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Of course of all times to start become sick it's at the end of a holiday. Coughing while covering my mouth with a tissue. A flight attendant asked if I was alright and I just nodded.

"At least you're sick now and can sleep in your own bed." Phil tapped my back and I nodded grabbing a blanket. Dan returned with some medication for me.

"Here, an old woman had some medication on her." Taking the two tablets my body lent back on the seat sighing out.

"Thank you." Tapping my hand on his for a moment before curling into a ball leaning my head on the small pillow provided Dan and Phil fell silence as we all did our own things on the travel home to London.

"(Y/N)!" Eden, of course, knew I was showing up today. She even stayed up later than normal to greet her sick roommate.
"Oh god, you look like the human embodiment of Rudolph." Glaring at her Ed laughed hugging me tightly only for me to cough.

"I'm just gonna sleep now Ed, talk tomorrow...." Turning to Dan who was holding my suitcase he gave me a weak smile.

"Phil and I are going to be editing the film so I won't see you until dinner time tomorrow." Nodding I took the bag and he kissed my cheek. Shuffling over to my room and Flopping into bed Ed said goodnight to me disappearing into her own room. I hadn't been here my so long, it's good to be back to my nice warm bed.

"What are you doing (y/n)!" Ed shouted holding a glass and some medication for me to take. Only to find me at my desk working on a client's request.

"What, I've been lacking in my work due to travelling I'm trying to finish this website." I was able to save the progress before she forcefully turned off the computer.

"You're sick, sick people need rest." With a hand on her hip, she practically shoved the pill into my mouth followed by some water.

"If you hadn't noticed it's 2 in the afternoon. I've been sleeping all day." Shaking her head Ed pulled my desk chair until I flopped to the bed.

"What's Dan gonna say when I tell him you were working instead of sleeping?" Shrugging my shoulders Ed pinched the bridge between her eyes. "I'm acting like a mother again aren't I." I burst into a form of laughter nodding my head and not a moment later did she join in. Then we started talking, catching up and me giving her the gifts from around the world. Ed mentioned multiple times how lucky I am to have such a boyfriend but I already knew that.

"Now big question of the day, how's the sex life?" Almost bursting out the water in my mouth she grinned at me.
"You can't shut me off now I'm here and I'll stand in front of the door until I get some details. You're an official woman now how was it?" Coughing for a moment wondering how having sex makes me more of a woman than before and sighed.

"It was painful at first and you know how you said it hurt your stomach the next day? Well, you were not wrong." She giggled clapping her hands.

"When did you do it?"

"At a hotel after we both told on another that we loved each other." She looked like a mother on her daughter's wedding day smiling like an idiot.

"Cliche but cute! I love it and you love Dan!" Rolling my eyes I lent back to my pillow feeling tired again. "It's 3:39   you should sleep while Drake makes some pasta. I'll call you out for dinner." Nodding I drifted off until I heard some shouting.

"I can't believe you banged her so hard she was in pain the next day! You're more manly than I thought." Fuck Ed's being rude again. Dan must be here to see me. Rolling over to let out a yawn my door opened. Dan had a slight blush on his face.

"Hey Howell, sorry for Ed she's kinda nosy today." He smiled seeing me awake.

"Feeling any better? You didn't return any of my texts?" My eyes went wide apologizing multiple time saying I was asleep he just chuckled. "You seem a lot better than yesterday." Agreeing I sat up more.

"Lots better and even more so that I can see you." It was strange spending a whole day without Dan, unlike the past few months.

"I feel the same." We kissed shortly before Ed came stomping down the hallway.

"Time for the pasta!" Her horrible Italian accent range in our ears making my eyes roll. Removing the covers and putting on a random hoodie the three of us walked out.

"You're an ok cook Drake," I said eating away at the pasta he made. "At least I know someone was able to cook for Ed while I wasn't around." Ed almost choked on her food to retaliate back.

"I can cook! Just not as amazing as you." Smirking I went on with eating.

"How was all the travelling, which country was the best?" Drake started a new conversation with Dan and Phil slightly ignoring the comment I made. 

"How can I pick one place!" I snorted at Phil taking another bite of the pasta.

"Was there any attractive men on the roads?" Ed was looking at me. Raising an eyebrow I rolled my eyes.

"Ed your soon to be husband is right next to you and no I wasn't paying attention to that. I was eating food." Mumbling the last bit I saw Drake poke Eden's side making her giggle. "Don't you even think about that. I'm still sick and need sleep." Drake removed his hands raising them in the air before we all laughed.

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