||His parents||

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It was way past 12 and Dan and I were still lying in bed. falling in and out of sleep I was snuggled into Dan's chest.

"Are you awake?" I sighed nodding a little but other than that not moving. " My parents texted me, they want to meet you." Tilting my head up to see Dans face he had a groggy smile.

"Who wouldn't want to meet me, I'm spectacular." He chuckled kissing my forehead. "When are we heading off?" Dan rolled over making me on top of him to check his phone.

"We can catch a train tomorrow. I'll book it later today." He set his phone down wrapping his arms around me. "But for now...." I giggled as his fingers slipped under the hoodie I was wearing as our lips connected. Letting out a long sigh as the hood was taken off me and my chest went against his. "You are so beautiful." Dan murmured against my lips as our tongues tangled together. A loud knock was at the door and we parted. "Yeah?" Dan said while threading the loose hairs from my face behind my ear.

"I told Eden that (Y/N) was still here and she wants to see her." turning my head to the clock my eyes went wide.

"Crap its almost 3, they're gonna be leaving soon." pulling the covers away from me I hobbled over to my stuff. Dan tossed the hoodie and I scrabbled everything into my arms. "I'll be back in two hours tops." running down the stairs and towards the door that I opened with my foot.

"I'm here!" I shouted running to put my things down on the couch.

"YAY!" Ed shouted when seeing me and gave me a bear hug. "You made it and I have to tell you something." Separating Ed grinned at me. "It feels different when you're married." I pushed her away from me.

"Ew, I didn't need to know that and don't you dare go into detail." Her smile went into a trance as she went into detail.

"Babe, our lovemaking is meant to be private." Drake came down the stairs with some bags.

"Not to my best friend, I share everything with her." I gave Drake a neutral facial expression before nodding.

"A little too much information in my mind. I never would have guessed you liked being dominated and getting pinched right..." Ed covered my mouth with her hand smiling.

"Ok let's get going," I smirked putting a hand to my hip. She ran over to the door.

"Do you now if she goes telling anyone else that kind of stuff?" I shrugged.

"Don't think use, I'm just the lucky one." He chuckled tapping my shoulder.

"See you in two weeks." Saluting him Ed kissed my cheek goodbye leaving a red mark to my cheek. Rolling my eyes she blew me a kiss before the door shut. Right.


"I can't believe we made it to the train on time." I collapsed onto the seat as the train was just starting to leave.

"It's only because you set the alarm for 10 pm instead of am." I frowned shaking my head.

"I woke up on time, you just didn't want to get out of bed." I shoved him making dan laugh. The trip took about an hour and a half. Dan mentioned his mum would already have lunch ready and waiting when arriving. He seemed so excited until he stopped almost looking as if he'd seen a ghost. "Dan are you alrigh....." He bent down to kiss me, jumping slightly we stayed there for a good minute or so. "What was that for?" Asking this he looked back around.

"I thought I saw someone I used to know no human interaction for me." I laughed against Dan's face patting his back.

"Oh sweety, let's get going before your old piano teacher shows up." His eyes went wide and he grabbed my hand.

"I wouldn't be surprised that the old witch is alive." Chuckling we court an uber to his parent's house. it was a cute little place, it reminded me if where I used to live. The Uber driver stopped the car and we got out our luggage. I watched as the door opened and a dog came running out. "Colin hey boy." The dog sprinted towards us before being at my feet.

"Haha, you're rejected." I mocked petting the dog. "He's so cute. I want one!" Whining the dog licked my hand.

"Dan you made it." A women walking up to Dan gave him a hug. "And you must be (Y/N), I've heard a lot about you." I smiled as we shook hands while I tried getting the dog off of me.

"Things have just been crazy this year I guess." She smiled nodding her head.

"Why don't we go inside now, it's alittle bit chilly." we did so and I held the dog in my hands while rolling the small suitcase into the house. " I have Dan's old room all set up for tonight, you two can put your luggage down while I set up the table." Thanking her we walked down the hall to a door.
When opening it seemed quite empty, just the standard stuff.

"My mum recently redid the room for guests, all that old crap is gone." I pouted setting my stuff down next to the bed.

"But I wanted to see your cringy past."Dan held a straight face.

"No." Snorting I stood next to him for a hug.

"You know you love me." Dan rolling his eyes before smiling.

"I can't say no to that face." Holding one another for a moment before heading out for lunch Dan's mum was just sitting down with some pasta salad and toasties.

"I've got the baby photos, ready and waiting." She winked at me and I smirked looking at Dan's face.

"Oh, I'm down for that." 

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