||The day before||

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It was the middle of the day and I was still lying in bed enjoying the warmth of doing nothing but this wasn't long lasted for Ed came bursting in my room.

"You lazy ass get out of bed and live your life." I groan rolling over.

"I can live my life perfectly fine just here." She took my pillow and hit me with it.

"I'll call your boyfriend over and he'll get you up!" She threatened.

"Yeah like that would work I dought he's even opened his curtains let alone stepped out of his bed." Glaring at me she stood back up on her own two feet.

"It's a Saturday we're going outside to look around and you need something to wear for tommow night." I rolled over again groaning.

"Don't remind me. That's a situation for disaster." She rolled her eyes at me.

"We're leaving in half an hour."


"I don't see why you're so against this night out with Dan's friends," Ed spoke to me as we were walking around the open space.

"It's not the fact I'm meeting new people I'll be with Dan.  it's the fact that a lot of people will be drinking that scares me."

I haven't told Ed everything thing that happened back then. But I know she was told by someone or rather about the event. When saying this she turned bitting her lip.

"I could come and make sure nothing happens if you want?" Shaking my head.

"It's fine Ed I can handle people around me drinking I'm just worried about the peir pressor." Over the years after the accident, I've developed a phobia of drinking alcohol. dipsophobia. Not to extreme
I can watch other people drink and be around alcohol I just don't drink.

"What are you going to say this time?"  I shrugged and Ed sighed. "You sure are a piece of work sometimes." Glaring at her I noticed a cafe' behind us.

"I'm getting a hot chocolate if you need me." Putting my hands into my pockets I walk away from her to the cafe across the street. Ed ran up beside me and neither of us talked for a solid 20 minutes so I could calm down.

I shuffled into Dan and Phils apartment. One of them left the door unlocked, my guess is Phil. Quitely moving around I placed my shoes down and tiptoed over to the living room. Pecking inside Dan was on the couch and no sign of Phil. Smirking I prepared myself to jump on to him.... 1....2....3. I yelled out jumping onto the couch and Dan just turned his head.

"What you didn't jump." I pouted and Dan laughed at me.

"I'm just dead on the inside." He smiled at the end warmly at me. Rolling my eyes I continued to pout looking at what he was doing. "And Phil's made it his goal to film me today with his 'sneak attacks' so I'm ready for anything." We both turned when Phil jumped into the room screaming like I did. "Like that." I giggled at Phil.

"Why didn't you guys jump?" The camera was in the middle of his face as he awaited the answer.

"We're both dead inside." I grinned turning to Dan and he smiled at me before the camera.
"Yay." He did jazz hands and we both laughed again.

Phil turned off the camera and frowned.

"You will not defeat me." Dramatic much. Going back to what I was doing before I looked at the video he was finishing up.

"What's this one about?" I asked but freaked when seeing a photo of me. " Why am I on the screen! I hate that photo of me." Dan looked offended.

"That's my favourite photo of you. How dare you insult it." I slapped his shoulder but he almost didn't react but for a small chuckle. It went quiet for a while and he soon answered my first question. "It's about us dating." I just hummed in response continuing to watch the video being stopped and paused although I couldn't hear anything Dan still look stiff.
Nothing happened for half an hour and I was drifting off to sleep on his shoulder.
"(Y/N)?" It was a small whisper to see if I was awake. I groaned not wanting to open my eyes. "I finished editing, did you want to watch it before I post it?" I shook my head.

"Whatever you had to say is fine with me. I trust you." I murmured yawning. I felt Dan kiss my forehead and he posted the video.

It was the morning and I had spent the night at Dan and Phils because I was too tired to go across the hall to my own place. Letting out a yawn I sat up needing the bathroom and ignoring the groan from Dan as I stood up from the bed. My feet were cold going against the tiles waking me up slightly but I wobbled onto the toilet seat and did my business. Washing my hands I yet again let out a yawn and opened the door to see Dan standing there. I lent my head on his chest yawning again.

"I'm so tired." Another yawn came again and Dan let one out too.

"Same." We stood there are a while longer. "Are you ready for tonight?" Letting out a sigh I stood straight again.

"As I'll ever be." Dan laughed a little.

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