||The past Part 2||

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It was dark and cold. My mind fogged to the point looking at something was impossible. The sound of beeping consumed me. I didn't want to move everything ached but the smell was the worst part. Old sheets, mints and a mixture of chemicals whiffed into my nostrils. Slowly my eyes opened, a white ceiling and small light were the first things I saw. This followed by my family quietly sitting around. My groan surprised them as I sat up slightly.

"Sweety calm down you're not in good shape right now." Dad sighed softly moving towards me and pressed a buzzer on the bed for a nurse to come by.

"What happened?" My hand went to my forehead trying to understand why I was here.

"What the fuck do you think happened?" Mum whisper shouted at me.

"Jessica," Dad warned her to stop but she came closer to me.

"You got a good amount of shit going on in that head of yours you fuck wit." I looked down at my hands seeing some small crapes and bandages. "You went into a fucking car with some drunk friends of yours and almost died. You're a slut you know that, getting in that car wanting to get fucked no dought and look what happened two people died." I could see the cigarette in her hand.

"JESSICA. Go wait outside." Mum rolled her eyes leaving the room. Was it really true? Did someone die? Mum always gets overdramatic about situations like this. She was even worse at the funeral when Sam started to cry. Calling her a pussy before crying herself.

"Did that happen? Did they die?" Tears we're treating to spill. The door opened showing a nurse and two policemen.


|The facts.|

Last night on the 16th of January John laker, Grace Weller, Tod daily and (y/n) (l/n) got into a Honda Civic Si at approximately 2:10 am from nightclub X and crashed into a street light at approximately 2:20 due to an over usage of alcohol and other drugs. This left both grace Weller a passenger and Tod daily the driver dressed from fatal blows to the head and vital organs. while John laker in critical condition and (y/n) (l/n) with a broken arm and other minor injuries.

It shocked me, I didn't know what to think. All I knew was that it was going to haunt me for the rest of my life.

[Present day]

Dan was waiting for me outside the apartment with Phil while I was getting changed. Apparently, Phil loved the idea of going outside the day after he got back from his parent's house. Sam and her husband were coming back in two days to have a talk with me and Dan. I'm sure she's going to try and weave what happened a few years ago into the visit. Sighing I got my phone and went to the door.

"Took you long enough." I frowned at Dan comment not saying anything and turned back to the door so I could lock it. "Aw what no comeback, what's with you today. Annoyed that we're going outside?" He was laughing to himself.

"Nothing I was just thinking about something that happened a while ago." My fists clenched and I looked down at the floor. "I'm just not in a good mood today." His laughing stopped and Phil nudged him.

"We don't have to go out if you're not feeling well. We could watch a movie?" I shook my head at Phil smiling at him while whipping away a tear.

"No I'm fine really, let's go out. Besides Dan never told me where we were going so I'm excited." They looked at one another before shrugging it off and lead me towards our destination.

The three of us were on the train and I was just playing a game on my phone when I heard Phil start talking.

"And here's the wild (y/n) playing a cheeky game of...." I saw the camera in his hand and turned off my phone. The camera tilted so you could see my face.

"Phil personal space. No camera needs to be zoomed in on my beautiful face, you can still see it from far away." Raising a hand between the camera and me I pushed it away and he turned it off. He was laughing to himself. "So you're filming our trip today?" Dan went out from his daydream and looked at my questioned face.

"Yeah it, was Phil's idea since we're going something exciting for once." I laughed a little and the train stopped.

"First bubble tea."  Phil nearly shouted and I hit his arm lightly because some people were starting to stare. But he just pulled both Dan and I out of the station towards to bubble tea shop.

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