bomb store.

"Let's find something aesthetically pleasing." Dan intertwined his hand with mine walking into the store. It smelt amazing, there were at least 50 different types.
"(Y/n) look at this one." I turned back around to see him holding a black bath bomb. "This is the one." Giggling I also grabbed one, a black looking flower that smelt of lavender. "A black rose, nice." Dan took both of them to pay and I saw Phil holding like six different items and I grabbed one before it fell to the ground.

"Do you need some help with that?" He smiled and I took another two of them.


"(Y/N) come here!" I groaned out hearing Dan being all excited about something in the hotel's bathroom. Standing from the bed and walking in I saw one of the bath bombs from before. "Watch it dissolve with me." I smiled walking over to sit on the edge of the bath as he plopped the ball in creating an echo in the room of fizzy.

"It looks so cool." I hummed while getting out my phone to take a photo. Dan was posting videos on Instagram while I focused on the ball for a good four minutes. He had left the room for a moment and returned but I was mixing the water with my right hand.

"This is the most me bath bomb of all time. It really goes with my Carol face mask." I wondered what he was talking about and looked up to him talking to his phone and jumped.

"Fucking hell... Dan, when did you get one of those?" I stood quickly seeing how creepy he looks. I feel sorry for Sam for all those times I scared her while wearing one of them.

"Do I look beautiful?" I shook my head sliding across the tiles.

"More like someone skinned your face." Making a grossed out facial expression he chuckled before trying to grab my arm. Running out of the bathroom into a small hallway Dan chased me back to the king-sized bed.

"Come on give your boyfriend a kiss," Dan spoke in a creepy voice.

"Nooo," I whined in a kiddy voice as he grabbed my whist. Breathing heavily the two of us laughed. He looked so happy, I sighed softly... Now is a good time. Snuggling into his neck so he couldn't see my blushing face when I whispered In his ear. "I love you." Dan's laughing stopped and I grinned into his neck. "Sorry I didn't say anything the other day, I find it hard to respond to important things like this. It freaks me out." A kiss was planted on me it was nice but for the fact he was wearing a charcoal mask.
"Dan ew gross I have chemical taste in my mouth." It was like hairspray in my mouth. Dan just chuckled softly kissing my cheeks a few times. "Your face is cold, stop." I laughed wiggling around.

"You should have chosen a different time then." My face was getting sticky from the face mask until he touched his forehead with mine.

"Great now we both have moisturised skin." I frowned at him but Dan couldn't stop smiling.

"Say it again. It makes me feel happy." I blushed biting my inner cheek.

"I love you." I quickly spoke shutting my eyes tightly.

"And I love you." Everything inside twisted. My heart thumped faster and I knew Dan could tell, heck I bet he could hear my irregular heartbeat. A grin plastered itself on my face and I hugged him once again. "I want to stay here but I need to have my bath." He sighed.

"You do that while I order room service." Nodding, Dan let me go and went into the other room to finish his bath. Not a moment later did I hear the sound of a song by Muse, humming along I went through the menu. Although it was like 11 at night this place had room service 24-hours. Good for night owls. 
It was only 15 or 20 minutes later that Dan came out with me in one of his oversized hoodies and some hot chips in my mouth listening to my chemical romance song on his phone. Pausing it I frowned at him.

"Hey, I like that song." Getting off the bed I went to grab his phone even with the sleeves covering my hands. All Dan did was kiss me again. No charcoal mask now and not to mention his hair was still wet and he only had some sweat pants on with no shirt. After another moment I went to grab the phone. "Come on, you know I hate it when people stop songs in the middle of them." Whining he rolled his eyes.

"If I do can we go back to making out?" Nodding he quickly did want he was told then attacked my lips again shuffling us over to the bed.

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