||Night out||

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The car ride was quiet, the three of us (meaning dan, Phil and I) sat in the back seats of the car not talking. I continued to nervously bite my lip while looking out the window of the car. But I could hear a few whispers from Phil who was asking Dan if I was alright or not. Ignoring the conversation knowing both would shut up because I was fucking right next to them and could hear every bloody word.
I was in a mood. This outing is giving me a headache but I'm going for Dan so I need to calm down. I felt him touch my hand in a way to calm my nerves. It did although I could still feel the butterflies in my stomach the anxiety had calmed down.
The driver stopped the car and Phil opened his side of the car. One by one we got out and I was last. Originally I thought this was a smallish Advent but boy was I wrong.

People swarmed the place. people were taking photos of us walking towards the build.

"D-dan I thought you said this was a small Advent?" He looked down apologetically before wrapping an arm around me taking us inside.

"It's a birthday party for Tyler Oakley. I should have known this would go to the extreme knowing the number of people he knows." It was slightly less crowded in the building.

"I'm just surprised he was in London for his birthday anyway. Normally he would be home." Phil walked next to me while Dan held my hand. It was like a shield of the two. You probably couldn't see me because of my height.

Going from the main hall to a separate room where lots of people were either jumping around or by the snack bar area with drinks. Both Dan and Phil seemed to be looking around for some others they knew. Just before either of them moved the birthday boy himself came out from the crowd.

"Oh my God Dan, Phil you made it. So glad you came!" He was slightly shouting from the loud music. They both said the normal happy birthdays and thanks for inviting us stuff. "Oh shit, I didn't see you behind Dan." Tyler jumped slightly making me laugh. "Are you (y/n) from some of those photos I've seen of the three of you together?" He wasn't quite sure and I nodded. Tyler saw Dan and I's hands intertwined before gasping while holding on to his chest.

"Yes she is my girlfriend," Dan stated before the guy had a heart attack.

"Oh my God sweet heavens I'm not in the loop. How the fuck did I not know this or see this coming?" He started freaking out and rambling at the same time. "That's amazing I'm so happy for you. Girl if you need to text me if this boy gives you trouble I'll be on standby. I'm gonna get a drink." He walked off towards the bar and the three of us laughed.

"He seems like a great guy." I smiled still trying to figure out all that he said.

"Very social, just like we should be. We must remove ourselves from the doorway." Phil turned and pointed in a random direction making us follow behind him.

"Philly!" I almost bumped into Phil from him suddenly stopping. Dan moved to see the person behind the voice.

"Loise how are you?" The three of them exchanged hugs.

"I'm fine, Dan where is the girl I've been meaning to meet?" Pulling me into the conversation I was face to face with Louise. "It's so good to meet you. Dan's talked to me about you." I looked back at Dan who laughed awkwardly. "I mean he asked questions about relationships and stuff. From a girl's perspective, you know." Nodding another guy placed a hand on her shoulder. 

"Oh, Elfie you scared me." She jumped dropping some of her drink to the floor.

"Zoey wanted to talk to you."

"And what are you the royal messager?" I giggled getting his attention.

"Why Isn't it the lady of the hour. You're Dan girlfriend right?" I didn't even know what to say taking a shaky breath I spoke up.

"Yes, but what do you mean by the lady of the hour?" He pointed across the room to the bar where Tyler was talking up a storm. That I assume was about me.

"He's been non-stop talking about how he didn't know Dan has a girlfriend for the last ten minutes." Dan seemed nowhere near as surprised as me. Looking up at him Dan shrugged. "You seem very shocked about that. I'm guessing you don't know much about his personality?" I nodded stepping out of the way if a person walking past.

"I don't really know anyone in this room actually." He laughed a little stepping away.

"Nice to meet you (y/n). I'll be checking back with you later." Louise said taking herself and Elfie with her. The music got louder. Making it harder to hear people right next to me.

"I'm gonna get us some drinks. What do you guys want?" Phil shouted at the two of us.

"A water," I yelled to him and I couldn't hear what Dan said. When Phil went out into the crowd Tyler came over to us with a few others. Dan was greeting them but all the attention soon came to me.

"So how long have you guys been dating?"

"About five months." Tyler looked between the two of us wiggling his eyebrows.

"Your drinks have arrived." Phil jumped into the conversation handing me a bottle of water and Dan some water also. Is he not drinking?

"Why the water. Come on it's time to spoil yourselves! It's a party!" Tyler took Dan's drink while laughing taking him away most likely to get a different drink.

"What just happened?" Phil asked as we both watched the two of them disappear.

"Tyler took Dan away." I sighed making Phil laugh.

"Way to state the obvious." Taking the bottle and unscrewing the lid I took a few sips.

"Oh shut up Phil." I lightly nudged his shoulder with my elbow before drinking some more.

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